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Light for the Way

Light for the Way


When God calls you, you don't get the entire picture of where you're going. As you journey along in faith, the picture gets clearer till you arrive.

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This is a recorded meeting where the speaker talks about their ministry called the Wheatfield. They discuss how they take their work seriously and strive to be in alignment with God's purpose. They mention that God has been gradually shifting things and wanting to bring a fresh word to his people. They talk about their gift of prophecy and how they are obedient to God's voice and will release his word with wisdom. They begin with a prayer and then talk about the topic of "Light for the Way" using the example of Abraham. They emphasize that God is sovereign and sometimes gives people a chance for a new life. Alleluia! Praise the Lord! A warm welcome to everyone on this evening's meeting. This is the Wheatfield. It's the place of revelation. It's the place of vision. It's the place where God meets with us and speaks to us Sunday after Sunday. As we have said before on this program, this is an assignment from the Holy Spirit. This is an assignment from God and we take our work here very seriously. And because of that, we are particular to allow ourselves to be yielded to the Holy Spirit to do what he wants to do, how he wants to do what he does on this program. These meetings have been a great blessing to us in particular because what we have found is that even as God uses us to speak, to bring his word and to bring a message from his throne room to his people, we are great beneficiaries of what God does on these meetings every single time we meet, which is usually Sundays at 6 p.m. Eastern Time. And so in this vein, we are constantly seeking the face of God to see what is God wanting to do. What is God wanting to say? How is God wanting to say this so that we don't go ahead of God and do things and we are not perfectly in alignment with how God has ordained for us to deliver his purpose on these recordings? And I say that because it's looking like in the past few weeks, God has been gradually shifting things around. God has been gradually changing the presentation and the mood of delivery of the message. Like I had said before on one of our meetings, that when we started this project, when we felt that God was not wanting to speak and God created a platform online for his word to come forth through us, we were so fearful of the assignment that the reverence for the word of God and for the call of God upon our lives was so great. And we carried this responsibility with so much fear and reverence for God and for the things of God, which is a good thing. And so we wanted to do it just right. We wanted to say everything just right. So the truth is, in the beginning, there was a certain element of anxiety. And along the way, God said to me, God said, Have fun. Have fun with this. Enjoy what you're doing. While you're doing it, have fun. And so we felt released and we began to relax a little bit. We began to enjoy studying. We began to enjoy preparing for the meetings. And we began to even enjoy the actual delivery. It now didn't feel so much like a military exercise or like an exam that we had to pass. It's feeling now like something that we are doing out of joy and out of enjoyment for the call because God has said to us now, Relax. Enjoy yourself. I am in control. And so every time we come on these meetings, on these recordings, we yield ourselves to the Holy Spirit to say what he wants to say, how he wants to say it, when he wants to say it. And he has been very faithful. He has been very, very faithful. So again, this evening, I'm saying all of this because it's looking like God is trying to change things around again. God is saying, because this meeting, this ministry, the wheat field, was born out of prophecy. It was born out of a gift of the office of the prophet, which God has given me. And lately, God has been saying to me that in this generation, this generation is a generation of advancement, technological advancement. And the attention span of the people in this generation is short. And God has been saying to me that what he wants to do, to use this ministry to do, is to bring a word straight from the mouth of God. Because who is a prophet? A prophet is someone whom God speaks his heart to. And that prophet is on assignment, has a mandate to bring to God's people what thus says the Lord. So the Lord has been dealing with me in the past few days, in the past week, two weeks, as I began to sense that God is trying to shift things around. It's very possible that this ministry started the way it did because God knew that teaching, preaching, is what I knew how to do. So when he called me, I believed that he wanted me to teach and preach, which is how our meetings on this wheat field started. But I have a very strong gift of prophecy. I am a prophet of God. And I put that in the back burner because, you know, the office of the prophet, to be honest, even in this generation, is controversial. And who likes controversy? I don't. But when God calls you to use a gift he has given you, to fulfill a purpose he has given you, you do as you are commanded. So I say all of this to say this. God is wanting to do things differently. God is wanting to bring a word to his people, fresh and new, just for the people. So going forward, what I believe God is wanting to do, and in obedience we're going to follow the light that we see, God speaks many words. He speaks many things to me as a prophet of God. And I have to be honest to say that I don't always release what God has said to me. I pray. I stand in the gap because God, by his grace, has called me an intercessory prophet. I am a prophetic intercessor. And God has been kind to hear my voice when I pray and when he has revealed something. And I, in obedience, stand in the gap. God has been faithful to redeem. I have sinned countless times. God does that for us and we are grateful. Even to the point where God has spoken to us that this gift, this office, is actually to the nations. And that's a story for another day. So, going forward, in obedience to the voice of Almighty God, in obedience to the Spirit of God, in obedience to his word, we are going to just go with the flow of the Holy Spirit. Go with the flow of God. What he wants to do, how he wants to do it, what he wants to say, how he wants to say it, is what we are going to make ourselves available for him to do. So, going forward, we're going to bring a word. When God releases the word, we will bring his word to his people. We will apply wisdom to release the word. Because some things that God says, sometimes you can't release it the way he has said it. You must apply wisdom to release it in a way that it can be digested so that it can have maximum impact and it can travel as far as it should. So, if God says something that may cause anxiety or may cause fear in the people, God isn't expecting the word to be released in a way that it is seen. God expects the prophet to apply wisdom to release the word so that the message, the gist of what God is trying to say is communicated without fear, without anxiety for the purposes of God. So, before we move forward this evening, we're going to say a word of prayer. We're going to say a word of prayer because everything we do on this platform is, we start with prayer, we end with prayer. So, in the name of Jesus, our Heavenly Father, we thank you, we honor you, we worship you for your grace. We thank you for your love that you would even choose to speak to us and through us tonight we say thank you. We invite you, Holy Spirit of God, because you know the heart of God, you search the heart of God. Come and speak to us tonight. Teach us what the Lord is saying. Tell us what the Lord is saying. Touch our tongue to speak tonight even as the oracles of God so that every word of our mouth and every thought of our heart is acceptable even unto God. We ask, Holy Spirit, that you will open up our hearts to receive tonight. Open up our ears to hear tonight. Let the words that we shall hear take root in our hearts and grow and our lives transformed and Jesus glorified. In Jesus' name, amen. And so, today, I am going to talk about a subject I have titled, Light for the Way. I am convinced beyond any shadow of a doubt that this is what the Lord wants to say and this is because for the past three days, God, by His Spirit, has been ministering this prophetic word to my heart. And everywhere I go, I can't turn away from this word. I go into the word, I see it. I go on television, I see it. I go to church, I see it. Twice in one day. I mean, what are the odds that in one day, two preachers have preached the same word that the Lord has been speaking to my heart for three days and has used the very same passages of Scripture to say the very same thing. And so, without any doubt in my heart, I believe that God wants to talk to His people this evening about Light for the Way. And we're going to look at the life of Abraham. When God said unto Father Abraham to leave his father's land and his people and go into a land that he will show him, Abraham left. Abraham left. We're going to use Abraham as a subject for what God is trying to talk to us about today. And I truly, I believe and I pray that truly our hearts will be fertile ground for what God is trying to say. And someone listening to the sound of my voice this evening is going to be transformed and is going to receive direction, is going to receive greater light for your journey even on today. So, as we know, God is sovereign. Our God is a sovereign God. He sits in heaven and He does as He pleases. That's what the Bible says. And if you have walked with God for any number of times, you will know that God does as He pleases. And from time to time, God will show grace and mercy to someone. Many of us, including myself, many of us would really, really like to change some things about our lives. Many people who have grown maybe they're in their 50s, in their 60s, even in their 70s, some of us didn't do a very good job of the first chapter of our lives. Some of us made decisions that we wish we didn't make. Some of us wish we could go back and redo some stuff. Some of us would really like a different outcome to our lives. Now, with the benefit of age, benefit of experience, and with the benefit of hindsight, we can see that we made a mess of some things. And not everyone gets that chance for a second chapter, for a new thing, to rebuild. Not everybody gets that chance. But from time to time, every now and then, God will show His mercy and show His grace to someone, and He will give them that opportunity for a new life. He would give that opportunity to rebuild a fresh start. Sometimes, some people, even in their old age, in their old age, will have the chance to be somebody again. And when God does this, very often, He will call you out of the familiar. And often, when God shows mercy like this, when God decides, okay, you know, I am going to give this person an opportunity to redo their life, one of the first indications that God is building a man's life, that God is building and doing something awesome and something new, is that He calls you out of your familiar environment. He calls you out of what you know into a totally new thing. And sometimes, very often, it will involve leaving your country and going into an entire new country. Like in our text. In our text, God called Abraham. Our text that we're using this evening is from the book of Genesis, chapter 12, verses 1 to 9. That's where we find Abraham. God called him. Genesis, chapter 12, verses 1 to 9. Let's go into God's Word. And the Bible says, Now the Lord said to Abraham, Get out of your country, from your family, and from your father's house, to a land that I will show you. Verse 2. I will make you a great nation. I will bless you and make your name great, and you shall be a blessing. Verse 3. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you. And in you, all the families of the earth shall be blessed. Verse 4. Abraham departed as the Lord had spoken to him. And Lot went with him. And Abraham was 75 years old when he departed from Haran. Verse 5. Abraham took Sarai, his wife, and Lot, his brother's son, and all their possessions that they had gathered, and the people whom they had acquired in Haran, and they departed to go to the land of Canaan. So they came to the land of Canaan. Verse 6. Abraham passed through the land to the place of Shechem, as far as the terebinth tree of Moreh. And the Canaanites were then in the land. Verse 7. Then the Lord appeared to Abraham and said to your descendants, I will give this land. And there he built an altar to the Lord who had appeared to him. Verse 8. And he moved from there to the mountain east of Bethel, and he pitched his tent with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east. There he built an altar to the Lord and called on the name of the Lord. Verse 9, our last verse says, So Abraham journeyed going on still toward the south. Okay. So, in our text, we see that God called Abraham, Father Abraham, to leave his father's land, to leave his people behind, to a place he didn't know. To a place which he, God, shall show him. But you know, the Bible says that Abraham departed. And the Bible says Abraham kept going. He was going to a place he didn't know, because at the time he was traveling, God hadn't said to him where this place was. He said to a place I will show you. So Abraham departed and kept traveling to this place that God will show. God hadn't showed him when he left. He just kept going. But now, let's observe that even though Abraham didn't know where he was going, he was going. He kept moving in a particular direction. He didn't know the place, but he kept going. So this is a man who we can tell from history, from the Bible, this man, he was of a sound mind. He was an older man, but he was not so old as to be senile. He had his mind intact. He kept going. He had no idea where. He didn't have the name of where he was going, but he kept going. And the Bible doesn't record at any time he wasn't going in the right direction. He just kept going. So that tells me that Abraham had to have had some kind of indication of his direction. He had to have kept on going. He had to have known that even though he didn't know where he was going, he was going in the direction of God. Because if God had called him and said, leave your father's land, leave your people behind, and if he was heading in the wrong direction, that same God would have told him. But he didn't hear that. He didn't know where he was going. At the time when he was going, God hadn't yet told him the place, hadn't yet shown him the place. He just said, a place I will show you. But Abraham departed and kept going. He had to have had some kind of direction to let him know that even though you don't know the place, even though you aren't there yet, you are headed in the right direction. He had to have had some kind of light for the way, for him to have kept on going. And you see, that's what happens. When God calls you into a purpose, and God is planning a new life for you, a new beginning for you, out of his infinite mercy and grace, God will give you a picture. It might be a series of pictures. God will show you in a slide, picture slide, through dreams, through visions, through encounters, divine encounters by the words of prophets, even by the word of children, God will show you snippets of where you are going. God never, ever leaves you without light. He may not tell you from the beginning where you are going, but when God calls you, it is God who has called you. God is not the author of confusion. God is a God of order. God is not going to call you into chaos. God is not going to... Chaos, you find chaos in darkness. But God is a God of light. God is a God of light. The Bible says he dwells in unapproachable light. God hides himself in light. God is light. And so when God calls you to a purpose, his purpose, he may not give you from the beginning the full picture, but he gives you direction by dreams, by visions, by encounters. That's why the Bible says, Write the vision and make it plain. It may tarry, but at the appointed time it shall speak. The reason is, as human beings, we tend to forget things. And when God calls you into something really big, he gives you specific instructions so that you don't forget to do exactly what God has said when the time comes to do it. He says, write the vision on tables. Grid it. Make it plain and easy to read for yourself and for anyone else who might read it so that they can run and be activated and be inspired and be encouraged to see that this is a vision from God. And when it comes, the Bible says, it may tarry, wait for it, because it is for an appointed time. And when that time comes, it will speak. And speaking, you need to have accurate recording of what the Lord has said to do so you can do it right. If you do it right, you do it the way God said, you are going to get the result that God intended when he called you. And so, our dreams and our visions, they are so important because that is how God will usually speak to us about what he's doing in our lives, about the new thing that he's doing. When God calls you to a journey, when God calls you into a spiritual journey, he gives you a map. He won't send you blind. He gives you a map. It's like a puzzle, a great big puzzle. And God gives you pieces of that puzzle so that as you journey, you're going to come across a piece of the puzzle that God has shown you so that way you know, I am moving in the right direction. For example, God is calling you to a city in a country where you haven't been before. And then, like Abraham, God said a land which I will show you, meaning you don't know that land. You've never been there. But I will show you. I will show you by visions and by dreams. So as you journey along, I'm going to show you things on the way so when you see them, you will know you are heading in the right direction. Be mindful of what the Lord is telling you by visions and by dreams. Like the Bible says that the spirit of man is the candle of the Lord. The Lord speaks to our spirit by His Holy Spirit to give us light for the way. Don't disparage your dreams, your visions, your encounters, what the Lord is saying, especially if you are discerning enough you are sensitive enough in the spirit to see that God is doing a new thing in your life. If you are sensitive enough to see that God is building something new in your life, be mindful of the voice of God. Be mindful of your dreams and your visions because God is going to bring you direction and instruction for the way. Because where you are going, you don't know. You've never been there. You may have actually been there before. It may be a country or a town or a place you've been before but you haven't been there before for this new thing that God is doing. So for example, maybe God wants to send you to the United Kingdom. God is building you an empire in the United Kingdom. Now you have been to the United Kingdom. You have been there maybe for a visit, maybe to school, but you haven't been there for the purpose for which God is taking you there now. God is doing a new thing now. It may be in a familiar place, a familiar country, but not for a familiar purpose. For the purposes of what God is doing now, it's a new place. It's a new country. It's not your father's country. It's not your father's house. It's a new thing that God is doing. So God is going to show you that place and He's going to show you by dreams, by visions, in the Word. God is going to speak to you in the Word. God will speak to you sometimes in what is familiar to you so that you are able to realize, to actually grasp the message and you're able to see that something is going on in the Spirit. You're going to find that when God calls you into a new thing, He moves you from your father's house. He moves you from the familiar. He moves you into an environment where it might be strange for you, but you don't go blind. God shows you. And when God shows you, you record what God is telling you. God may even speak to your mind. God may bring you a word of knowledge to tell you something. You need to be aware of when God is speaking. Grab yourself a notebook and begin to write the vision. Make it plain. So that when you encounter what God has told you, it may take years, it may take months, it may happen the very next day, but whenever it happens in the natural, because you were mindful enough and respectful enough of the voice of God to have recorded it, when it happens, you know exactly the instruction, what God wants you to do. Luke 1.45 said, Blessed is she who believed, for there shall be a manifestation, a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord. If you do it God's way, you get God's result. So, by snippets, by visions, by dreams, by encounters, God will direct you to the next point in your spiritual journey on the way to this land that he has promised to give you. Like pieces in a puzzle, they keep coming together point after point as you move from one journey, one point in your journey to the next journey, and by obedience to what God has said, you will find that you will come into a place and it will be familiar to you, because God has already shown it to you by vision and by dreams, so you will know, oh, this is this point of this journey, because God may have shown you what's coming after that. So when God has shown you A, and you have received grace to also see B, when you come into A, you recognize A because God has shown it to you, and you know what's coming after A. So you know you're on the right track, just like Abraham was able to keep going, even without knowing the actual location, God was showing him direction, so that he knew he was on the right track. Don't take your dreams and your visions for granted. Don't take when God speaks to you. By now, if you're walking closely with God, you should know how God speaks to you. You should know how God speaks to you. If it's by vision, if it's by dream, if it's by word of knowledge, if it's by the mouth of a prophet, if it's in his word, by now you should know when God is speaking, because sometimes when God is speaking to us in his word, the word jumps out at you, and you know heaven is saying something. So that when it begins to come to pass, you can do exactly as the Lord has commanded, as the Lord wants you to do. Now, another thing we should be mindful of is, when God sends us on a spiritual journey, just like I said before, when the time, usually when God is about to send you on a spiritual journey, he doesn't dump the journey on you. He prepares you. He prepares you. Some people he might tell it to you ten years in advance, five years, sometimes one year, sometimes months, but God always prepares you. He prepares your mind. So when you see that something is coming, if you have a close intimacy with God, and especially if you are a prophet of God, and God is showing you something, and you are working on your intimacy with God, you're working on your gift, and you're operating fully in your office, sometimes you can kind of gauge the time frame. You can't really know when, because again God is sovereign, he does as he pleases, but you can kind of gauge, because God actually also wants you to have a certain level of expectation. You can gauge, maybe this thing might come in the next month, next three months, next one year, and so when God reveals this vision, God expects you to begin to move in anticipation of what's coming. So even though you don't know when, God expects you to begin to get ready, mentally, financially, whatever you need for the next move of God, God wants you to begin to get ready. First thing you need to do is to begin to pray. You get ready first in the spirit, because what God is showing you has already been done in the spirit. So once God releases and opens your eyes to see the next step in your journey, God expects you to immediately enter into the place of prayer, so that you can receive clarity. You can receive clarity for the next move. And when God moves, when God says, move, you move. When God says, leave your father's house and your father's land, God means it. God isn't trying to get you to take a lot with him, with you. God didn't really ask Abraham to take a lot, because he said, leave your father's house. A lot was in his father's house. Abraham had a tender heart. He had the heart of a father, even though he wasn't a father. But Lot was his nephew. And Lot's father, his brother, was already dead. And so also was Abraham's father, who could have been father to Lot. So when God said, leave your father's house, I want to believe that in Abraham's mind, Lot was exempted, because Lot really was Abraham's responsibility at this point. His grandfather, Terah, who was father to Abraham and to her and his own father, was dead. His father, also dead. So I believe that Abraham must have felt responsible for Lot at this time. So Lot at this point was pretty much like a child, like a son to Abraham, because if you look at the genealogy of Abraham's family, Abraham was the first child, because the Bible says Terah had four sons. Abraham, Nahor and Haran. So Abraham was the first child, was the oldest son of Terah. So Lot was the child of the lastborn of the family. So you can see that connection. It would have been difficult, if not impossible, to leave Lot behind. And so when God said, leave your father's house and your father's mind, Abraham took Lot with him. And he went to war. He would eventually go to war because of Lot. And so when God separates us from the familiar, and separates us from a land that we know, and sends us into a strange land, we need to go by ourselves as much as possible, because you're going to find, when God calls you into a new thing, when God is getting ready to build such a magnificent structure out of your life, God is going to drive a wedge between you and the old thing. And the reason is this. The old thing obviously does not glorify God. So God is going to close the door on people, on things, on behaviors, anything that is going to slow you down and prevent you from entering into this new thing that God is building, anything that is going to connect you with the old version of you that doesn't glorify God, God is going to close the door on it. God is going to bring about a separation, and you should let it go. You don't go chasing after what God is trying to keep out of your life. He's doing it for a reason. So when God is building a spectacular infrastructure out of your life, God is going to pull down and root up those existing and old systems in your life that diminish the glory of what He's building. Let God do His work. Could be friends, could be family, old things, old behaviors, old mindsets. Whatever God has decided and determined in His heart that is worthless in your existing system, let God pull them down and do a new thing. Let God rebuild you because He's going to do it anyway, and you want Him to do it. So get out of God's way. Don't chase after anyone that God is closing the door on. Abraham knew what God was capable of doing. And so that's why in the book of Hebrews, chapter 11, verse 10, the Bible says that he, that's Abraham, was looking forward to what God was doing. He knew what God was capable of doing, that when God sets in His mind to build something, God does an outstanding job. And the Bible says, Hebrews 11, 10, Abraham was looking forward to this city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God. And so he knew that what God was building, the hand of man couldn't do it. Eye has not seen it. Ear has not heard it. It had not entered into the earth. Eye has not seen it. Ear has not heard it. It had not entered into the heart of man what God was doing. And because Abraham had come to the knowledge of God to that point, he was looking forward to it, even though he didn't even know where he was going, because God hadn't shown it to him. He hadn't arrived there in the physical, but God had shown him snippets in the spirit. That's why he was able to keep on going. And because of this, because of what God had shown him, and because he had confidence in God's ability to do outstanding things, the Bible says he was looking forward to a city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God. Only God can build the kind of things that will require you to be separated from what you already know, from the familiar, because when God does his work, you will look nothing like what you used to be. You will look nothing like who you were, who you become when God builds. When God builds a city, God is an architect who builds what human architects cannot build. God is a builder who builds structures that man cannot build. And so the Bible says Abraham was looking forward to what God was building. So, so magnificent was what God was building, that God required Abraham to separate himself from the old, because there was not going to be any reference point between what God was doing and what had been. And so when God is building your life, he is also going to require you to be separated, to be set apart, so that he can do what he has purpose to do. Let him do his work. Let God do his work. If God is keeping you away from certain people, don't keep trying to look for them. If God is keeping you away from certain things, don't keep trying to go back to what God is trying to keep you out of. If God is trying to keep you away from certain behaviors and mindsets and ways of conducting yourself, don't insist on remaining the same. Don't insist on working with God, by his Spirit, to become what God is building. I'm going to close with this. You know, when architects, especially really celebrated architects, when they are building something, they are building an edifice, maybe in downtown, a very wealthy company or whatever, they are building their headquarters. Have you noticed that when they are building, that building is shrouded with tarp? Regardless of the height, even if it's 20 floors high, the building is shrouded from the very top to the bottom, so as you go by the building, you can't see what's behind. You can only see that something is being built here. And because of how it's covered from top to bottom, you know right away that this is an edifice. And they are doing that because they are building something new. They don't want maybe other architects to steal their design, because maybe they paid a lot of money for the design. But it's covered, it's shrouded in secrecy, so if you're not part of the project, you don't know what the project, the building looks like. That's exactly what God does in our lives. What God is building, the new thing that God is building, is so outstanding and so out of this world, that God requires that it be covered, it be separated. Until he's done, until he finishes his work, God wants you undercover. God wants you separated and sanctified and set apart, far away from your old life, so that you don't even think of going back there. So that someone from your old life who knew what happened to you, who knew the failures, who knew something, will say something to discourage you, and then you keep your eyes away from the road. God wants you separated. God wants to keep you away from the familiar, from family, from friends, from your old life, from your past, so that you can have access to instruction, so when God speaks to you about the next step in your journey, you can hear clearly, so that some person doesn't come by and say, Oh, I know him, I know her, or whatever, and then discourage you, and then you fall back in your journey. God is protecting you. Sometimes you're going to feel lonely. Sometimes you're going to miss your old life, It's only for a time. What God is building, like Father Abraham, you should be looking forward to the city that God is building out of your life, because that city has a foundation. God is laying the foundation now, and he's laying it deep down. He needs you to join hands with him by the Spirit, and work on the foundation, because when God begins to build, once he's done, it's something that only the hand of God can build. Only God can build what God is trying to build out of your life. Let him do it. Let him do it. Let everybody go. Let the old life go. Let your old friends go. Let your old ideas go. Let God do it. Amen? Amen. Hallelujah. It's been a lovely time again this evening. We always have a wonderful time bringing God's Word. So until next Sunday, I pray that God will keep us through this week, and God will meet us at every point of our needs, and God will shine his light on our path, and God will build us into that city with foundations that only the hand of God can build. In Jesus' name, amen. God bless you all.

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