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Matthew’s interview

Matthew’s interview




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C-Phil 3 is interviewed on a podcast where he talks about his involvement and the origins of the show. He discusses the target audience and lack of age limit for the podcast. The wildest moments are mentioned, including using racial slurs during sex. C-Phil also reveals that Tyler is the wildest on the podcast. He is asked about potential guests and admits to making mistakes in the past. The interview ends with a controversial question about the youngest age he would engage with sexually. What's happening, what's happening man, we back in here treating you boys, you know how we doing it. Today we have another interview. Believe it or not, we got C-Phil 3. What up? He finally came back. Back from the dead. Oh yeah, he risen. The dead has risen. Alright C-Phil, we're gonna give you a little interview man, we're going home. First question I have for you is, what made you want to be part of a podcast? Man, y'all just asked and I was like yeah, I'm down. So it was that simple, huh? Yeah, it was y'all's idea. I'm just along for the ride. Whenever I'm here. Yeah, where did the idea come from? Morning talk bullshit. Just talking bullshit every day? Uh-huh. Decided to let the world in on it. Do you look forward to recording? Like is there something you look forward to? Yeah, there are times. Then I just can't make it because I'm too dead. That's the best thing. What would you say is the audience target for this podcast? Gutter minds. Gutter minds. Yeah. Do you think there's an age limit on it? Nah, fuck it. Just let everybody listen to it. Shocker. Matthew just said no age limit. Well I'll be damned. Goddamn. To the next question. You know, we've shot some pre-episodes before this or whatever. What would probably be your best one, you say? Probably that first one with Jordan. First one with Jordan? Yeah. What about the porn name? That was a good one. That was a pretty good one. Yeah. Alright. What should the people expect from you? Like listen to the podcast. What should they expect from you? You shouldn't expect anything. You ain't never know what's going to come out of my mouth. So you just wow at everything, right? Yep. Yeah, it's great. Because I don't even know what I'm going to say at times. What's probably the wildest moment yet that you remember? Racial slurs during sex. Racial slurs during sex. I got this question for you, Matthew. Goddamn it. Is it acceptable to use racial slurs during sex? Yes. Oh my God. I have to agree. Yeah, I have to agree with you. That was probably one of my favorite ones. And the reaction, Mike. The reaction is what made it. Yeah, for real. I asked Chad this question and he said you are. Alright. So who's the wildest on this podcast? Tyler. You're going to say Tyler? I think it's Tyler. Like it's close between me and Tyler. Oh, total cave. Alright. Who would, is there anybody you would like to get on here locally? Like that you would like to have on here? Nah, I don't really know. You don't, there ain't nobody that pops into your mind? Some young gal? No. What about famous? Is there anybody famous or out there you would like to, like maybe your favorite band or somebody that you would like to have on here one time just to interview them? I thought about this question. I still can't think of no one. Still can't think of nobody? Uh-uh. I don't. Once again, some young gal? No. No. Struggling out. Okay, going in the future when you're here, what can the audience expect from you? Savagery. Savagery. I wish I could see Jay's face. But that's what they can expect from you. Okay. So now we're going to move forward. That's the interview questions. Oh, okay. Professional ones. Oh. Now I've got some questions for you. I heard this about you and I don't really know if it's true or not, but you ever beat one head on the towel and fell asleep and you're supposed to beat some more? No. Somebody was really, really persuaded that's what happened and I don't know. All right. Now we're moving on to Chad's questions because I wasn't going to let this slide and I wasn't going to say anything, but I decided to throw my two cents in on this interview. Now, if you wasn't at our place of employment, do you think you would enjoy prison? No. Who the fuck would enjoy prison? No. If you didn't work at our place of employment, do you think you'd enjoy prison? Because if you wasn't there, I think you'd be an inmate somewhere. I'm just asking a question. I'm just asking a question. That's it. No. I'm about 100% sure that I would not enjoy prison. Okay. Okay. So you blatantly admit that you would be in prison if you didn't work at our daily place of employment. I did not admit that. Oh, my God. Okay. Okay. Okay. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Okay. We're hitting the hardball questions. I'm sorry, man. All right. Now, is there any mistakes in your past? Oh, plenty. Oh, you didn't finish. My bad. Now, is there any mistakes in your past or anything in your past that you wish you could go back and change? Yeah. Oh, you want details? Okay. Just one. Not the many that stains your background. Just one. Just one of them? Okay. Just one. Yeah. Probably living in that meth house. That's a story for another day. Probably living in that meth house. Fair enough. Yeah. Yeah, that's it for me. You done broke my bank. The mind is done with that statement. I have a question for you. Yeah. What is probably the youngest age booty you would eat? Oh, no. Really? Yeah. Your Honor, as this man's lawyer, I must, like, plead the fifth on this one. Because no matter what you say, it's going to make you look bad. Because if you're like, well, I guess it's going to be 18. Cut. No. Don't do that guessing shit now. All right? Not in front of the court. Your Honor, my... What if they're drunk and 21? I don't know. Fair enough. You got a little leeway there, you know. Fair enough. Nah, man. All right. We're going to... I guess we're going to end your interview, Copfield. Oh, okay. Prince, ain't you coming through? You ain't got no more questions, money? Really? You ain't got one more or something? Nah. Not on this roll. I got one for you, Copfield. All right. So you said you don't sleep with big gals, right? What about for a million dollars? A million dollars? Ten million. How big are we talking? Oh, she's... She's... Like a freight train? Hard like a truck. Like 757? Yeah. Goddamn. That's a big block. A million dollars, though. A million. A million. Can I make it ten million? No. If it's ten minutes? A million, dog. Think about it. A million dollars in ten minutes. Man, stop playing games. Probably would. Okay, then. Yeah, man. I'm not going to look so deviant on this answer. I'm just going to sit here and wait out the clock. Doo-doo-doo. Yeah. I'm going to hit the jackpot. Yeah, somebody play the Japanese music. Nah, we through fucking with you, Copfield. That's the end of you, man. Appreciate you for coming through. No problem. Yeah, man. Folks, y'all listen up. More to come. And we out of here. Boo-you-boo-boo. Hey, Dick. Ow!

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