Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker shares personal stories of God's faithfulness and victories over the devil. They mention instances where prayers were answered and healing was received. They emphasize the importance of the anointing and how it defines and declares one's identity as a child of God. They explain that knowing one's identity as a son or daughter of God helps to unlock one's potential and capacity. The speaker uses the analogy of an eagle raised with chickens to illustrate the importance of knowing and embracing one's true identity. They encourage the audience to understand and operate in the fullness of their identity as children of God. I was talking to God yesterday, and I was just recounting how that God has been faithful. You know, last week alone, or last week at upper week, the devil tried us with the spirit of death, hallelujah, and the two times he tried, he received a sound kick. Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! The Lord beat him hands down, and he ran with his tail between his legs. Praise the Lord! Amen! The Bible says that he disappointed at the vice of the captives, so that their hands were not able to perform their enterprise. You see, and again, and again, oh what a wonderful God he served. Each of these matters, the Lord prepared them for them. Days before the trial that happened last Sunday, many of us didn't even know what happened, am I correct? On Sunday, some people at the back didn't know what happened. Hallelujah! They didn't know what happened, some people didn't know what happened, but the Lord gave us victory. Before then, the Holy Ghost had prepared and planned for Eve, and had instructed her to pray. Praise the Lord! And she had prayed, she had won the victory before the devil came. He came, he's always coming too late. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! And he had the testimony of his brother, the Lord had prepared her the Sunday before. And so when the enemy struck, I think on Wednesday, right? It was too late, and he had victory. Praise God! And also I was telling you about Pastor Van's issue also, the other brother will be discharged today. Praise God! Amen! That was someone that had blood issue in his brain, ruptured, and was given 48 hours to live or die. There was an urgent need for brain surgery. Hallelujah! It was to cost close to a hundred million. Praise the Lord! And God helped them and the cost was slashed down, and the funds came. I was talking to the man yesterday, he said money came in such a way that Van had to block his account. Amen! From everywhere. And to date, the man is going to be discharged today. According to yesterday, his ailment has been solved. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ! The devil had paid. The doctors that came from the US, from Saudi Arabia, they said your healing and recovery can only be supernatural. See, God loves us too much. Praise the Lord! Say Father thank you for your mighty hands, for the move of your Spirit. Just give Him praise, just give Him praise. We give you all the glory. We worship you, our Lord. You are worthy to be praised. We give you all. We give you all. We worship you, our Lord. You are worthy to be praised. We worship your name. We worship your name. We worship your name, Lord. We worship your name. We worship your name. We worship your name. We worship your name. We worship your name. We worship your name. We worship your name. We worship your name. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! You may be seated. Praise the Lord. Fresh oil. Amen. May they be seated in God's presence. Praise the Lord. Fresh oil. That's the thing for the moment. And we have substituted and explained that the oil is what? Is the anointing. Right? Amen. Your anointing with oil. The Bible says the anoint my head with oil and my cup runneth over. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ. So in the book of Acts of the Apostles chapter 10 and verse 38, the Bible says of our God anointed Jesus Christ of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and power. Who went about doing good? Healing all them that were oppressed of the devil because God was with him. So the oil actually symbolizes, the oil is the anointing. And the anointing, when men anoint with oil, is a symbol of what God anoints with. God anoints with what? The Holy Ghost and power. The Bible says he anoints with the Holy Ghost and power. And remember that whatever happens to Jesus, we are candidates for him. For the Bible says we are heads of God and joint heads with Jesus. So whatever is true of Jesus is true of us. For as he is, so are we in this world. Amen. So if God anointed Jesus Christ of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power, then you can be sure that you are a candidate for the Holy Ghost and power. For the anointing with the Holy Ghost and with power. Now the question is, why does God anoint? There are various reasons for the anointing of God and why God anoints. But I'm going to speak to two main and major reasons for the anointing. And I'm going to be dealing with one today and I'll deal with it next Sunday. Now today I'm going to be telling you first of all that there are two reasons why God anoints or two purposes. God anoints for the definition of your identity. The anointing is one, for the definition of your identity and number two, for the declaration of your identity. One is for what? The definition of your identity. And the second is what? The declaration of your identity. Hallelujah. Now let's start with the one. It's the Lord anoints for the definition of your identity. Now the definition of your identity engenders the manifestation of your propensity and capacity. What do I mean? Amen. There is something about the Son of God. The Bible makes us to understand that because you are a son, God has anointed you or has given you the spirit of sonship. Whereby we may try as a father. Hallelujah. Amen. When you become a son of God, the Bible says in the book of John chapter 1 from verse 1, I mean from verse 12, that God hath many hath received him. That is I received the Word of God. To them gave he the power to become the sons of God. Are we together now? We are born not of blood, nor of the wheat of the flesh, nor of the wheat of man, but of God. So, if you are a son of God, or if God gives you power to become a son of God, it should matter for something. Are we together now? It should count for something. The definition of your identity therefore is to help you to know what is contained in the concept of sonship. Because until you know what is contained or what is possible of the Son of God, you will not be able to work in the reality of what God has said concerning you. You see, by reason of being a son of God, some things are your inheritance. Can you turn with me to the book of 2 Corinthians? Hallelujah. Before we go to 2 Corinthians, because of our time, I will get to 2 Corinthians. Let me just paraphrase what I want to say, because I am looking at the time now. I have just about 15 minutes, and I have a flight to catch. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ. You see, when God gives you, when God calls to you, are we together? It's sonship. That sonship means something. I have a son today. Are we together? There are things that are his by reason of the fact that he is my son. Am I correct? For example, all the food in the house belongs to him, whether he knows or not. Isn't it? If, for example, I have a son who never knew he is my son, you know there will be a limit to what he can access. In fact, there are some questions he will never dare to ask. There are some places he will never dare to go. Are we together? And as long as he doesn't know, there are limitations that he cannot exceed. Is that correct? So that is why it is important that God defines to you your identity, so that you can experience or explore the capacity and the propensity of the Son of God. What do I mean by capacity and propensity? Propensity means what you can, how you can behave. The behavior of the Son of God. Hallelujah. The inclination of the Son of God. When you know it, you will behave like it. Are we together now? If you did not know, if a bird did not know that it has wings and it can fly, I was once told of an eagle, I don't know how true, that was raised with chickens. He thought he never could fly until the day he was told who he is. You know, I was told also that eagles deliberately make their nest with rock stones. You get that? So that, because their children may not want to dare to fly. And they take them to very high mountains or high peaks and make sure that after a while, when it is now time for them to fly, they deliberately let them fall off, throw them off the nest. You get that? So that after he is falling, by instinct, it is forcing him to flap his wings and to learn to use what is his own. If he didn't get it the first time, the mother will dive under him, pick it up and take it up again and continues until it can fly on its own. Even after flying, sometimes they just like the idea of mother brings food and they eat. So, after a while, when they begin to get weight, the thorns begin to prick them, they will be forced to leave the nest. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. So, what is the mother eagle trying to do? He is trying to tell his son or her son who he is. You are an eagle, not a dog. You flap and you fly high. The wing is supposed to be your friend, not your enemy. The thorn should make you happy, not afraid. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ. That is what the mother is telling the eagle. The height is your advantage, not your enemy. Are we together now? So that is what he is telling him. He is defining for him his identity because the definition of the identity determines your propensity and also your capacity. What you can do is a function of who you are until you know that it is within the scope of your office to be able to tell every policeman to stop operations, be it an IG or police. You get that now? You may not be able to operate in that realm. I remember there was one time we had a president and people said that he did not behave presidential. Hallelujah. They said he did not behave what? Presidential. But he himself said it is not as if I don't know the scope of my office. He said if I use 30% of the power given to me, I will be a tyrant. To you that you might declare of what or who you are. Hallelujah. That is what happens to Jesus and that is what will always happen to everyone of us. The Bible tells us in the book of Luke chapter 3 verse 22 that when Jesus Christ was baptized and he was coming out of the water, the Lord, the Bible says, the heaven opened and the Spirit of God descended in a bodily form like a dove and came upon Jesus. And the Bible says immediately that there was a voice from on high and it said what? Now. At my soul. In whom I weep. Hallelujah. You know in Matthew chapter 17, that same voice came again. Isn't it? But in Matthew chapter 17, I told you that the anointing is for the definition of the identity and the declaration of the identity. And I said the first one is the definition of the identity and that is what I am dealing with now. Are we together? So for Jesus, Luke chapter 3 verse 22 was the definition of his identity and the definition of your identity will be addressed to you. When the Lord was speaking to Jesus, he said now at my soul. Amen. But in Luke, or in Matthew 17, it was the declaration of his identity. This time he spoke to all creation. This soul. Amen. And I will tell you the implication of that. This is my soul. Hear him. It's the first one. He didn't ask, hear him. It was the second one that he added, hear him. Because he was declaring his identity. But the first one was what? Definition of what? Of identity. One of the first virtues we find as a Christian is the virtue of identity. The devil doesn't want you to know what are your abilities. He doesn't want you to know who you are. He doesn't want you to know what are your abilities. He wants you to be oblivious of your capacity and your propensity so that you can continue to work at a place even though you are a thorn. Hallelujah. But God has given you the anointing. The Bible makes us to understand in the book of 1 John chapter 2, verse 20, verse 27. It says that we have an anointing or an option from the Holy One and we know all things. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ. The anointing of the Holy Ghost in us teaches us all things and teaches us that it is the truth and it is no lie. We shall abide in him. It is important that you know who you are. That is the first purpose of the anointing. Amen. And that anointing comes as that spirit within. The definition of your identity is for the manifestation of your liberty. The definition of your identity is for the manifestation of your liberty. You see the Bible tells us in the book of 1 John chapter 5, verse 19. 1 John chapter 5, verse 19. It is a year of God's little children and the world lies in what? In wickedness. This world is under the yoke of corruption. Are we together now? This world is under the yoke of corruption. Why? Because Satan has been made to be the God of this world and so he has used corruption to hold the world in bondage. But ye have God's little children and have overcome them. For greater is he that is in you that he that is in the world. Now the only people that are free from the power of the corruption that is in this world is the son of God. That is why the Bible says in the book of 2 Peter chapter 1 and verse 3 to verse 4. 2 Peter chapter 1 and verse 3 to verse 4. He says that his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness according to the knowledge of him that hath called us unto glory and to victory. Whereby I give it unto all such great and precious commodities that by these be we to be partakers of the divine nature. Having escaped the corruption that is in the world, praise the Lord Jesus Christ, there is a corruption that is in this world and that corruption is to make everybody that is in the world to be under or subject to the bondage of the powers of this world. The powers of this world are called the elemental spirit, elemental force, elemental power. These powers are to keep man under the bondage, under the insubstantial, under the bondage of Satan. This sin was caused by sin. For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. And the Bible makes us understand in the book of Romans chapter 6 and verse 16. It says know ye not that to him whom ye yield your God is servant to obey, his servants ye are whom ye obey, whether of sin unto death or of obedience unto righteousness. So when people fall under corruption of sin, they become slaves of Satan. And this slavery is what God wants to free you from. And that is why he has made you, the Bible says, as many as live in him. So death gave you power to become the sons of God. And these sons of God are free from the yoke of slavery. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen. But that yoke of that freedom, you can only experience it when you know it. Hallelujah. You can only experience it when you know it. The book of John chapter 8 and verse 21 to 23. John chapter 8 verse 21 to 23. The Bible says, And Jesus Christ said to you with belief on him, he said that if you confuse in my word, then ye shall be my disciples indeed. Hallelujah. And then ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ. Verse 21 to 22. Hallelujah. And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. How do you know the truth? By the anointing. Amen. And this first dimension of the anointing is the Spirit. Remember the Holy Ghost is the anointing. It is the Spirit within. It is the Holy Ghost within. He comes into you and his main purpose is to teach you. Jesus Christ said, How be you? When he the Spirit of truth is called, he shall lead you into all truth. Hallelujah. How be you? When he the Spirit of truth is called, he shall lead you into all truth. Hallelujah. Why does he need to lead you into all truth? When you come to dance with the definition of your identity, you will be free from limitations. You will be free from the limitation of sickness. You will be free from the limitation of death. You will be free from the limitation of poverty. You will be free from the limitation of demonic oppression and oppression. You will be free from the powers of environmental spirits. You will be free from the powers of ancestral demons. You will not need to have them in your prayer point anymore. When you come to dance with who you are. Are you scared? You see, the devil does not care. If you stay 7 hours a day for the next 21 days, fasting and praying, fasting and binding, ascension and death, so far you don't know who you are. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ. As long as you don't know who you are, your shaking yourself, your shouting, may just affect some small, small, small demons. So those ones that are caught in ecstasy, they do not fall down, they do not get up, they are just affected. Then, the familiar spirits will come and start manipulating you. When you pray, sometimes they will show you some dreams. You will think that it is from God. The first God dreams are your prayer incarnated. When you are almost done with your prayer, you will notice that the things will flow to you very well. You will notice that if the prayer is not working, all the demons are very powerful. How could you notice that people who are very conscious of demons and don't know who they are, they increasingly become scared of demons. Have you noticed that? The more you pray, the more you fear demons, the more demons now seem very powerful, because you have prayed to yourself. Even the deliverance you got was by 9 days fasting and prayer from just one demon. And then he only went for about 1 year, the next year he came again. If that is how God wanted it, that I have to fast for 21 days to cast out all demons, then why am I a Christian? If you think about it now, some people are not fasting, they are not eating, they are still making this money now, ordinary for you to have your goods sold, ordinary to make 100,000 Naira in a month. You have prayed like this because you want this fasting and prayer to make 100,000 Naira. How many days do you have for you to enjoy this? Praise the Lord Jesus Christ. God doesn't expect life to be like this. No way, no way. Not many people have also interpreted what Jesus said, when he said, this time goeth not out, but by prayer and fasting. And so they said there are some demons they cannot kill, you cannot overcome them, except you fast and pray. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ. There are some demons we have not cast out, they went without prayer and fasting. Hallelujah. That is not what Jesus Christ said. Jesus Christ said, they asked Jesus, why is not we fasting now? Jesus did not say because you have not fasted, he said because of your words unto me. He did not say this time, that means this time of unto me, does not go without prayer and fasting. What you are doing with prayer and fasting to do is go home to your school so that the argument in your school will shut up so that your students can gain a degree. You don't fast to cast out demons. If you are fasting like that to cast out demons, then why did Jesus die? How will he say he has won a victory and we are still fighting like this? Is that victory? Some people think that they are deputy Jesus, that they are the one that should fight the many battles that Jesus Christ left behind. Uh uh. What do you think you are? You are not deputy Jesus. Your blood can do nothing. I think it is in your pride to make us think that we have some things to do. It is pride. Come down from your high horse and accept the fact that you do not belong to the world. Hallelujah. Amen. But he that know who he is, is a threat to the devil. Alone I am not just telling you theories, I am telling you what I have experienced. Amen. The day I told myself to pray this 9th day of fasting against Satan, of praying against Satan, Satan stopped. I was more deeply praying against demons than praying to God. I was praying 3 complete hours every night consecutively for more than a year. Praying every day. What am I doing? I am casting out demons. I come again, every demon in this environment, all the witchcraft, wherever they are gathered, whoever demons are gathered, who is listening to you? Holy Ghost, fire, poison, you have no work, that is why. Did you get that? So I was doing all of those things. In my room those days, my dad used to have a tennis store, so we still have those shells in my room. They were not kept in my room. Those tennis shells were just there. As you know, we are not rich those days, we are very poor. We are not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, I was not praying, It is better imagined than experienced. I was so dead that words did not come out of my mouth. I said, I was for Jesus, now they have come for me. Amen. Then I saw it happen. Nepal used to call it those days, a resort life. Lo and behold, they were attacked. Rats, whose eyes were shining in the night. I said, woe, this demon prayer, I think today is the end. If I could be so embarrassed. Praise God. I was ashamed of myself. I said, there must be more to pretend to be. Jesus could not have died for me. No, no, no, there must be more. And that I began to search. There I found that the liberty is in the knowledge of the truth. He shall know the truth and the truth, not just let you preach, but shall make you preach. Because Jesus said to preach on the day he died. You now need to know that you are preached. Your knowledge of who you are and what is consistent with your personality as a son of God is what makes you preach. Jesus has broken the gates of hell and torn the branch of iron and thunder. The prison door is open. That is why he said the Spirit of God is upon me because he has anointed me to announce, to proclaim, to preach deliverance to the poor. To tell them that the prison door has been opened. All you need to know by the anointing is to know the truth that the prison door has been opened. You've got to know this and walk out of that prison. Walk out of sin. Walk out of sickness. Walk out of limitation. Walk out of poverty. The siege is over. The doors are broken. The gates are broken. You are free. You need to know this thing. The knowledge of this thing makes you preach. Hallelujah. Not 90% of fast enough Catholics are fighting against people that are not fighting together. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ. Why is it that the Bible says in the book of Isaiah chapter 10 verse 27 that it shall come to pass that the yoke shall be taken from off your shoulder and the body from off your neck and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing. And in the book of 2 Corinthians chapter 3 verse 17 it says and the law in that spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. Why is there liberty? At the presence of the Spirit of the Lord. And remember that the anointing is the Holy Ghost. Are we together now? So the Bible did not say that the anointing shall break the yoke like it's always been said. Anointing break the yoke. No. Anointing is not going to break the yoke. The anointing is destroyed because, I mean the yoke is destroyed because of the anointing. That is to say the presence of the anointing dematerializes the yoke. Why is that so? Why? It is because that the presence of the Holy Ghost brings the knowledge of the truth. If you read that 2 Corinthians chapter 3 you start reading from verse 16. It says but when it, and I said it is there in the heart, when it is turned to the Lord then the veil shall be lifted. Hallelujah. The veil shall be lifted. The veil shall be lifted. The veil shall be lifted. 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