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Greg Alabi



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This is a Bible study episode titled "Crossing River Jordan Part 4." The speaker discusses the importance of understanding and wisdom in our lives. They emphasize the need to think things through and use logic when making decisions. They also talk about the city of Jericho and how it can symbolize the challenges we face when taking a step of faith. The speaker encourages not to be discouraged by closed doors and to involve Jesus in overcoming obstacles. They remind listeners that God has already approved their steps of faith and encourages them to move forward confidently. The next episode will discuss strategies. Hello, we welcome you to join this chariot for a five-minute Bible study. This seventh episode on A Step of Faith is titled Crossing River Jordan Part 4. My name is Greg Alabi and I'm inviting you to come let us study the Bible together. From the previous episode, we learned from the book of Joshua chapter 3 verse 16, the very last line of that verse, that when the Israelites crossed over River Jordan, they landed right against the city of Jericho. Now let's take a closer look at the city of Jericho where they got to, so we can learn some valuable lessons that we can apply to our day-to-day lives in life. If we fully understand what's going on, we will be at peace. We will not panic in anxiety. If we know the outcome, we will be rest assured it will go well. And when we know that we will be successful, we will be confident. But when we know the danger ahead, we will be able to decide if to avoid them or what to do about them. This was exactly why King Solomon advised us in the book of Proverbs chapter 4 verse 7, the amplified version puts it this way. The beginning of wisdom is get skillful and godly wisdom. It is preeminent and with all your acquiring, get understanding. Actively seek spiritual discernment, mature comprehension and logical interpretation. Dear friends, notice that verse of scripture did not just only enjoins us to seek spiritual discernment. It goes on to advise that we use mature comprehension and logical interpretation to get understanding and wisdom. Simply put, we should think things through. Think well. We should use our brains, use our heads and be logical, not using our faculties negatively to promote and expand our apprehension, our fears or reservations on why we will not take the step of faith, but to think it through and navigate. Find a way. Look for reasons why we must take that step of faith. Let's be reminded about the price and the reward and let that ginger house to step out using our spirit and our brains to advance our lives. Let's not use our brains and our mind as a manufacturing plant or assembly plant to produce fear and doubt. That's not good. Now, let's learn some valuable lessons about that city of Jericho, what it could symbolize in our journey as we take the step of faith. Please note that this is not a theological interpretation of what it means, but we want to use it as a type to get a better understanding of what we may be passing through so we know how to deal with the challenges ahead. Now, Joshua chapter 6 verse 1. First lesson here is in that verse 1. It says, the gates leading to Jericho was tightly locked up, sealed, shut up because of the Israelites so nobody could enter or go out. The lesson here, this is exactly why none of us must be discouraged when we do not initially see open doors before us when we take the step of faith. There is something useful and important for you behind that closed door. The enemy is simply afraid you are coming straight in to possess your possessions. If you know what to do and how to open closed doors, you will not be discouraged when you see closed doors. Can I tell you something? Mark chapter 6 verse 3. Jesus is described there as the son of a carpenter and carpenters know how to open closed doors. They have the license and the training to do that. Invite and involve Jesus in that matter. In this case, bring Jesus in. He will deal with that door. Second lesson here is in verse 2. The Lord said to Joshua, see, I have given into your hand Jericho and its king and mighty men. The lesson, notice God used the phrase in his past tense, I have already given. My point, even before you take that step of faith into your expectation, God has already approved. He has given you three things in total, the place, the leaders, and the strong men, the decision makers, the controllers. God says he has already given them all to you. My advice, go for it. Because despite all the locked doors, you already know the outcome. My question then is, will you go back because of discouragement or you will step forward, take a step of faith knowing the outcome? In our next episode, we will discuss strategies. Proverbs chapter 4 verse 7 says we should get understanding. Let us pray. Father, we thank you for the lessons we are learning. We ask of you, God, that you breathe upon us, that we have that faith and courage in you to step out in Jesus' name. Amen. You may request for subsequent copies by sending an email to gregorlabby at gmail.com. I invite you to visit our website gregorlabby.com. You will find a podcast of previous, current, and future episodes. God bless you.

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