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The main ideas from this information are: - The ending scene with Roy and Deckard is important because it shows that Roy, as a replicant, is the most human character in the movie. - The question of whether replicants are human is answered by this scene. - The visuals and audio in the movie are well done and fitting for the futuristic theme. - The clothing style in the movie, particularly Deckard's long coat, is iconic and timeless. - The movie can be considered both cyberpunk and neo-noir, with elements of advanced technology and detective work. - The question of whether to retire or leave replicants alive is raised, with the possibility of an uprising or revolution by the replicants. of still iffy yeah I agree very iffy indeed continuing if the memories and the moments decide whether someone is human or not human let's talk about the ending scene with Rob and Roy with Roy batty alright the ending scene with Roy and our Dutch King who wants to say something about this I do his famous lines Roy's famous last lines were something with it's time to die what was it memories lost in time like tears in rain time to die yes so yeah so that's like the most famous line of the whole movie I think this scene is very important also because it proves that Roy as a replicant himself turns out to be the most human creature in the whole movie and that is also kind of an answer to the main question are replicants human well yes they are because in those in that scene when Roy kind of tries to kill deck but then saves his life that's the most human scene there is in the movie I think in the chase scene I don't think Roy ever has the intention to kill back I think he wants back to see that he is a perfect version of him and that he does have more emotion than a human he does have more feelings than deck does about everything that's happening because he does break his fingers out of revenge he has revenge in his mind and in the end where he says memories lost in time he understands memories and time and crying and rain and he's a robot mm-hmm it's just trying to make deck see he is a person I think that's also why deck then does fall in love with Rachel yeah what's your take on this Diego I would say I would largely agree with what I said about the fact that it is the most humane part we see throughout the movie after all like that chasing and killing replicants and asking all the questions and he shows you a piece of his humanity the things he has seen with those eyes the thing he has been gone through which you don't think about just a replicant you don't know you don't think what they have gone through so I think it's a perfect end to a movie because it leaves you thinking what should we do what are should they continue retiring these replicants or should they leave them be oh that's a good question actually what do you guys think should they retire the replicants or should they should they just leave them be no because I think because of the fact that they could even make those replicants even if they would kill all of those replicants now they would maybe even in the future still seem to exist again you know it's kind of like AI like do we want to have it I don't know yes or no it doesn't really matter because it's already there even if we try to stop it it most definitely will reappear the AI analogy is good because once they're made they're made they're there and you know all the vendors the people that supply the parts they're all like kind of shady black market characters so if they wanted to keep making these replicants they just will you know Sebastian has the cave with the little robots and the toys so he just he knows how to make them if anyone wants to make them he goes to Sebastian yeah he just gets all the parts so if they're made they're made it's too late and with AI you know at this point there I guess kind of coding themselves and I think this is the same if a replicant is made to make replicants you know you just have replicants and nobody would know I think it's Marshall if you take this kind of idea if should replicants live should they exist because I well they are already created I think if you can make connection to modern life as we see for example if you look at union workers they will go on strike and I think it's the idea that maybe you'll see a bunch of replicants go on strike and say and advocate for human rights for example you can take that into consideration as well make a possible uprising or some sort I think the strike yeah I think they if if there's enough of them eventually and they're all made to just work and they're this smart that they have emotions they will understand that they're being mistreated and they'll see themselves looking like acting like and speaking and thinking like humans and just wonder why so I think once that question is posed you're on trail for either revolution or you need to kill all of these replicants that you've made and put into existence and given a brain all right thank you guys so much is there any any last word so what's your guys take on not just the visuals but also the audio they used in the movie I personally think the synthesizers work so well with the visuals they chose for the movie and I think especially I think the end credits I think especially that one that was the best I think I really liked that one I'm glad you brought up the visuals I was gonna say something but the audio the sound design first was great I think it's very practically made and they just put like cracking sounds over the guy's skull in the end I think that was cool sound design and the music is fantastic I think this is one of the best most fitting like futuristic soundtracks for a movie of this type I think it's very futuristic and it's very simple while still being grand it's like one or two synths being layered and that's the entire soundtrack I think it's very good I think the score to use for a movie is amazing it truly fits the movie and it truly immerses you in the movie so you feel part of it so I would give props to the sound designers and the engineers they did a amazing job I think they do a great job of dramatic sizing every emotion that happens in the movie it's also the whole point of having music in a movie and I think it portrays it really well I'll just go back to the visuals because I think for a movie made in the 80s this is like after the first few Star Wars movies which Harrison Ford is also in but it's all practical it's all made in camera so the opening shot I think it's like 55 exposures of film that they just layered on top of each other to make the lights and buildings and the fire it's very impressive and it looks great I think this movie has aged very well it's very well shot it's very well lit it's very dark but still bright and you know the rain makes everything reflective it makes it look more real but they're all practical in this movie you know the blood is all it's a sprays and the guy against on the head I think that was a one of the best visual effects shots in this movie you just see his head half disappear I think the visuals are maybe one of the best aged things because they are so cliche 80s that they still hold up now because they are so it is a dramatized stylized view of the future so I think making it all kind of extreme is pretty well done yeah they were like ahead of its time yeah I think you see the visuals I think the clothing design especially I think they have such this this punk attire and I think punks were considered an outcast I think especially in the early 2000s or something I maybe even still now and I think the way they portrayed that the clothing style in the movie and out has this punk theme I think it's also very nice addition to the movie yeah I like Beck his long coat and one of my favorite outfits in the movie or it's obvious outfit it's kind of it's the ladies that Beck breaks into her dressing room and she runs out and he shoots her yeah but her raincoat is transparent and I think that was just it was awesome yeah some random yeah but it's a very cool outfit let's do a fit check which fit check did you guys like best so so we heard Zora naked Roy and Nick at road we're bad like in his underwear I think I would just go with Deckard simply I think it's just the way he's just fit seemingly he just fits so well into that environment and I think it's this whole detective type thing he has going on I think with the long coat I think it's just it fits him very well I think it just looks iconic for us for such a movie yeah the detective look yeah I think it's very old timeless it's so timeless like 20s but yeah but it's in exactly it's so timeless but it's worked so well yeah I make it work so well in an era where you were caught up on clothing style and everything so futuristic I think it's it's very iconic and it just works so well yeah yeah I just like the whole 1980s clothing style like not one specific character but just the whole general style which was also a trademark of the genre that it covers which was cyberpunk I want to say my favorite fit check was Rachel's because she was a queen and I loved her makeup she was just a baddie you know and I also like the moment when she was she found out that her memories weren't her own and she just like looked in the mirror and she like let her hair loose and everything I don't know I thought that was very like womanhood you know going back I did this is like a part of the memory question that we had but she says she plays piano and she says I remember lessons so no I thought that was very interesting it was like if it was one sentence but I think that sentence it's like the biggest question in the movie I think it does bring answers and more questions to that question of if they're human her letting her hair loose I think was also very symbolic amen to that all right moving on Soraya give us a question please yes so do we think Blade Runner is more cyberpunk or neo-narcos these but two genres are very similar but they do have some differences regarding what the clothing style the for example cyberpunk is more about advanced technology which we see in Blade Runner yeah what do we have to say about this I think the cyberpunk aesthetic does pop out most but I think in the inner war the detective parts also they make enough of an appearance to make it clear that tech is a detective and he's doing his detectivey job and it's like very old-school but still in this aesthetic of futuristic all is like everything is marketing a neon lit so it's in the genre of neo-noir we have a femme fatale and an om fatale right yeah do you guys believe that not only Deckard was an om fatale but who do you think was the the femme fatale do you guys think that Rachel was a femme fatale or no yeah it must have been Rachel I wouldn't think it was what's her name Chris in some kind of way maybe because she was like destined to die and she did seduce JF yeah she did yeah that's a good thing so it might be her even I don't think both are present I think that is Rachel's om fatale and that makes doesn't make what Rachel is decks femme fatale because they leave together they are together there are each other's freedom I guess because he does expose her being a replicant and she makes him question if he's a replicant yeah I think so too I think that could definitely is the om fatale it opened up a whole new world for her or not it just made her question herself or have questions she didn't have before I think it's not just average because I think it's very meaningful questions she then asks herself yeah it's for both so everyone who believes that this movie is more of a cyberpunk genre say I and everyone who believes that this movie is more of a neo-noir genre say I I wouldn't I wouldn't singly categorize it as a neo-noir I would say it of course it has aspects of both because a neo-noir is also you have a detective it's dark and shadowy there is some new neon lights so it has a lot of characteristics from a neo-noir I'm not saying there's not a cyberpunk but I would say like because I've had this question asked a lot I would say it's both they share both and it's okay being both of them you had to choose Diego what would you choose what I call a friend no I would choose neo-noir do you guys have any more prompts questions I have one favorite shots from the movie I'll start with mine it was the opening shot just because I have seen how it's made and it's just bizarre it's like all the little lights they're individually pricked out of a blackboard that they then expose it's cool love that what about you Diego in the movie yeah I think the first shot is definitely one of them but I would go for the interview scene right after that it's very intense you see the stress levels Leon has with the questions and yeah I would definitely give it either to the first scene or the second scene it's also very neo-noir yeah what about I would say the whole scene of Roy chasing I forgot his name again just mostly the scene that I talked about the ending scene with Roy's famous last line I think it really plays a really important role in the movie I think my favorite part was or shot I won't call it shall proceed just part was when they were when they go was was zooming into a picture continuously over and over again I think what he was zooming into I think it was perfect I really like he's zoomed in the mirror which he then he fanned away and see the reflection in the mirror it's just insane I think I really like that one I also have one more question for you my favorite movie I mean my favorite shot of the movie was it was also the the beginning scene but I'm gonna choose a different one I'm gonna say um weirdly like the Asian lady like that they portray everywhere oh yeah I don't know why they do that yeah it's like so I don't know it's like giving like in New York I guess so maybe like New York is not different in 19 right portraying Asian ladies on the billboard I have one more one more problem on shots what's your least favorite shot if you have mine was the dove in slow-mo I thought you could have kept the dogs flying oh wait I also have one the one where we hear his skull cracks because I skipped that part I would say my least favorite is the shot where Chris is in there like the trash cans they're not like I like the symbolism or like what I understand why it's there but it looks very amateurish to me it looks like a model shoot you know yeah it's just kind of it was very nice she had a blanket and everything so yeah I really disliked the house of Sebastian J.F. Sebastian it made me feel so uneasy and like the weird puppet animal human replicant he do be a freaky man I'm not trying to see all of that you know what I mean like I was eating and I was like weird if you don't like uneasy things you could have said the one where Leon puts the eyes from the tank on the maker's head I didn't really mind that actually I thought I don't know I was like oh you know he's just being a good old Leon that's why he dies yeah what about you Chris's acrobatic fighting so I think it was I didn't fit I just whenever I thought I would just have I would just laugh it was just I didn't see the connection between her and acrobat but it does like these super cool they're like a perfect perfect they're like perfect versions of replicants so it does make sense that they're physically capable of more shit but I didn't see the connection I do agree it's kind of silly but I didn't like it maybe they just like hired the actress and then she was like you know I could yeah okay we could use that just do a flip oh I had one more question so do we think no do we consider this movie to be an epic I mean let's give Soraya a round of applause. Thank you for your input. You're still a queen. I think if you want to have a better insight about the whole replicant story or just have more answers to your question is Deckard a human or not I would highly recommend to watch this sequel. I think it's very good. I'm going to say you'll see Deckard again. And then you'll get some answers. What?! Spoilers! I have one addition it's not to do with the movie but if you want to see like a real-life version of are they is it human or sentient look in the brain organoids a little balls of brain meat that they grow in labs and they grow eyes and they put them in rats and mouses mice I think brain organoids organoids organoids and they're made from stem cells like your spine and they're grown and they're little brains and they think and they see I think if I see the brain organoids I'm going to be paranoid and that brings us to our sponsors and thank you brain organoids for sponsoring this podcast. Use code organoids or your next eye. Were many brains grown from stem cells developed light sensitive? That's a brain. This is a human brain. Do they serve it with a side of fries or a I thought it was a shrimp. Like a shrimp's face. You can cover them in breading they're great. All right um I enjoyed talking with all of you thank you guys so much. I hated it. If you guys would like to say your goodbyes please one for one two for two. You start. No I have to finish. I want to say goodbye to my mom. Thank you for listening. Thank you all so much for listening and with all we mean one person. Thank you David. Love you David. Wait can I say bye one more time because I just yelled it. Yeah of course you can. Okay bye. And with that we wrap it. That was amazing. That was actually kind of fun.

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