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Make A Move

Make A Move

Sweet Millionaire FormulaSweet Millionaire Formula



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The main ideas from this information are: - The speaker encourages listeners to claim their abundance and live in abundance by believing in themselves and taking action towards their goals. - They emphasize the importance of seeking God and following His will, as well as being truthful and faithful in serving Him. - The speaker discusses the power of monetizing passions and investing in oneself, with the belief that God will meet them at their point of effort. - They highlight the potential impact of one's ideas and gifts on others, and the importance of not wasting one's talents. - The speaker urges listeners to break free from the cycle of survival mode and pursue generational wealth and success. - They emphasize the need for patience and dedication in achieving greatness, using examples like Deon Sanders. - The speaker reminds listeners of their inheritance as co-heirs with Jesus Christ and encourages them to claim their abundance and not settle for mediocrity. - They express the be Welcome back guys to another episode of Sweet Millionaire Formula. You are the real MVP. You have the power that it takes to outcome your circumstances and live in abundance that God has for you. I want to speak life with you right now and first of all say that no one that comes against you shall prosper. Eyes have not seen and ears have not heard. All is in store for those who love God and are called according to His will. So if you feel like, oh today is not my day, this is not going to be my year, I tell you right now to claim it as your year. Claim it as your time. When you start claiming things that are yours already, you will start moving in directions. You will start creating a website. You will start buying the materials. That is what faith is about. It's evidence of things hoped for and substance of things not seen. When you have faith and you have belief, you have to make sure that you are moving in the direction and claiming in the direction of what is already yours. If you say you are going to have a new house, then you need to be working on that credit. You need to be working on that business plan. You need to be working on ways to write your book, expand your passive income into three, four or five times what you are making right now on your regular job. If you are making $16 an hour on your regular job, you can make $1,600 a day. I've claimed that and I speak that into your life. You guys are probably wondering where is all of this coming from because I believe that the world needs the hope and the inspiration. We need people and friends that are talking to us and speaking life into us, not just, oh, girl, let's go shopping. Oh, girl, did you see a book on Instagram? Oh, did you see Beyonce? Listen, if y'all can talk about Beyonce, you need to be talking to your children about investments. You need to be talking to your children about small businesses. You need to be talking about how you and your child are going to open up a business, a small truck to sell y'all lotions and products and things of that nature. Don't limit yourself because of your circumstances and where you come from. Don't stay in the same cycle. This podcast and this community is all about getting out of financial inequality. This podcast is all about getting out of your financial poverty, okay? So we want to make sure that you guys are training your minds into where this should go. And your first thing should be seeking first the kingdom of righteousness. Seeking first the kingdom. When you seek first the kingdom of God, you are turning away from your wicked ways. You're turning away from adultery. You're turning away from sexual immorality. You're turning away from drunkenness. You're turning away from wasting your money on liquor and wasting your money on socializing with people based off of things that are going to rot away. If you are not rotting away, your teeth are rotting away. If you are not rotting away, your mental is rotting away. Something is losing. Something is losing. When you're not seeking the kingdom, you're not asking God for deliverance, when you are not seeking him as your fullest and most abundant self, and you're not being aware of where your mental is, where your faith is, where is it that you're lacking so that God can supply all his needs to you, then you are ignoring your opportunities to live in abundance. My question and my call today is for you guys to live in abundance and to come out of the chains that have been stifling us, keeping us poor, and keeping us, our families, in generational poverty. I just want to thank you guys for that feel. I hope you guys are with me right now. Listen. The basis of today's episode started with the thought of living in abundance and what does living in abundance look like. If you are going to be living in abundance and you want to change your lifestyle because you want to buy that house, you want to start that business, you want to change your situation, you're going to have to monetize your passions, and you're going to have to invest into your passions because God is going to meet you where you work your hardest. Once you've worked your hardest and you've, okay, I've done the business, I've got the website, I've invested in the photo shoots, I've done all that I can do, God is going to meet you at that point. When you seek and ask for help and direction, there's no reason that God doesn't want to help you, but you can't just expect God to be a genie in a bottle, okay? For you, you have to make sure that you are being truthful and honest in your spirit when you're serving him because God honors truth, God honors belief, God honors faithfulness. So if you're doing those things and you're working your relationship with God and you're trying to find out your way and find out your, what is it that you call being here for, Father? What is your will for my life? You have to seek those things. You have to ask for those things. You have to knock on the door and find out what it is that you're here for because I'm sure that your situation, your gifts, your passions are the gifts and passions that are going to unlock somebody else's abundance, okay? So I was just thinking about how different adventures and different things came about and how these adventures are making people's lives that much more easier, but if people never believed in themselves, we would just be stuck with no buildings built, no cars. Henry Ford had to believe in himself for something that, I can't create a car, and not only did he create the car, but he changed the world, okay? So your ideas have the ability to make somebody else's life easier and the fact that you ignore your gifts is stifling your abundance. You don't want to go through the grave with all of your gifts and all of your talents never to be seen, never to help somebody else because when you get to heaven, God is going to ask you, what did you do with your time on earth? What did you do with your abundance? What did you do with your intelligence? What did you do with your gifts on earth? And I believe that this is your season to claim what's yours, okay? Claim it, claim it, claim it, okay? So one of the things that stood out to me about living in abundance and creating this generational wealth is the fact that at our fingertips, we have the power right now to touch something and it becomes ours. Do y'all understand that? We have the ability to touch something and it becomes ours. We have the ability to seek life and it becomes ours. And I think that's the difference between the stone age and people living in times where we didn't have technology and things like that. They could not affect. The only thing you could worry about was surviving, okay? And we want to get you out of the survival mode. Survival mode is not going to bring you abundance in your life. Survival mode is just going to keep you and your family stuck, wrapped around this same cycle of, oh, well, my mother worked at the Ford plant, so I'm going to work at the Ford plant for 30 years. You would rather spend the next two, three years of your life building your generational wealth, building your name, building your brand, versus spending 40, 50 years at somebody else's company when you could have just easily turned away from your wicked ways because I'm just going to tell you the truth. When you're in sin and out of the fruit of the spirit, love, joy, peace, kindness, gentleness, you are living in a quicksand life where you're instant gratification. I've got to post this. I've got to be seen. You want to have all these things instantly, and greatness takes time. It took almost Deon Sanders in the Colorado bus. Before Deon Sanders got there, he built a legacy 30 years prior to being there. I think we are just now seeing, this new generation is just now seeing who Deon Sanders really is, but before we knew who Deon Sanders was, his seeds were already planted in the ground. The only thing now is that his abundance is overflowing into the world, and his gifts are made present. They're being seen by the masses because he put in the work. He had a dedication and faith way before people started asking him to have faith. That's the thing about your mindset. You have to claim things that are yours even if you don't see it. When you believe God who made this heaven and earth, the galaxy, the stars, Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sins, then when you believe that and you take that as yours, you're a heir to Jesus Christ who sits on the throne of God. You're an heir. You're a co-heir to Jesus Christ. Do you understand that? We're just going to take that for a second. You're an heir to Jesus Christ, okay? It's no longer okay for you to walk around in sadness. It's no longer okay to walk around in mediocrity. It's no longer okay to compete with your sister, compete with your brother because what you're doing is you're minimizing the capacity that God has for you. If God has abundance for you and you're a reflection of his kingdom, why wouldn't he give you all the tools that you need to make your business work? Why wouldn't he bring the clients to you? He will. Not only can he, he will. He will do exceedingly and abundantly above what you can ask or think. I think this is the season that I have to mention to you guys to claim what's yours, claim it as if it's already done. Don't continue to live life as if you have many more days. You've been in a car accident. You've had your rent, not enough money for rent. You've been evicted before. You know what it's like to send your kids to school with the bare minimum. At least I was one of those children that have been through these things. It's like being in my 30s now I understand what generational wealth is and now that I'm the number one generational coach, the number one generational wealth coach, now that I'm here I definitely know that it's my mission to take you guys from a basic mediocre mindset and expose you guys to what it is to be a millionaire and what that mindset looks like. Thank you guys for tuning in to today's episode. I know we kept it short, but we wanted to make sure that we are giving you guys the hope, inspiration, and positivity that you need to seek life. When you leave this episode today, write down your seven core values. Mine are knowledge, integrity, compassion, Christianity, faithfulness, excellence, dedication. Those are some of my core values. Those are some of the things when somebody is looking at me and like, that girl, she's dedicated. You know, that girl, she has integrity about herself. I can believe when Kourtney Davis says she's going to get something done, it gets done. What is it that you believe about yourself? What are your core values? And I want you to create seven I am statements. I am a child of God. I can't write an inspirational book. I will not be in the same situation next year. I will open up my business. I will create the plan. What is it about you that's going to separate you from this year from the next year? What is it that's going to separate you from this month to the next month? Because you have right now to change your life, and I don't want you guys to get complacent because you feel like you have another year or another two years. You don't know what can happen. And if you start and create now, you're more likely to reap the benefits of the seeds that you plant today. Okay, guys? Thank you. Leave your comments on Sweet Millionaire Formula Podcast, and we will look forward to you guys on the next episode. Let's go.

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