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Rev.Mary PalmerRev.Mary Palmer



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Reverend Mary discusses the importance of spiritual food and obedience to God's commands. She references the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, emphasizing their disobedience and the consequences of sin. She highlights the need to follow God's guidance and warns against worldly trends and disobedience. Reverend Mary also touches on the significance of the body as a temple and the importance of maintaining its purity. She shares a personal experience of participating in prayer marches and anointing water to combat despair and rebuke the enemy. She concludes by emphasizing the need to trust in God and seek his wisdom and instruction. Hello, folks. This is Reverend Mary coming to you once again. In the holy name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, from Along The Way Ministries, this ministry was given to me by our Heavenly Father August 14, 2006, as a disciple of Christ and bound in the spirit of love and obedience to the will of God. To go ye, therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. This scripture can be found in Matthew 28, verse 19. I am excited today to bring to you the word that God has given me to lay on your heart for today. It's about spiritual food, about the little things that count. Where do you think we would be if Adam and Eve stayed on the right path and continued to eat the spiritual food that God gave them permission to eat? Literally, they were given access to every tree in the Garden of Eden, with the exception of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Of course, you know they were disobedient. Genesis 2 teaches, it's verse 15. And the Lord God took the man and put him into the Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it, you know, just as a gardener would do today, to maintain, you know, the beauty, to keep the garden from being overtaken by weeds and parasites. Well, verse 16 says, And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of this garden thou may freely eat. Verse 17. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it. For in the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die. Well, this is the beginning of sin, as we know it. Temptation. The spirit of temptation, the spirit of disobedience. I say this because that is not what God had planned for mankind. His original gift was life. Life was him for us. It has always been life. Praise the Lord. Sin was born into life and sin and life are not compatible according to God. Where there is sin, there is death. And you know right there in chapter 3 of the book of Genesis, there'd be verse 22. God is talking with his angels, his elders, and sweet Jesus. You know, I do believe. And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us to know good and evil. And now unless he put forth his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat and live forever. In 23, in verse 23, God sends Adam and Eve out of the garden. They were cast out because of their disobedience. In the 24 verse, the garden is being guarded by cherry bells after they're thrown out at the east end and a flaming sword to God the tree of life. You know, you definitely can't touch that. Not without Jesus. Glory to God. Where would we be if they had eaten from the tree of life instead of listening to the voice of evil and being led into disobedience? Well, we would not have been put on the curse. We would not know darkness. The enemy's intention is to destroy mankind. That is evident. He did not say eat from the tree of life. Instead, he said, eat from that tree that God told you not to touch. But he said, we will surely die. Oh, no, you won't. Go ahead. Go ahead. Well, people, we are still falling for that lie. Right today, that same lie. That is the way the powers of darkness is still working today. I wanted to title this sermon. It's the little things that count. Anything that the Lord commands us not to do, it is overwhelming in the world today. It is a shame. It makes for greater meanings of temptation, bigger disappointments in God's eyes. You see, if we learn from the world, the word of God, the correct spiritual foods to consume, we please the Lord. Amen. When I read from that particular scripture in the book of Genesis about how God set Adam and Eve up in such splendor, beautiful surroundings, not only that, but they were free and innocent to the point that they were naked and did not know. They had no shame. It's because they were free, glory to God, from sin and had not crossed paths with the spirit of evil and had not given in to temptations. They were alive and well. If these things had not entered into the garden, into the hearts, into their hearts, if they hadn't been, if they had been obedient and eaten from the spiritual food that God gave them, praise the Lord, which as you know, was more than enough. It is always enough. We would be in paradise. We would already be with Jesus. Oh my goodness. It is very, very possible that we would be with Jesus right now without interruption, without experiencing darkness, without experiencing pain, glory to God, and suffering. Can you imagine paradise? Can you imagine life without evil? Well, only when I think about Jesus because I know what he has done for us. He is our recovery and I believe that he has paved the way for us to experience what God meant for us in the very beginning, from the beginning. Satan was evil from the beginning. Oh my goodness, but God has always been good. Hallelujah. Therefore, this really isn't about the prince of darkness and not ever, glory to God. God already has a plan for him and his flunkies for disrespecting him in any way. He was kicked out of heaven. God teaches us in the scripture that the lake of fire was not made for man, but for his enemies, being that there are those who want to serve Mammon. They can spend eternity with this evil entity. That is the way God sees it now. What did Adam and Eve do? Well, they defiled paradise. They corrupted paradise. We are the descendants of Adam and Eve, the first man, the first woman, human beings. After that disrespect, evil was born into the garden. So now, God wants to see who his people really are, whose hearts really rest in his heart. God is separating life from darkness again in a most special way, in a most profound way. Hallelujah. God wants his children with him forever. And anything else that does not abide in Christ does not belong to God. My children will love my son and honor him for what he has done for this lost evil world. I know my children by the fruit of their spirit. Thus saith the Lord. God is so very good. Even after the curse came, pain and suffering came, God still allowed that generation of people to live on the earth almost 1,000 years. In chapter 4 of Genesis, the scripture said that, and to Seth, to him also that was born a son, and he called his name Enos. Then began men to call upon the Lord, even Adam lived 930 years. That's something. That's impressive. He wasn't the loneliest living man. Wasn't Methuselah 969 years? Praise the Lord. I think I'm right. When I think about all the things that are presented in this message, it makes me realize that disobedience pays a high price and is negative in all aspects. We know that God is forgiving. He is merciful in all of his ways. He hates sin. He despises disobedience. Here's what he wants us to realize, particularly what everybody else is doing. The latest fads and followings, people who set worldly trends can cause a great deal. Please take heed to what I am about to say. For parents, elders, teachers, those in authority are always for the church, the light of the world. Proverbs chapter 1 verse 7, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Verse 8, my son, hear the instruction of thy father and forsake not the law of thy mother. Coming from Proverbs still. Verse 10, my son, if sinners entice thee, consent not thou. Consent thou not. Chapter 2 verse 5, trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not on thine own understanding. Verse 12, for whom the Lord loveth, he correcteth. Proverbs 22 verse 6, train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Chapter 13 verse 24, he that spurneth his rod hateth his son, but he that loveth him chastens him, he betimes. Now we know that the body is a temple. It is where the spirit of the Lord dwells. There are many ways to corrupt the flesh. God commands us not to do this. Chapter 19, Leviticus verse 20, ye shall not make any cutting in your flesh for the dead, nor print any markings upon you. I am the Lord. Romans 13 verse 13, let us walk honestly as in the day, not in ragging and drunkenness, not in shammering and wantonness, not in strife and envy. See back in the year 2020, people ran into the capital city in Washington, D.C. and wreaked havoc like wolves and predators. They created chaos. That is a no-no. God's people were singing songs of praise and worship anointing the land. Well actually, actually the people of God were having prayer marches and stopping in different areas around different towns praying. Here in Greensboro, we formed a prayer march, marched around Greensboro, and we went to these big underground parking lots where they have many decks and where people were going above on top on the high pod and they were jumping down, they were committing suicide, they were in despair, and they were giving up their lives. And when we started from the bottom, the men of God prayed over water, clean water, they prayed on it. And they anointed that water in the name of Jesus, made it holy in the name of Jesus. And as we walked, as we walked through town to different places, and when we got to the parking area, praise the Lord, they started spilling that water. They started spilling that water in the trail, praise the Lord, until we got to the top, glory hallelujah. And when we got to the top, when we got to the top, there were songs of praise being sung. Oh Father God, praise the Lord. And there were prayers being said. The enemy, the enemy was rebuked, the enemy was cast out, the enemy was commanded to go to hell in the name of Jesus. The enemy was rebuked in the name of Jesus. And the anointing was placed in their parking deck from the bottom to the top in the name of Jesus. Cast out all unclean, unholy, godly spirits, unholy spirits in the name of Jesus. Trusting in him. We were trusting in him. We were holy water and fellowshipping in the name of Jesus. Trusting in him, not thinking things the way we think that ought to be, but looking to God and seeking his forgiveness in the name of Jesus. Praise the Lord. The church has gone through a division in the past, but here and now we see the greatest of them all because people refuse to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth. The enemy is still beguiling and lying and mesmerizing folks and changing, and changing people into rebellious, into rebellious. I'm going to do it my way. Kind of creatures, God, becoming a kind of creatures is contrary. God is love, but contrary to this fact, the world, the lost world is saying, no, this is love. Men with men, women with women, parents allowing their little undeveloped children to turn into perverted ways of looking at themselves before they have any understanding of what is going on. But we are born with a sense of what is right and wrong, a form of godliness. We need to raise our children in the righteous word of God. Woe to those who pervert children, to pervert the minds and the hearts of children and teach them from God. It is better than a millstone which had around your neck and you were thrown into the sea. Word of God. It is he that hath made us and not we ourselves. All these things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made. Women being an example of what a little girl is to become. A God-fearing woman who loves her own body and loves herself inside out in the will of God. Love God more than anything. Men being an example for little boys that they be strong, God-fearing. Strong men, strong in their manhood as they grow into men, God-fearing men, being honored to be a man and a man of God the most high. Praise the Lord. People have perverted the ways of God. They have purged, cut, and allowed things to be put in their flesh because everybody's doing it. You know what? Here is the unadulterated truth. It is the little things that counts still. And yet, when you think about adultery, fornication, lies, stealing, murder, rape, conventuousness, selfish spirit, uncharitable arts, paid on time, hatred, racial prejudice, won't share a coat, won't share a meal, unforgiving, won't share a dollar, backstabbing, you would think other stuff is that don't count, that it just don't count. It will rob you of your salvation. It will keep you from becoming a child of God. See, stuff counts. It will keep you from becoming a child of God. You are most definitely created by God. All things are. But you got to go one minute to become a child of the living God. His name is Jesus. God desires this. Praise the Lord. Thank you, Jesus. But you, you out there in the lost world, you cannot achieve righteousness, holiness. Nobody can. Forgiveness, solution. Forgiveness, salvation. Become a part of the kingdom talking about while everybody else is doing it. If you mean everybody else who has not changed their ways, everybody else who has not humbled himself and come to realize that their way is not God's way, that the world is destructive and the power that be out there is doomed because of the evil that it bears. There's a hell bent on destroying you. The world that exists now will perish. It's going away from you. God is building a kingdom here on earth, hallelujah, that exists in his precious Son, Jesus. Drop everything that you're doing. Abandon your ways. Take a giant leap into the arms of Jesus. Oh, praise God. He is the key to life and life abundantly. There is nothing good in where you are now. You are just being pulled into darkness. You cannot see if you are spiritually blind, no more than physically, if you are not guided by the goodness, the wisdom and holiness of God. He sent Jesus on a perilous journey. He came down from heaven, gave his life for you, loved you because he loved you before you knew you were breathing. Excuse me. Made great plans for you and me. Yes, I went to my knees when I found out what he suffered for me. Took my sins with him, died that I might have life and live more abundantly. And he rose again to life because this gift of eternal life is a gift. He did this so that we could live with him forever, eternally. I cannot imagine anything good without Jesus. Praise God. Besides, I desire him more than anything or anybody. He is a healer, a savior, a good friend. He is better than a brother or sister, mother, father. He's more consistent. He is life. He is wisdom, understanding above all. He is love. Hallelujah. No matter what we face, we can put it behind us in Christ. Thank you, Jesus. No matter how bad the problem is, Jesus is the solution. Thank you, Jesus. Learn now to pray. Prayer will open doors that need to be opened and close behind you the ones that need not be opened. He's got your back. Thank you, Jesus. He is able to supply all you need. Matthew chapter 11, verse 20, 29, and 30. Come unto me, all ye that labor, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart. And ye shall find rest unto your souls, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Thank you, Jesus. I believe you, Lord. He will not leave you and guide you harshly. He won't pull that tug on your heart to destroy you. He won't put any more on you than you can bear. Thank you, Jesus. As a matter of fact, you come with Jesus, you will learn more about yourself, your capabilities, than you have ever dreamed of. He will keep you from evil by his mighty hand. When trouble comes, he will not abandon you. You have a true superhero in Jesus, praise the Lord. He will see you through, bring you out between working, carrying the burden of family, friends. It's exhausting. Be prayerful. Have faith. Be hopeful in all things. Give up the heavy load. Take it to God in prayer. Give it all to the only somebody who knows how to fix it. Jesus is his name. Don't worry. Do not be anxious for nothing. God will work it out. Stay empowered in the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah. As long as you walk with Jesus and believe in his name, it can change the course of a mighty river. There is power in the name of Jesus. Walk in faith. Call on the name of Jesus. Get out of his way. Watch his smoke. He should be all about God. I cannot imagine what else he could possibly do to show you that he loves you beyond measure and that ultimately is all about you. Seek him while he can still be found. Until next time, in Christ, always, your sister, Reverend Mary. God bless and keep you. God bless and keep you.

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