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The host, Tony, talks about the recent football practice and the upcoming Memorial Day tournament. He mentions that the practice started off sloppy, but improved as the players got more motivated. He praises two players, AP and Keegan, for their leadership and performance. He also mentions AK as a standout player. Tony believes the offense is solid and has the potential to be in the top five. He discusses the positive reputation the Crusaders team has been gaining. He also mentions the contributions of veteran players and the progress of the girls' team. He emphasizes the importance of unity and determination for the upcoming tournament and expresses his love and support for his teammates. Welcome back to Team Cristeria's Monthly Football and today we'll be talking about last practice and also this weekend's Memorial Day Tournament in Kingston Park, Middle Soda. Well you guys, thank you for tuning in. I know it's been a while, it's been almost a little week since I did the last episode. How about the last one? So you guys, thank you for listening. I'm your host Tony and today was a kind of decent day. Kind of rested now from Saturday pretty much. And to kind of get into practice of what happened Saturday is very interesting of what happened. We were having a sloppy day. The coach had the girls come over to practice too. We understand that the coach is doing the best he can and we understand from his perspective of hey, you're the coach, we understand that you have a lot on your plate. And we're trying to stay focused and locked in for next week. Because literally this week is our last practice and we want to make sure that we're locked in. We want to make sure that we are ready and mentally ready and also physically ready. So what happened in practice today, I was there for maybe, I didn't even show up later, about an hour and a half later. And they were all saying that the practice was kind of sloppy during the first hour. And when I came in and did my own thing, everyone started getting better. Everyone started to get more motivated and get less sloppy. But the guy that was really, really motivating us in the huddle was AP. He was saying that hey, we cannot have this right now. We need to stay focused. We need to make sure that we are staying locked in. And that's the word that he used, locked in. And that word can mean a lot to describe one thing. When you say locked in, there is no reason or excuses to be sloppy, to procrastinate, or to kind of lay it off, relax. No. Third time, yes, you can relax. But when it's during the day or the last practice and game day is later next week, you have to be ready for next week. And that's what I love about this team. This team will keep on motivating you. This team will not make you look dumb. Unless it's a hard count, then yes. But besides that, there is motivation coming from your left and right, everywhere. And that's what I love about AP. AP is doing a great job to be one of the captains of the team. And he's doing an amazing job to make sure we are staying motivated. And like he said, stay locked in. Another guy I want to talk about again. It's a guy that's been stepping up to the plate. And it's also, again, Keegan. He is amazing. There are times where I get confused and I'll ask him a few questions. And he would do, during the game, during the practice, to help. During when the ball is snapped, he would tell me, hey, go, go, take your zone, or get outside, whatever. And that's amazing of him. And I can tell that he's been doing great. He's calling plays on defense. And Chong is letting him do anything he wants to do. And that's amazing. I feel like Keegan can be the next guy. If Chong is gone, if he doesn't play anymore, I don't know how long. Almost the team does not know how long Chong has in the team. I know he's about 27, about my age around there. And it depends on how long he wants to play. It really depends on him. But let's say if he does retire next season, who's going to be the next guy? And that's Keegan. He's calling the plays, right? He's making those option plays for us to make sure that we understand what's going on in the defense and making sure that everyone is doing their job. And Keegan, like I said, bro, you are doing an amazing job. Keep doing what you got to do. Like I said, the more you impress, the more the better. And another guy I want to talk about is AK. And that guy is amazing too. He has a lot of really good running. And the way how I saw him play, he has the speed and mobility. But I think Bobby is faster. I'm just kidding. AK has done an amazing job. There was a play where Toma threw the ball in the end zone. It was a deep pass. And he did it for the ball. It's understandable. And some of the guys got frustrated. And that's okay. Things happen like that. But besides that, AK, I think he's another superstar that could possibly be a great guy for sure, you know. And besides having Elijah and Mon Lor, and Robbie, and also Jared, and also some other guys on the offense, AK has been one of those guys that I've seen a lot. And he's been impressive, very impressive. And the more I see, the more I respect him, the more I see him as a great player. Do I want to defend him? Why not? But would I lose it in one-on-one? Probably I would. But it's all about giving my teammates the respect and giving the hype of, hey, man, we know you can do this. Get out there and do it. When Toma throws you the ball or AP throws you the ball, go out there and get that ball. And not just that, when it comes down to it emotion-wise, like, hey, man, he's still doing a good job. But not just him. Everyone on the offense, you know, they're all doing a good job on offense. And the way how they do things is they're on the same page and they're on the same level of, hey, we got to get this touchdown or we're done, you know. And I understand that there are times where, you know, the defense will have a good day. The offense will have a good day. It goes back and forth. Of course, we know that. But I'm just saying now, but the way how I see this offense right now, the offense of Crusaders, they look pretty good. They look pretty solid. Can they be top 10? For sure. But can we be top five? Hell yes, we can. And like I said, you know, it all depends on how well that we all play. You know, I understand that this podcast is only meant for Crusaders. But, you know, if it gets out there, it gets out there. And I've been hearing a lot of words or just, like, rumors in a way. Oh, it's not rumors. It's a good thing for us. And that the name Crusaders is spreading outside of Green Bay, which is great. It's not just me making this podcast. No. I just made this literally just last month. And one of my brother-in-laws told me that, yeah, Crusaders, the name Crusaders has been spreading a lot. Now, be grateful that you have a team right now that's doing great right now. You guys got sponsors. You guys got a great team. You guys got captains, really good captains. And not just that. You have one of a good head coach in Aaron. And that's amazing. And not just that. We have also veteran players that are coming to help out, like Moen Lohr. Moen is one of those veteran players that I've seen who does very well. He loves to do research on Devontae Adams, who used to play with the Green Bay Packers. There's nothing wrong with that. It's amazing. I love Devontae Adams. You know, and when I see Moen Lohr play in the field, it shows him that he's that dog. And during practice, you know, he misses some field catches. And that's okay. But during game time, he is a monster. He's a beast. So with Elijah, too. Elijah, man, oh, dude. My words can't explain how I, you know, what to say. Because, like, when I see you in the field, it's like, dude, there's no one that cannot guard you unless they're, like, at your level. You know what I mean? But with Elijah, just no words can describe what he is. He's a beast. He's a monster. Do not mess with him. And also, I do want to talk about the girls, too. Sometimes when I have the opportunity to talk about the girls, I see that they're doing okay. You know, they just started about two weeks ago, trying to get into the team. And I do see some key players are making flashes, but I don't know their names. Kind of sucks. But that's okay. You know, when I see the roster or when I get to know some of the players, I'll point them out in this podcast, too. So it's not just about Crusaders. It's about more than just football. If I want to talk about Blue Dragons or if I want to talk about Suburbs or other teams out there, I can, for sure. But most likely I'll be dissing on them. So lastly, what I want to talk about is Memorial Day and what I want to tell my teammates. To my players, to my team, we are a brotherhood. We stick together no matter what comes to us. If we get in a fight, we get in a fight. If we talk trash, we talk trash together. And the one thing that can stop us is ourselves. There are some guys out there, and I'll tell you right now, are still young. We understand that. They may not have the eye of the tiger, but we do. We have the thirst. We have the hunger. We have everything on our plate. All we have to do is to win, and that's what I want for this weekend, and that's what the captains want for this weekend, and that is what coach wants for this weekend. We're going to sweat. We're going to get hurt. All of the above. But the thing that we want to do now is bring a championship back home. I love my brothers in this team. I love you guys all. I want to build the chemistry and the bond for all of you. And the only thing that I can do right now is to work on myself to be stronger, to be better with you guys behind my back. And I know I will help you guys in multiple ways to make you guys better, to make you guys understand that this is not just a game. This is a war that we have to go into, a war that we have to win. So to all my brothers out there, work hard, grind hard, and do the best you can. So thank you for tuning in to Team Crusader Small Five Football. I'm Coach Tony. Until next time, I'll see you guys in the next one. Money Knots. Money Knots.

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