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Ep. 3 Decisions Decisions Decisions (FINAL)




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Josh Allen, defensive end for the Jacksonville Jaguars, signed a $150 million deal. The pass pressure market is becoming expensive. Teams are focused on preparing for the draft and finalizing their picks. The Arizona Cardinals, Jacksonville Jaguars, and Baltimore Ravens have different needs in the draft. The Ravens may need to trade up for an offensive tackle. Teams are prioritizing quarterbacks and receivers in this draft. The Cowboys may be preparing for the future by selecting a quarterback. Sitting under a veteran quarterback can improve a rookie's performance. Teams may make trades based on emerging needs. Multiple trade-ups and trade-downs are expected in the draft. bag alert bag alert bag alert bag alert folks Josh Allen got the bag we're gonna talk about the draft some of a few a few teams that have a definitely caught my eye and talk about the results of those mock drafts we're also going to talk about whose playoff window is open closed or shut and more on the football junkies podcast I'm your host Mikel let's go alright folks so if you don't know defensive end slash outside linebacker pass pressure for the Jacksonville Jaguars Josh Allen just got the Binks truck folks a five-year 150 million dollar deal with 88 of that guaranteed now this pays the way for them to just focus on trying to re-sign Trevor Lawrence it was a great sign definitely very much needed for the Jaguars because it had he left the Jaguars who is to say that that defense what would still be as productive as it has been within the last few years however we do have to talk about how the pass pressure market as a whole is starting to get out of hand and the reason why I say that is because you we are now hitting the threshold where players are now making you know 25 30 35 I wouldn't even be surprised close to maybe 40 in you know within the near future and so although yes you know teams do value pass rushers it's hard to decipher if you know if a pass rusher is sort of a generational talent and has consistently shown you know growth and has consistently been you know one of the you know the top pass rushers in the league or you know it was just one great year and you know they basically capitalize off of it so you definitely have to sort of those those type of things out when when we definitely talk about these these bag alerts as I call them now granted he is if I'm not mistaken he is top five highest paid so he's you know he's bumping elbows with Chris Jones he's bumping elbows with Myles Gary and TJ Watt and even Brian Burns even Nick Bosa so congratulations to Josh Allen and him getting the bag now we've gotten over the the bag alert let's talk about what's going on in the league now you're probably wondering you know why there isn't a whole lot of noise why you know there's still some free agents that are still out there haven't gone this is the time where teams are you know they're finalizing going to pro days they're finalizing going to private players who who got injured sort of the later part of the season and who are now just now getting medically clear to participate in football as well as people developing their big board and their draft board so when you you know in this phase a lot of times teams are not going to be focused on you know free agent signings unless it's something you know out of a dire need then you know okay cool but most of the times it's you know preparing most likely preparing for the draft or you know they could be in contract negotiations with certain players it's it's quiet yes but at the same time there is still things going on behind closed doors now when we you know the draft is only a few days it's only days away it's not even weeks away I think it's only I think it's less than less than two weeks away if I'm not mistaken so everybody's you know trying to finalize and figure out you know what what do they want to do with their pick and and whatnot and who who is there you know who was their first pick that they want to choose from and whatnot so it's a lot of activity a lot of motion going on within the league right now but I decided I wanted to test the waters once again since I am one of the best GM's who is not on a team right now I decided to choose three different teams now with these three different teams I decided to choose them based off of their position within the draft so I chose so I wanted to choose a team that's high in the draft in the middle of the draft and then at the bottom part of draft okay so the teams that we so the teams that chose were the Arizona Cardinals Jacksonville Jaguars and the Baltimore Ravens now disclaimer right now to the fan bases all three of these teams I did not do this out of spite I did not do this out of malice I did not do this because I did not like any of your teams no I just did this I just choose I just chose y'all simply because I wanted to see how things would will plan out and they actually planned out pretty good I'm actually surprised except for Ravens fans but who cares about that right nobody does Pittsburgh Steelers all the way moving on moving on so when we break things down you know based off of these three teams we have to look at their needs so for the Cardinals the Cardinals needs are wide receiver edge corner running back interior offensive line Ravens it's interior offensive line offensive tackle edge receiver safety and then for the Jaguars it's edge corner defensive tackle offensive tackle an interior offensive line now based off of just saying that we could definitely sort of go deeper before before I go and tell you about the the results of the mock drafts based off of the the team needs I can make a strong case that two of these teams will probably be able to you know address one or two one or two of those positions high while the other is gonna have to trade up who's the team is gonna have to trade up it's the Ravens and the reason why I say that is because although yes this is a a big offensive tackle class the problem with the offensive tackle class is once it goes past J.C. Latham, Tyleese Fuadza, Choi Fatonu, Marius Mims and whatnot there is a definite drop in sort of productivity in players okay I mean you still have a Marius Mims you still have your Patrick Paul you still have your Tyler Guyton's and whatnot but the problem with those type of players is they're still raw and it's going to take them some time it's going to take them at least maybe a season or two for them to actually get comfortable into you know and to become starters whereas when you have a J.C. Latham, a Tyleese Fuadza, a Choi Fatonu you can plug them in day one they they can start week one immediately no problem so but but at the same time you know they're there in my prediction and I'm not I'm not a genie I don't know the future and whatnot I truly believe a lot of the teams you know high up are going to trade down and the reason why I say that is because teams now are going to be focused on quarterbacks quarterbacks and receivers those are the two biggest classes right now that everybody is talking about everybody is obsessed with and so what what you have is there are going to be some teams who need a quarterback really bad that are that are you know in the lower part of the draft they're gonna want to trade up case in point the Vikings for instance yes the Vikings do have two first-round picks but I wouldn't be surprised if the Vikings are going to trade up even higher to really get their quarterback case in point the Cowboys the Cowboys need a quarterback and the reason and again full disclaimer cowboy fans don't hate me I'm just calling it for for what it is the way I see it Cowboys are basically in a direction where they have to prepare for the future and the reason why I say that is because I don't think Jerry Jones is is gonna be willing to pay that Prescott almost 60 million dollars a year and we and they haven't gone you know to an NFC championship let alone the Super Bowl I don't think they're going to do that personally and then as when and when you look at it this is probably the best quarterback class if you're going to have you know in a while and the reason why I say that is because you don't know how things are going to pan out next year you don't even though yes you have Shadour Sanders and you have Quinn you words and you have Jalen Milrow and whatnot why do that when you when there is a quarterback that you know you could definitely have them sit under deck and learn under deck for you know for a season and actually understand things rather than you know to basically just get somebody and then just push them in a fire and say okay figure it out that's the problem when you look at a lot of quarterbacks nowadays especially quarterbacks are getting drafted higher coming into the league a lot of times you know they're being put into the fire and they're not having opportunity to just sit I guarantee you if a lot of these quarterbacks just sat under a veteran quarterback for a season maybe even two seasons you would see a difference in production compared to just throwing them into the fire case in point the Packers for instance right when the Packers drafted Jordan Love everybody was losing their mind oh my god why would you draft Jordan Love Aaron Rodgers is coming off with you know winning another MVP and whatnot but the reason why they did that is because so they can have him sit under Aaron Rodgers for a while and learn under him even if Aaron isn't you know physically like showing him like hey this is what you do in this situation hey this is what you do in that situation hey this is what you do with this or that wherever the case may be just him being on the field on the bench and absorbing what he's seen you know play after play game after game that goes a long way compared to just saying okay yeah forget about Aaron Rodgers Jordan Love you start week one no no and so that is the situation that you have now you have you know other teams who for instance I don't know the Saints for instance who right now they're pressing me as I said before in the previous episode is offensive lineman their star right tackle Ryan Ramchick he might have to medically retire because of his knee and so when you have situations like that emerge that can literally shift an entire draft board simply because now you have a position where you may value okay we'll address it you know in the second or third round now you're gonna have to address that in the first round especially with a position that you are in the draft and so I say all that to say this I would not be surprised if we see multiple trade ups and trade downs either the night of the draft or before the draft I wouldn't be surprised because there are a lot of teams that are not being talked about that have definitely you know saw a few prospects that that hate that they probably realize that they're gonna have to trade up to get whether that be offensive lineman whether that be a corner or the B receiver quarterback whatever the case may be there is a lot of talent a lot of talent and some of this talent it's gonna require you to trade up it is now to some extent it all depends you may have to trade up one or two spots you may have to trade up ten spots it all depends where you are and that is the beauty of the draft now now that we've done past that let's talk about the mock draft results so with the Cardinals Cardinals mock draft we'll do them first so with their first pick I decided to trade down and the reason why I decided to trade down was instead of me taking that fourth pick I would I would just trade I decided to trade down which then allowed me to acquire more picks which you know you always want more picks and so with the 12th pick I decided to draft Roma doomsday the next pick I decided to draft Johnny Newton defensive tackle Illinois with the next pick I decided to draft Darius Robinson edge from Mizzou the next next pick I decided to draft Renardo green after that Dominic Paul and then the final pig I drafted Brandon Weiss and and here is the sweet spot folks I have the Jets second round pick Cincinnati's third round pick and Cleveland's third round pick and Kansas City third round pick that's great and the reason why I say that is because you could use those picks for for a future trade for for a player or you could use those picks to get back into the first round if you want to see it's it's those it's these types of situations where you sort of have to you sort of have to be experimental and the reason why I say that is because it's it wasn't it wasn't that big of a drop going from 4 to 12 it's not that big it's just not now if I was going from the fourth pick of the draft to the 22nd pick of the draft then it's like okay that's that's a lot that that's that that is a big big move that means that you are confident that the player that you have that you want is going to be available when it gets to the 22nd pick just you know briefly go over these players Johnny Newton one of the best defensive tackles in this upcoming draft class he he found a sweat Byron Murphy and Mason Smith are sort of the creme de la creme for defensive tackles I know not a lot of people are talking about Mason Smith as much but they definitely should simply because his athleticism is very scary very scary in a good way let me let me they put that out there because when they say scary some people like oh it could be a bad thing no it's a good thing trust me it's a good thing the best way I can put it and Steelers fans you know we know Stephon Tewitt Stephon Tewitt is a lot of people's comp for Mason Smith if you don't know who Stephon Tewitt is go on YouTube look at look up Stephon Tewitt he's probably sacked your quarterback in the past that's all I'm going to say now moving on moving on to the Ravens I decided to just keep things traditional with them and so with their 30th pick I decided to draft Darius Robinson edge from Missouri with their second pick I decided to draft Ricky Pearsall my receiver from Florida and with their third pick I decided to draft to Dorian Taylor Demerson now this is what I will say Ricky Pearsall is a sleeper of a pick and the reason why I say that is because his skill set is very good very good he has great footwork great hands can create separation he's a great slot option I wouldn't be surprised if a team tries to have him play on the outside as well I do know there has been a recent video of him emerging with him practicing with both Jalen Waddle and Tyreek Hill so if he's practicing with the both of them who you know by all means a lot of people say that they are the best receivers and probably the best route runners in the league then you know that's something that's something you gotta look out for but moving on to the Jaguars this is my favorite one even though I'm not a Jaguars fan not Pittsburgh Stevens all day um with their 17th pick I decided to draft JC Latham tackle from Alabama I decided to trade down from their but their second round pick and draft Renardo Green their third pick I drafted Brandon Rice receiver from USC their fourth pick Mason Smith just went over him you can just scroll back a few probably about maybe a few minutes or so and you know you can listen to my account for him Brandon Coleman guard from TCU and then their final pick Luke McCaffrey now not a lot of people are talking about Luke McCaffrey which they should be simply because he is a very versatile chess piece and the reason why I say that is because he can sort of do the same things that his brother can do from lining up in the slot to you know he could probably double as a running back he can basically do it all Luke Luke McCaffrey on the right team in the right situation he can probably be just as effective as Christian McCaffrey and I know you know oh you can't really say that because there's you know two different players and two different skill sets no no the McCaffrey's if you if you've ever looked at their father and then Christian McCaffrey and now Luke McCaffrey all of them have shown versatility that is like the number one thing that they have is versatility and it's it's it is amazing to see it but now let's get to the part where not a lot of people I want to listen to but I'm gonna like it simply because I love talking about other people's teams now we're gonna do a new segment and we'll probably do it probably during the season as well open door closing doors shut okay so open door closing door shut door is basically the three categories in which your team your team where I think your team would will be would fall in trying to compete for a championship now for the open doors for the players I mean for the teams who you know they still have a chance to to win a Super Bowl within the next two two to five years I would probably say it is you know the usual Ravens Chiefs Niners Eagles Rams and Lions and the reason why I put the Lions there is because they're their team is still relatively young and so yes they do have you know players that they're gonna have to pay soon but their window is still very much open very much open when you look at it when you look at the division the only team that they will probably have to worry about is Green Bay and possibly possibly the Vikings if if the Vikings draft a quarterback if they get you know either JJ McCarthy or Michael Pennix or whoa whatever quarterback if they can if they can do it if they can do it then you know they can be a problem as well but for right now the Lions are the top dog in that division right now their roster is just so it's amazing right now they're in a such a beautiful place right now they have the receiver core they have the running backs they have the tight ends they have the quarterback even on the defense the defense they even upgraded certain pieces on the defense so they're in a very great place they really are now when we get to the Rams the reason why I put the Rams in there even though yes they did lose Aaron Donald you know to to retirement that team is still dangerous and the reason why I say they're still dangerous is because they still have Sean McVeigh they still have Matt Stafford they still have Cooper Cup they still have puking the cooler teams and I will not teams but there were a lot of people that were riding off the ramps last season everyone was thinking you know post post Super Bowl they're not gonna go anywhere they're not gonna do anything they're just gonna fly they're just you know gonna go gonna be forgotten and whatnot no they were in it they were in it to the end they could have easily really made you know a deep push within the playoffs and they probably will this year they are a team who consistently shows that they don't need you know all of their picks to be successful they don't they have shown that you know we can go a few years without a first-round pick and still draft very high you know caliber players and they've done it case in point puking the cooler I mean they drafted puka well well what else there to talk about now as we get to the other three teams it's gonna get a little bit trickier now with the Niners the problem with with the Niners is yes their door is open but to a certain extent and the reason why I say that is because now they're starting to hit a point where they're losing players beat for because of cap reasons right you're they literally had to release Eric Armstead and pretty soon you know if they don't win this this year they're probably have to release more players they have a lot of big contracts on their books they got Nick Bosa's contract grave digger aka Javon Hargrave if you don't know Deebo Samuel you have Trent Williams you have Christopher Caffey's contract you got George Kills contracts you have a lot that you got Fred Warner's contract you got a lot of big contracts on your books and you know that can only get you so much I only get you you know to to a certain point okay you have to win you have to win in order to justify all the moves that they made to build this team to where it is you have to because if they don't win a Super Bowl within the next two two to five years people are gonna fall people are gonna put them in the same category as the Bills and we all know we all know what happened with the Bills if you don't know there's a documentary on Hulu and ESPN plus that you can watch and it will explain everything for you for you sorry bills I'm so sorry but um but with the Ravens the Ravens are in a very unique position only because they don't have a whole lot of holes to really patch up on their on their team but at the same time they would like to sort of win a Super Bowl now rather than you know try to retool and you know go through sort of a very soft rebuild and whatnot and even then I could probably make a case that you know they could probably address a lot of their needs in this draft and then post draft they could the Ravens have showed time and time again now before I finish my statement I am NOT a Ravens fan I will never be a Ravens fan but this is probably the only compliment that I will give for the Ravens they have hit on their draft picks draft picks that you know people wouldn't expect they have hit they have they've done a very good job in drafting and you know addressing other needs in free agency you know post-draft they've done a very good job at it so kudos to them now moving on from the Ravens cuz I want to keep this isn't the Ravens show this is football's junkies now when we get to closing teams that you know their their Super Bowl chances are closing it's the Cowboys Dolphins Bills Bengals and Browns now you're probably wondering Cowboys we're always gonna make it to the Super Bowl it's always our year no it's not no it's not it has not been your year since 95 okay it hasn't you guys keep on saying every single year it's our year no it's not it's please stop please go get some help the reason why their their door is closing at this point is simply because they have to they have too many too many players who you know are gonna be asking for big money and on top of that their coaches is in the hot seat I don't care what anyone says Mike McCarthy mark my words on this day at 150 at 153 on a Friday mark my words Mike McCarthy is in the hot seat he has to show up and if he doesn't Jerry is gonna fire him before Thanksgiving he is simply because the team has not really done anything they've been stagnant and with the talent that they have on on both sides of the ball you would think oh man these guys could potentially make it to the NFC championship they don't they fold they fold every single year when the lights get bright they say nope turn off those lights that's what they do and so when you have situations where you know there are reports coming out that potentially CD lamb might sit out when you have conflicting reports about Michael Parsons when you have reports about that Prescott you know basically they're saying that they're not going to you know open up contract talks with him that can that that can muddy things up that can and you know not to mention the defense alone the defense has a lot of holes and so they're in a position where their draft picks have to hit each of their draft picks have to hit if those draft picks do not hit they are not going to go anywhere they're just not and you would think they would you know be able to to be super competitive with with the division that division that they have no not really they still fold every single year they still fold but moving on to the Dolphins yes the Dolphins reason why I say the Dolphins door is closing it's simply because they they did not prepare for the long term they just prepare for the moment and this this will probably be a bigger discussion you know with with guests and whatnot the problem with you know acquiring a bunch of players in a very small period of time is that when when it when it comes to those large cap hits they're going to hit you back to back to back to back to back and so when that happens it's going to put you in a position where you know you're going to have to make some tough decisions somebody's going to have to go someone's gonna have to get the axe and so what you saw this offseason even though the offseason still isn't over with they had to let go of Xavier Howard they had to let go of Jerome Baker and they've had to sort of restructure a few people's contracts and so what you're seeing is a team who basically they have to win they're in a win now situation and if they don't win now that's it that's it they're gonna have to start you know on off offloading people's contracts and possibly releasing certain players they just have to do that not to mention they're in active contract talks right now with Tula so it's you know there's they have this one plate and they can only fit so much on this one plate and whatever they can't fit on that one plate well then hey oh well not to mention a lot of their draft picks lately really have been hitting so it'll be one thing if you know if they lose if they lose a high-end player but they drafted a player to be their replacement and they're still in and in the player that they drafted is playing high then it's like okay cool we're fine but if you but if your draft picks have not been hitting like how they haven't been hitting for them that's not good and then not to mention coming down the pipeline Jalen Phillips is good is gonna want to get paid Javon Holland's gonna want to get paid and Jalen Waddle is gonna want to get paid and out of those three Jalen Waddle's probably gonna get paid and that's not gonna be you know no chump change that's gonna be some big boy money that's gonna be another bag alert but moving on the Bills Bangles and Browns now with those three teams the problem with with those three teams is with the Bills and Bangles what their problem is their defenses have aged they've aged so much and that the way in the return rate that for for draft picks it hasn't even really been that good okay not to mention if if we can be real here they've lost a lot they've lost a lot on both sides of of the ball the Bangles alone they've lost half of the half of the defensive plays that they acquired in free agency and you know their draft picks really haven't been hitting like that either and on top of that they still don't have offensive line and on top of that Joe Burrow I mean even though yes by some he is considered an elite quarterback he just hasn't been available he has it and that is that is the number one thing that you need in order to win a championship you need your quarterback to be available and he hasn't been available lately a lot of that can be attested to you know the Bangles decision not to draft you know offensive linemen high compared to drafting you know players that he probably played with but I mean you know that that's that's another story for another day now with the Bills on the other hand the Bills lost Stephon Diggs and so now you're you know the the question is how how is this build offense going to move what's gonna be the difference maker who's gonna who's gonna be the person that's gonna step up and we'll be like okay I'm gonna be the head honcho who's gonna be that person because that person needs to be identified now because if it's not it's gonna be rocky for them it is the AFC is only going to get better and better and more difficult it is it's not a cakewalk it's not like the NFC no it's gonna get worse it is it's gonna get worse for a lot of teams but moving on with the Browns it's tough for them it's tough them only because they have to win now to justify the Deshaun Watson trade and the reason why is because Deshaun Watson is the only player to have a fully guaranteed contract I want to say that again a fully guaranteed contract that means you if you cut him if you trade him do whatever you want he's still gonna get that money all of that money and so they're in a position where they have to win they're in a win-now situation they have to they they just have so many you know they have so many great players on that team that you will think by now okay they can you know they might be able to do something nope I know not at all when you have a top five offensive line when you have a top five running back when you have one of the best route running receivers you traded for Jerry Judy you got David Njoku that's just on the offense then on the defense you got Myles Garrett on one side you got Zedaria Smith on the other side you got that crazy secondary you have it so what is not clicking what is not clicking Cleveland flick the switch if this is the switch that flick it you gotta flick it um now do I think any of these teams could possibly you know make it to the Super Bowl in the next two to five years I would probably say possibly maybe the Bills either the Bills or the Bengals but that only depends on how they do in the draft and how they do you know if they make any crazy trades or anything like that now for the teams whose window is shut I'm talking about it is closed but the locks on it don't even look at it it is the Chargers unfortunately it is the Pittsburgh Steelers it is the Saints Buccaneers and Jets now you're probably wondering well the Jets have their own laundry doesn't matter doesn't matter their window is shut at this point simply because for one they have too many holes that they have not addressed properly in free agency and on top of that I will not be surprised if they are a team that tries to trade down or try to do something stupid instead of addressing very important needs for this team you have an offensive coordinator who is basically buddy-buddy with the quarterback and you have a coach who right now is in a very very very hot hot hot I'm talking about the hottest of the hot seat right now and he has to show something and if he doesn't he's gonna get fired before Thanksgiving he is if any if you if you guys don't know anything about that Jets owner that Jets owner is impulsive he is very impulsive and he will make a move you know when nobody would least expect it if you don't believe me look at the past now when we look at the Chargers the Chargers situation is a little bit difficult only because they have a new head coach and so this sort of tarnished this we have to it's sort of a wait-and-see type of situation only to know if you know if they're going to move forward or are they going to continue to regress that's all I'll say about that now what's the Pittsburgh Steelers yes that's right Pittsburgh Steelers they are in a weird situation as well simply because yes they have quarterbacks on the team but they don't have a long-term answer for quarterback you don't you have a lot of holes on the team and on top of that you have a lot of people that are getting there looking for back so you have all these different type of things on top of you need your picks to hit I can make a case right now and I'm not saying this you know out of biasness you know because I'm a Steelers fan but I'm just being completely transparent completely honest here the Steelers draft picks this year they have to hit like how they hit last draft they have to that's the position that they're in right now and that they don't hit especially those first three picks it's it's a very tricky situation not to mention when you have the owner who has basically sort of you know put put the fire under Mike Tomlin and basically saying hey listen I'm tired of losing I'm tired of not being in the playoffs we need to win we need to win some playoff games when you have that in you know and other factors as well that can that that can definitely you know muddy things up honestly and then with the Saints the Saints and Buccaneers they're in a very they're in a they're in a weird situation as well only because one team isn't prepared for the future case in point the Saints they're just not prepared they they thought Derek Carr would be the answer but he's not being the answer and so what you're seeing is a lot of those players it's it's it's just not clicking it's not and the reason why I say that is because they have an older roster and so those players a lot of those players they're not gonna want to pay cuts and restructures and whatnot every single year at some point somebody's gonna say hey listen I've been doing this for like the past five or six years and it hasn't gotten us anywhere so I'm not taking a pay cut and they'll probably get released you got players like Michael Thomas who ever since he got his deal what is he done nothing nothing nothing nothing not a zilch nothing I mean the only bright spot is what Alvin Kamara and Chris Alave that's probably the only bright spot and even then you can probably trade Alvin Kamara and probably get some good compensation for it um I know I definitely did see a few articles swirling around that Marshawn Lattimore will be available for trade this offseason for the right price so I mean they they just they they have to start from the bottom they they they're trying to avoid the inevitable but everybody has to go through a rebuild everybody even the Pittsburgh Steelers Buccaneers they have an older roster as well they still have a lot of players who are from that Super Bowl team and this will probably be their you know their their last year before they you know hanging up in and whatnot so the problem the problem with with the teams who are in the closing and shut and even in the open it is is that things could change instantly things could change so quickly if they hit on their draft picks if they you know make a crazy trade or whatever the case may be things can change now am I saying am I saying there are some teams that are in a better position than others yes of course but to say that you know a team like the Bills or the Dolphins or the Saints or the Steelers are in a position where you know they're going down both they can do what they can do it no it's it's going to be difficult for them it they would have to have the perfect offseason I'm talking about draft picks hit they sign the free agents that you know that nobody will least expect they would have to have almost a borderline perfect season and just everything everything would just have to be almost sort of a Cinderella esque type of season that's the only way this works but I'm gonna end this when in this right now because I'm gonna do is just gonna continue to jumble if you like what you are listening please leave a five-star review on whatever platform that you guys are listening on follow us on Instagram at football underscore junkies pod that's right football underscore junkies pod also leave a comment leave a comment under there you know just if you have a favorite team let me know I'll do a mock draft for them I'll talk about them throw me some ideas I'll talk about it I'll debate with you guys until then folks some more stuff so I can continue to give you guys a fix that you guys need and until then I love you guys peace

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