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Tenika Simmons



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Teachers worldwide are experiencing burnout due to the demanding nature of their job. They are expected to do more with less and face challenges such as inappropriate student behavior and managing multiple curriculums. To survive, teachers need support from administrators, fellow teachers, and the community. Collaboration is key, and professional learning communities (PLCs) allow educators to connect and share resources and strategies. Connecting with others can reduce feelings of isolation and lead to increased job satisfaction. It takes a village of teachers to combat burnout. Sneaker here. And welcome to the place where we don't just fill up space. We're actually talking about something here today. So teachers are dropping like flies throughout the world and the nature of the job has become increasingly demanding with lesson plans, classroom management. We have students that are have inappropriate behaviors, having to teach all these different curriculums and kind of orchestrating the chaos that's going on in our classrooms. Teachers are expected to do more with less. This has led to burnout and a lack of motivation to continue in the profession, resulting in a shortage of educators around the globe. So the question is, how can we survive as teachers? So recently, I listened to a teacher off duty podcast. It was called Teacher Shortage. What is happening in education right now? There's a great podcast and it's talking it was talking about this very thing that we're talking about now. So we all know teachers are strong. They have to be strong to do what they do, but they're not strong enough to do it by themselves. They need the help of administrators, fellow teachers and other members of the community to ensure that they are supported and they are successful. Collaboration is key to helping teachers achieve their goals and reach their full potential. Now, so what do we need to do then? I said we need to know what's out there. So professional learning communities are what we call PLC's are designed to help educators connect with each other to share resources, strategies and best practices to improve their teaching. PLC's are typically face to face group of educators that come together to share resources and ideas. This strategy can give educators access to a wide variety of resources and perspectives that can help improve their teaching. Help with their classroom management, just the overall success of their classrooms. You can find mentors and colleagues to collaborate with when you which can be invaluable to helping the development and improve teaching techniques. Educators can connect with a much wider variety of people from different backgrounds and have access to a wide range of resources and perspectives. Once again. So in conclusion, you got to be connected. That's the thing. It takes a village of teachers to combat teacher burnout. Connecting with the community of educators can help reduce feelings of isolation and provide a supporting system. This can lead to increased job satisfaction and ultimately better outcomes for teachers. It's important to remember that we all are in this together. And that's all I have for today. Next week, we will be discussing our topics only in America. I'm your host, Tanika, and I'll see you next time. Same time, same place. Take care. And.

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