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A man received a handwritten note from an ATM where a trapped tech guy was seeking help. Coca-Cola created its famous bottle design through a competition won by Root Glass Company. Elon Musk's tweets about cryptocurrencies like Dogecoin and Bitcoin have had significant effects on their prices. The first ever Bitcoin transaction was used to buy two pizzas for 10,000 Bitcoin. Snoring in a meeting is seen as a sign of diligence and working oneself to exhaustion. Toblerone faced backlash when they changed their chocolate bar shape, but it ultimately gained them fame. Coca-Cola's ad of Santa Claus drinking their soda during Christmas angered many people. Facebook was involved in a data scandal where politicians used stolen data to influence the 2016 presidential election. Volkswagen faced backlash for cheating on emission tests by manipulating software in their diesel cars. KFC changed its name to KFC to appeal to health-conscious customers. Pepsi gained popularity through a taste test chal What would you do if you went to an ATM and instead of receiving cash, you receive a handwritten note? Well, that's exactly what happened to this man. He got a handwritten note from the ATM saying, please help. And it turned out that some tech guy was trapped in there for hours. He got a handwritten note from the ATM saying, please help. And it turned out that some tech guy was trapped in there for hours. Do you know how the famous Coca-Cola bottle design was created? Do you know how the famous Coca-Cola bottle design was created? In 1915, Coca-Cola was looking for a way to differentiate its products from its competitors. So they launched a competition to design a new bottle. The winner of the competition was Root Glass Company, which proposed a unique contour-shaped bottle inspired by the cacao bean. And Coca-Cola still uses this design to date. And the winner was Root Glass Company. And the winner was Root Glass Company. They proposed a unique contour-shaped bottle, which was inspired by the cacao bean. And guess what, Coca-Cola still uses that design today. Three reasons why Elon Musk is goaded on crypto Twitter. In April 2022, Elon Musk tweeted, Dogecoin might be my favorite cryptocurrency, and the price surged by 500%. In 2021, after announcing that Tesla would no longer accept Bitcoin as a payment method, it fell from 55 to 31k. And in January 2022, when Elon Musk changed his bio to, I am a Bitcoin supporter, the value again increased by 20%. That's what they call the Elon effect. Can you guess what the first ever Bitcoin real world transaction was used to buy? A private jet? A mansion? Nope. The first ever Bitcoin transaction was used to buy two pizzas. And for how much? A whopping 10,000 Bitcoin. Yep, that would be worth hundreds of millions of dollars today. Imagine you're in the middle of an important meeting and someone starts snoring. Turns out that this is a very normal thing to do, since it's an act of diligence. If you doze off at work, it means that you're working yourself to exhaustion. Are you thinking of moving to Japan yet? Who said chocolate can make people happy? In 2016, Toberona changed the shape of their chocolate bar to reduce the size, but not the price of what they were selling. And people went bonkers. They even started a petition against the new chocolate shape. But guess what, Toberona couldn't care less, and a couple of years later, they were famous for this new design. Coca-Cola tried to mess with Christmas, and it didn't go so well. Coca-Cola tried to mess with Christmas, and it went very bad. Coca-Cola released an ad of Santa Claus drinking Coca-Cola instead of the traditional milk, and people hated it. They felt like it's an insult to Christmas and Santa Claus as a whole. But guess what, that's exactly what Coca-Cola wanted. To get people's attention at the busiest time of the year. In 2018, authorities found something fishy on Facebook, and it was a bunch of politicians that caused it. These bad guys stole the data of 85 million people on Facebook and used it to influence the 2016 presidential election. And people found out, they got really mad. And guess what they did? They deleted the good old Facebook. Volkswagen messed up big time. In 2015, a lot of people were really angry with the German car manufacturer, including the government. Why? Because they screwed over their own customers. Volkswagen put software in their diesel cars that made the car perform better during emission tests, while in real life, the car released toxic gas fumes. Volkswagen put software in their diesel engines to make sure that the car performed better during tests, while in real life, it was still exhausting, while in real life, it was still releasing toxic fumes. No one knows about this clever trick that KFC pulled back in the days. In the 80s, people started looking for healthier food options, and KFC was losing customers because the only thing they offered was fried chicken. And their name, Kentucky Fried Chicken, didn't help either. You know what they did? They changed their name from the long Kentucky Fried Chicken to KFC, which sounded like a lifestyle brand. And it worked. Young Pepsi got some nerves. Young Pepsi had some real nerves. So back in the day, Coca-Cola was the king of all soft drinks, and nobody could give a damn about Pepsi. Pepsi got really tired of being overlooked, so they came up with the craziest ad stunt ever. They hosted a tasting contest between Coca-Cola and Pepsi. And guess what? People preferred the taste of Pepsi. And that's when the name Pepsi started ringing, and the ad went viral. And after that, the name of Pepsi started ringing a bell. Don't blame Uber, blame this. Ever wondered how Uber was created, and five months later, the traditional taxi industry was proclaimed dead and ancient history? Ever wondered how Uber was created, and five months later, the traditional taxi industry was dead? It's not luck, it's the certainty bias. The certainty bias means that people love being in control, and they hate surprises. So what Uber does is it gives you all the possible information that you could have about your trip. This gives the user the experience that they're in complete control of the experience. And who doesn't like being the boss? This is probably why Americans drink milk today. In 1993, milk sales were down bad. Why? Nobody knows. But this was making milk businesses suffer, and a company like California Milk Processor Board was like, nope, we're not going down on this one. So they started the campaign Got Milk?, featuring celebrities with a funny milk mustache. It blew up in a cultural phenomenon, and it resulted in people drinking a whole lot more milk. Ikea strategy is weird, but it works. Ikea is the largest furniture retailer in the world, yet their shops are nowhere near the city center. And guess what? It's all on purpose. Ikea strategy is to lure customers far out to their shops, so when they arrive there, they want to make the most out of their trip. This strategy is called the sunk cost fallacy. What does a Rolls Royce commercial look like? Take a guess. No idea? Well, because there is none. Rolls Royce don't have commercials. They just showcase their cars on private jets and yacht shows. Rolls Royce doesn't have commercials. They don't have any commercials. They only show their luxury cars on private jets and yachts. Who's ever been to one of these? Well, not me. They do this because, think about it, after looking at a 500 million dollar plane, a one million dollar car doesn't seem that much anymore. You just pick it up on impulse, and if you can't afford the yacht or the plane, you just pick up the car to feel better. See the mind game?

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