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Ngoc Jackson Teagan Mia Podcast

Ngoc Jackson Teagan Mia Podcast

teagan morgan



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The podcast discusses the pros and cons of spanking versus gentle parenting. The teachers interviewed have different opinions on the matter. Some believe that spanking is necessary to teach right from wrong and shape a child's character. Others mention that spanking can have emotional and developmental effects on children. It is suggested that gentle parenting should be tried first before resorting to spanking. The general consensus is that spanking should not be the first option and other disciplinary methods should be explored. The hosts share their own experiences with spanking and how it has influenced their upbringing. They also discuss their preferences for gentle parenting with a mix of discipline if they were to have children in the future. Hey you guys, this is Jackson, this is Mia, this is Snot, and this is Tia. And you're watching Whine About It. Today's podcast is about the facts and opinions on spanking versus gentle parenting. We have an article today that talks about how spanking affects children and how spanking can cause neurological delays in children that can affect the child for the rest of their life. Today at Baker High School, all four of us interviewed several different teachers to gather their opinions on whether or not they believed in gentle parenting or traditional parenting. The first teacher that we interviewed, Ms. Willis Love, asked her was, were you spanked as a child and would it create developmental issues? And she said, no, it doesn't affect growth, but rather create a sense of right from wrong and says that beating would cause that. How would you raise a child who was disabled and you've never experienced it? Ms. Willis says that she has guardianship of her 32-year-old nephew who has the mind of a 5-year-old and would gentle parent him but also do some traditional styles like send him to his room is equivalent to a spanking. We also have a different teacher's interview and like Ms. Willis said, Ms. McCraw also talked about how spanking is a good form of discipline as it teaches the children from what's right and what's wrong. But she also adds to it that spanking did affect her, not badly, but good because it helped shape who she is today. Hello, I'm Tegan. Ms. McCraw is my cheer coach, and honestly, spanking did not affect her at all. She is a great person, and as she said, it did build her character to who she is today. But another teacher that we interviewed today was my mom, Ms. Morgan. And as you heard, she did whoop me, and honestly, looking back at it, well, in the moment, I was like, why are you doing this? Just, of course, because as children, we're like, why are they hitting me? But looking back at it today, I am thankful for it because it helps me know right from wrong, and it did build my character, as McCraw said. Based on the interviewer's response, it kind of, it doesn't relate entirely to the research, what the researcher says about how spanking can affect a child developmentally. Spanking hinders emotional development and causes developmental delays in the aspect of how the child can grow. But with the interviewer's response, they talk about how spanking helped right the children from right or wrong while not looking at how it can affect the children emotionally and how it can affect them the way they grow. Another thing that is common throughout the article and through the interview teachers, it is seen that no one wants to just purposely hit the child for no reason. It is more or less just on a punishment basis and should not be a regular thing. It is also seen that the teachers do not feel like this is the first course of punishment that should be taken and that more should be done for gentle parenting. Another thing that is common between the article and the teachers we have interviewed was that they do feel that gentle parenting should be at least tried a little bit first before spanking is an option. Spanking should never be the first option and you should always try different methods within the children and keep your options open. You should not automatically go to spanking, but if you realize that your other parenting methods aren't working, try something else. So with all of that being said, did y'all get spanked by the children? Because I did, as y'all heard. I was definitely spanked as a child. I wasn't a bad child, but if I did something wrong, my mom would talk to me about it and then I'd probably get a spanking for it. Let me tell y'all, I was spanked real bad as a kid. I was happy with the switch or whatever. I wasn't that bad. I was just ADHD and not ADSD or whatever. It was all crazy. With me personally, I was spanked, but then there was an extent to it. It did emotionally affect me growing up, but overall it did help shape who I am and help shape my character. Yeah, I do think it was beneficial to me because you don't realize it much when you're little that your parents are just trying to show you that this isn't okay or what you're doing isn't okay. Yes, and I can say, like I said, looking back at it, I did not like it, but I'm glad that she did spank me so now that I know right from wrong and I know what not to do and what to do. What's going on with my ASD and ADHD, growing up I was undiagnosed until I was 13 for my ADHD and I was 11 whenever I got diagnosed with Asperger's. Growing up, it just really did and I didn't understand why my parents were spanking me and they didn't know why I had to be spanked so often, but now I know they just thought I was crazy and that I didn't know what to do. So I have another question for y'all. Do y'all want to gentle parent y'all children or are y'all going to spank y'all children? No, I'm not having kids, point blank, period. No, but what if you did have kids? If I did have kids, I'd probably do gentle parenting, but kind of like a little mix of both. With me, I feel like I would choose to do a mix of both because there's an extent to spanking though. Me, as a parent, if I was a parent, I should know that extent and I should be only resorting to spanking as like the last resort if I truly feel like it helps my child understand what I want them to do. Okay, and like Nox said, I do agree with that. A mix of both really would help. I don't think I would use spanking as my first option. It would be a long list of stuff before we got there, but I can say that a good mix should be what I do. I will be doing, for my child, I will be doing both, but mostly I will try to, so gentle parent, I will gentle parent first and then like if that's not getting through to them, then I mean a spanking would not hurt anybody and eventually they will learn from it and not do it again. Alrighty, y'all. Thank you so much for coming to the Wine About a Show. We got Teagan, Mia, Nox, and Jackson. We hope to see you again next Friday for our next show. Bye, y'all. Stay fresh. Bye.

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