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episode 10 season 3-spiritual warfare

episode 10 season 3-spiritual warfare


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Nate and Shelby are discussing the topic of spiritual warfare and its relevance to believers. They emphasize the importance of seeking knowledge and wisdom from God. They discuss how spiritual warfare involves dealing with demonic spirits that can manifest in various ways, such as zombies or aliens. They also mention the role of fear and accountability in opening doors to these spirits. They talk about the power of the mind and the need to renew it and leave negative past experiences behind. They highlight the tactics of the enemy in reminding people of negative things. Overall, they encourage open dialogue and reliance on God in facing spiritual warfare. Come on you got to do it one more time there we go love that button hey welcome to word of mouth with nate and shelby we are back in the building and we have missed you all absolutely so much what up champ not much how are you dandy oh i agree i'm just gonna go longer sorry hey i'm glad i'm glad everything is good it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood it's a little warm here in the south um it was kind of sticky outside today i did uh see the weather and it's like 89 today yeah it doesn't feel like 89 in my mind a little little warm but there's no complaining uh for us because we uh we're here the bible says this is the day that she has made so we shall rejoice and be glad so we are excited to be here uh and we want to talk about something that we may have touched on in previous seasons and episodes and stuff like that but i feel like it's valid to continue to keep putting this nugget out there because we as believers we face it every single day every day i was uh off mic talking to shelby about it and i feel like it's just something that we have to be aware of and the bible gives an account of us knowing how to prepare for that thing and that's called spiritual warfare it's not by accident where people are starting to see aliens you mean nephilim let's get it straight folks they ain't no aliens they've been around for longer than any of us longer it's not by accident where um you can look down a city street and literally see zombies the walking dead i promise you i was looking at that because you know i don't know when they're just in that weird stance like hunched over and i guess that's fentanyl i don't know what that is that's what i yeah it's kind of what i figured out now it it's rough whatever it is like their body is like stuck and then a contortion takes place yeah because they can't move it's weird it's weird we both have saw some some crazy things i'm quite sure you have saw some crazy things so let's actually talk about spiritual warfare um and to talk about spiritual warfare opens up uh dialogue and conversation because a lot of people um they get attached to science um a lot and sometimes people just take whatever somebody say and just run with it unfortunately she'll be just putting this off my knowledge is power get knowledge and everything that you do please get some knowledge pray for knowledge yes ask for it and wisdom and wisdom ask for it and it's freely given the bible says he who lacks wisdom let him ask it's freely given so as we touch on spiritual warfare um again y'all know word of mouth we talk about different things it's our opinion on certain things we're going to give scriptural and biblical references but we want you to take an opportunity not only to listen to it but to talk to other people about it and dialogue and let god just begin to minister to you through everything that we talk about cool all righty um spiritual warfare to me shell is something that is not actually seen with the natural eye um when you're dealing with spirits i feel like there's no way possible you can fight it with a natural weapon um to give a to give a point to that you cannot shoot a demon darn it those of you that carry weapons you can't shoot them but you can shoo them no oh there it is there bam you can shoo them you can tell them where to go and i love doing them and she has a clause that she say return to send her all the time that means it came from somewhere send it back to where it came from please um so when you everything is not uh alien based everything is not just weird and you start you know trying to call 9-1-1 because you didn't saw a monster or something to that sort everything is demonic that's something that's the base of the whole and i'm quite sure um and i'll ask you chef have you have you saw demonic activity or demonic spirits in places just normal places like maybe a grocery store hospitals um church all of the above traffic yeah there's a lot of them in traffic there you go boy i feel the one in my car shut up but yes uh seeing them different places have you saw them yeah absolutely um do you get afraid hell no i'm talking to shelby um should we should we or what would you say to a person that may see something that's out of the ordinary and they immediately jump into fear well if you're walking with christ you have nothing to fear now if you're not then you need to be walking with christ so that you have nothing to fear okay um because he'll mess you up he'll mess you up and his his demons will make you crazy mental illness this this is some real stuff like real real stuff i want to touch on that you did say mental illness i want to touch on it not right now but i want to touch on that because i feel like it's a fine line a real thin type line somewhere up in there um so i want to ask you a couple of questions when we're talking about mental illness but i want to give a scripture that was um given in the book of mark um jesus had walked past a certain area and uh there were a group of demons congregation a couple of them it wasn't just yeah it wasn't just one it was a couple of them and they rose up um and uh jesus said who are you like you didn't know and they said we are legion so um just to give context to that scripture don't think it's just one no it's not just one they come in packs based upon who you are and what you carry and what doors you've opened talk about that a little bit what do you mean by doors are you talking about physical doors no spiritual doors you can refer to them as portals because that's what the new age word is nowadays wow to go with those aliens oh my god but those yeah i mean we we'll say we'll go doors or gates um there are gates that you should not open yeah and they're they usually come along through temptation and things of that nature and sinful behavior and they attach to fear too oh yeah quickly yeah i mean they can they can come from all kinds of things i agree and we wonder why these things creep up so quick and we're ready to say hey satan you're you're busy today but we never take accountability to say did i open that door yeah and i used to um i used to be a proponent of everything negative comes from hell and i still am but i'm starting to see that we do have a responsibility and yes and we blame the devil a lot for a lot of things which he loves to take credit for but um we probably did have some play in that situation absolutely some of the stuff that we open um if you just use fear like if we're walking in a fearful mindset mm-hmm another word for that is anxiety if we're walking like that all the time then that can cause a number of things to take place and we're talking about the whole story of job because at the end in the last chapter of job it says the thing that he feared the most is what came upon him yeah we can manifest things by and i don't like that word either because that's another new word that gets used new age too much um yeah yeah but and and demonic spirits can be manifestations of that kind of stuff that's why we have to take accountability and what you said yeah we we want to give all this credit to satan but half of them haven't it yeah i mean when do we take accountability to say hey i need to kind of chill out on that you know i mean i can tell you from my own personal experience the loop in my head is not pretty and you know on my weak days i just let it play and play and play and then it gets louder and louder and louder and on my strong days i can be like no we ain't doing that but i fight with that all the time and that's just a that's just an example and i'm i'm full fledged believer and you know yeah all that stuff that's why we can talk about it because we do struggle in that area especially our mindset there's a scripture in romans chapter four it says the god of the world want to put a blindfold over your mind he didn't say put a blindfold over your mouth or your eyes or your ears it's over your mind because your mind controls a lot of your actions yeah and i'll say that one more time your mind controls a lot of your actions and it causes you to do some stuff that you really might not want to do yeah i'm a witness to that yeah and if you were in tune with your spirit and not your mind you might be able to walk away from those things i agree i agree oh yeah we all struggle but sometimes that mind need to be renewed yes sometimes that mind need to kind of get dumped out with that old stuff and put some new stuff in it yeah and it's hard i mean i have to say that um it's hard to leave the past in the past when it comes to negative stuff it's really easy to leave the past in the past when it's positive and i don't know why we're so jacked up with that that's stupid but it is it's difficult to leave the past in the past when it comes to negative stuff wow i wonder what that's and that's a tactic too wow because the pit of hell will keep reminding you of what happened in the past especially the negative and how it made you feel yeah he's not gonna sit there and be like oh remember when this happened and you got this ten thousand dollar check wasn't that wonderful like he doesn't do that kind of stuff remember when you got healed and set free exactly like no he don't know that chick flipped you off after she looked at you sideways remember how pissed you were and oh yeah he always remind you of the negative things and i feel like um that's when we have to take accountability because you have to stop it that's it we have to stop it your mind i i did um um a teaching years ago about how the mind plays over like um like commercials it starts with a commercial right and then your mind if you let it play too long then it plays like a sitcom a sitcom lasts for 30 minutes and then if you keep letting it play it'll play a whole full movie of the same thing that you could have just got rid of in that 30 seconds yeah because that door was opened because the door was open and they cracked for a while and it played and it played now you're angry at something that probably happened years and years ago at someone else uh because it looked familiar about that thing that you should have got rid of but you didn't and familiar spirits is another one that we need to man can we talk about it because it attaches to spiritual warfare you don't think he used familiar oh he uses it like that's one of his favorite things yes lord the first thing god told abraham in the book of genesis he said i need you to get from among them that are familiar because they will see abram not abraham not your transformed man preach yeah not your saved man come on come on they're gonna see your sin man yes which we also are but yes i mean of course but there's a transformation that took place i'm not that man i used to be right therefore if any man being christ he's a new creature the old man has passed away so stop relating me to that person right because every time you do that then it takes me back too because my mindset is saying that's all you see right and can you imagine how hard that is for addicts oh that's a real hard battle for addicts you know what i had a question about that have you ever like went to an a.a meeting yes why do they have them to say hey my name is so and so and so and so i'm an alcoholic because if you deliver why do you have to i don't like that that's one thing i don't agree with because you keep owning it every time you speak it i've always thought that and so it's just it's just yoking you to that thing man i'm over and over again i've always thought that right i never paid attention to that but i heard someone mention that a while back and it was like dang that makes sense like don't quit you gotta quit owning that shit yeah there it is there it is i think it's coming quit owning it yes because you're you're constantly saying that and and words have power oh they do and the enemy uses those things that's his favorite yes lord that's how we create these familiar spirits because we're constantly saying that we are this if i have gotten past that i'm not going to keep saying uh i'm i'm i'm this terrible person or i had anger issues or i had lustful issues or i'm not going to keep saying that if i'm delivered from that i'm a new creature right yeah that's i'm glad you pointed that out but yes i can't imagine what addicts have to fight with with people and leaving the old man in the past yes ma'am that's that's spiritual warfare one one way ladies and gentlemen is make sure that you are not owning something that you have delivered from been delivered from the same with people who've you know been incarcerated and you know all that and have come out renewed and healed and whole and saved and all that that's going to be a tremendous battle for them i'm quite sure especially mentally i'm quite sure however you can push past that um and it takes it takes um a lot of faith also um getting around some people man that that see you different because if you're around someone that's constantly reminding you of who you were yeah that's not beneficial that's not gonna help another um aspect i believe satan uses outside of familiar spirits is um these demonic spirits that loom around and try to attach to you um in this day and age i see a lot of and i'm gonna say it as plain as i can say it i see a lot of entitlement to me that's a spirit entitlement is a spirit the reason why i say it's a spirit because what it wants to do um is to remain selfish and have it its way we're not burger king dang it i'm sorry can't have it your way can't have it your way listen the reason i'm sorry sometimes you can yeah yeah yeah a baby but i think we need to at least address that on every level because entitlement can lead down a bad road and pride sits there and watches it like pride is waiting for it to come that way so it can be said i feel like pride yeah and that's the one that you did because pride comes in four fall one of the seven things that god hate one of them is pride and so if we are sitting there and we stay entitled uh and never walk in a spirit of humbleness um and we continue to just it's all about me and you're selfish and you're this and you know if you don't get this then you're gonna do this then tear that spirit apart entitlement has run rapid and we're not even addressing absolutely we need to address it across the board kill that spirit um that was one that i definitely wanted to bring out because i know we talk about the younger generation but um if we're not saying nothing to the younger generation and we're not helping sure we need to say something um another one uh that we may tend to kind of throw off to the side show me your thoughts on this one um a lot of people think that the jezebel spirit is a woman can you touch on that well they think it's a woman because initially she came through a woman right so we just attach it to a woman but it can be any sex it doesn't thank you for saying that because some people think it's just women that deal with that spirit i think it might be more proliferate is that a word in women prolific prolific thank you gotcha um and and the females but i don't know i think it's 50 50 and the reason why i said it's because control a lot of people want control male female don't matter i think a lot of people if they had control over something um and they don't know how to manage i feel like a leader is better than a manager because a leader leads okay women don't hate me for this but i'm gonna say it because i think it might be true say it manipulation boom and control is separate from just having control it is and jezebel manipulated and i think that uh the females tend to uh ascribed to a little more than but there are some craftiest men out there that manipulate situations real well you're exactly right men do know how to manipulate women don't get mad but the truth about it is there's something that women have men don't have and i they call it um intuition i guess i don't know what it is but we also have favor but that's on the good side that's another one but something that you all have that we don't but something that you all have that we don't have that can lure anything like it's something that y'all have and it can be used when it's in the wrong hands it can be used in a manipulative way absolutely yeah so you're right about it and uh looking at the story of jezebel and ahab her husband was a king and what better person to manipulate than the king of a land and she knew how to do it yeah and you get to roll a whole bunch of people the way you want to not just one oh to the point where she's scared like this man of god was powerful lygia was a power running he took off yes how do you have him scared come on come that's pretty significant yes yes yes so you look at that and a lot of people um don't understand that that spirit is running rapid um in this day and age because a lot of people want to control and manipulate to get their own way it kind of ties into that entitlement yeah um and we definitely have to address it now when people hear that they'd be like oh my god that's the only spirit y'all talk about in the church no that's more yeah there's more we can talk about there's much more which one's next another one i want to talk about and i feel like you you have a lot of knowledge on this one here oh have you ever heard of um the absalom spirit yes but please explain it so that everyone well first off um who absalom was that was david's son david had a um that's little kids but there was a son that really didn't like his father but he played the role of liking his father because he wanted to bigger yeah he wanted to build an entire kingdom behind his father's back on his back yes yes and with that um he manipulated he um sneaky backstabbing whoo and smiling in your face so just to give you some context a counterfeit there she go a fronter none of us know any of those people whoo okay i'm gonna look off but that's sad how that is so so like obvious in this day and age do you think it's obvious i mean some people are really obvious about it but yeah i feel like there's so many sneaky people around us that they just they're just sneaky now just to be sneaky you ain't got nothing else better i think you know there's people that get off on that stuff yeah yeah oh she said it then you just yeah you just get off on it you just want to be sneaky for what what's your purpose because i can like you ain't even trying to build a kingdom you're just doing it just because just to spite people or you know kind of look at it from a social media standpoint i just want to build like swords or you want to you want to feel power you want to feel empowered you're probably very weak wow but you want to front like you have power i would rather have power and appear weak personally what do you think about it yeah it's true doesn't he kind of like a sleeping giant anyways sorry that's a good one that's a good one so abselon i feel like um we we think we know people and then once it takes place and it happens and the the full backstab actually comes out then we're destroyed or we're distraught or we're angry or we're like how did this happen to me well and i think probably if you step back you can see it yeah happening if you weren't living in it so you think some of us that are super busy we don't see it oh you know lately just in my own personal life i have realized um because there's someone in my life now who points things out to me and i just told my girlfriend this today because i'm realizing it like i have been so in just to maintain like just keep rolling that i haven't even thought about other solutions to problems that i have i've just kept trying to use the same solution and deal with them and just keep rolling as long as i'm rolling it doesn't matter oh my god i've never stopped to think about there could be other solutions that would get rid of the problem yeah yeah i just oh that's just how it is so i'm just keep rolling but yes the busyness is a big that's actually really good because we think that the same solution may work for the next situation and maybe you need something new to deal with that thing because it's a new perspective like like i just i think i've gotten so tunnel vision that i don't even think outside of my tunnel like wow that's good i don't even think that there's other possibilities out there i'm just focused on going and moving forward that's really good it's really not good no to bring it out the realization might be okay but yeah because we don't realize that we we we've used these same things over and over again and we never think that man i can do something completely different because god he tells us not to put him in a box we do it all the time and we do it all the time and we limit him and there's so many other things that we can do yeah but we never venture out as you said we got a tunnel vision yeah but anyways already we were talking about epsilon yeah busy and not seeing that yeah because we get tied up in you know that tunnel vision and we never see that someone stabbing us right yeah it's just about living keep going the stabbing us in the back is what gets me because i wonder why um there was no armor to put on your back yeah i was gonna i was gonna say we do have to mention the full armor of god because that is your defense weapon yes but yeah i didn't see a piece that went on your back i saw the breastplate i saw the belt i didn't see nothing to go on your back but i feel like that part got your back that there you go i feel like god is standing there and we can call forth these angels and we have this stuff that can secure what's behind us i feel like that that that's our defense right that also speaks to the past like what we were just talking about earlier what's behind us oh that's good oh my god i need to i need to listen to that i need to roll that over and over and over again hello dummy so i love so i speak to myself so damn much it's unbelievable nope oh my god all right there's another one that we um we may have mentioned this one but i don't think we understand the power behind it and this is not giving glory to satan because of the spirit we have to understand where it come from lucifer and spirit lucifer another term of lucifer or his other name is satan he's the angel yes and satan himself when he show up yeah that means he know really who you are he got your number yeah yeah he actually know your number your birthday like he done sat around and he done studied you because he's intimidated by you and he's afraid of you but he doesn't want you to know that he wants you to be afraid of him he flips the script come on come on come on i'm gonna sit back you are on it lucifer himself when he show up he know that you're a threat oh yeah yeah he better know it that part every gospel at the beginning you talk about how jesus was tempted and guess who tempted him period he showed up on the scene because he knew he didn't know the full concept but he knew how powerful because he said if you be the son of god oh my god he couldn't he didn't have the if he would have known for sure he'd probably try to kill you that in the womb yeah y'all go kill mary now and cut that thing out of her and then you'd had to do that but he couldn't but you know what you just said to me because i was reading earlier before he got here what he does is he questions yes because that's what he did in the garden good job he didn't quote god directly but he questioned eve and said did he really say that he didn't really say that that's what he does in our own heads yes so he flipped it like he knows but he really don't know because as you said he's just questioning but he does know scripture and he will tweak it and make you think that he's quoting it correctly i agree but but the questioning so that that speaks to my spirit like when you start questioning with negativity those are the kind of thoughts we have to stop those are the doors we have to close like right then i agree yeah because if we don't but that's what he does he gets you to question he gets you to doubt that's his whole thing he gets you to question he gets you to doubt i promise you fear is on its way oh yeah absolutely that's the next step my god that's so good thank you when luther first show up be ready and the only thing jesus said to him was word somebody kept saying it it is written it's written i ain't gonna fight back and forth with you time out you know i'm this and i'm that no i'm not gonna go back and forth and i don't have to prove myself to you that was the other thing jesus said i don't have to prove myself because the battle won yeah i don't really and that's another thing we need to do as believers i don't have to prove myself to you satan man you're lower than me shell come on come on shell oh i am the head you are the tail buddy yes we have a stool we have all authority over you so why do i have to go back and forth with you you are actually under my feet in my shell voice return it back to the return to center where you belong lucifer and spirit and the one that i want to bring up uh just keep going just keep going the one i want to bring up this last one that i want to bring up and we were talking about it off mic um and this is a good one i i really want to talk about it because we don't talk about it a lot and i know that a lot of people can relate to it um and it's called the judas spirit immediately what comes to mind when you think about judas is suicide i'm sorry maybe for me or that doesn't come to mind okay yeah i think about suicide because every time you hear judas you over he hung himself um betrayal i do think about that when i hear judas but i don't i never kind of grasped the fact until i was reading a little while ago that judas wasn't handpicked by jesus he just showed up yeah and i had never thought about that until you talked about it wow how many people have just shown up in your life you didn't handpick them you don't know where they came from you don't know where they came didn't see them coming and they just popped up in there you ever had somebody always around kissing up to you you said nothing like they're there all the time who invited you why are you here how do i know you where did you come from like and and are we that naive to where we just let it hang around hello uh obviously obviously i think so man the way and i gotta give credit to how scripture was written because jesus had to know who he was because he had to fulfill the prophecy so he had to know who he was and he knew he was going to be betrayed by him anyways absolutely but how do you get that close to kiss jesus that's close i mean i'm i do law enforcement work there's a parameter right you can't even get halfway close to me unless i let you how do you get that close but that also proves the word that god uses everything for the good yes because he knew the plan come on he knew judas and what judas was going to do i mean he created them yes so this is all part of the plan and that's why we have to cling to the word because there are bad things that happen in our lives but god works all things for the good for the good for the good i mean even if jesus had to live through it you think we don't have to that's another thing about the word like that's the one of the whole things like we have to get that you think we don't have to walk through this stuff if he had to walk through it he walked through everything he walked through every emotion good bad and different he walked through every pain he walked through every challenge every everything so why wouldn't we have to why wouldn't we have to now the victory is won and we have we have more tools in our toolbox than jesus did because we have him to lean on and to see how he did it but yeah there's gonna be some ugly stuff the bible says that we're gonna say it's greater that's why he said i gotta give you a comforter i have to i have to leave the holy spirit with you because you can't do this but we're also going to do greater works greater works though that that that's the that's the shout for me that's the that's the victory for me because i do understand that i'm going to go through probably something more traumatic because if he was crucified honey i can't imagine anything more traumatic than that i'm actually facing it now you think yes do you think in this day and age could have took place jesus was here well i know that but i just it's so terrible it is the crucifixion it is i mean some of those disciples got crucified probably worse mm-hmm peter said don't even put me the way jesus was flip me upside down it got really bad however um greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world so i have greater strength i have greater authority i have greater authority we have to understand our authority that's the key word right there yes ma'am and i don't even i mean i literally don't and i fight the devil all the time i have no qualms about it i mean you've seen me do it but i don't i don't there's happening around me all the time i'm not calling it out i'm not standing in my authority against it every day i sure as heck should be i don't think none of us are because this human side kind of tends to burn a little bit yeah but if you don't even understand that you have the authority then you're not even putting your toe in the game you know and you do have the full armor of god but you have to use the authority as well because i honestly believe if you use the authority the armor of god is your backup plan yes i agree but i i'm i don't do it like i should we all fall short in that area thank god for the full armor yeah there's some pieces that was given helmet of salvation i think the helmet of salvation was uh put for us to not only remind ourselves that we are saved by grace but also to protect and what you were talking about i think it's to protect our mind absolutely like i'm it says um this mind that is in you was also in christ jesus um and we should be reminded that reminded that we are the head and not the tail we should be reminding ourselves every day that we are victorious like that those are the loops that need to be playing in our head yeah instead of the negative loops when you when i put on a helmet for football every time i put on a helmet i knew that i was going to protect my head and my neck right your neck controls your head right because if you don't have if you don't have a neck kind of you know bobblehead so the the the most important um the importance of the helmet is to protect that mindset and like that's what the word comes into because if you're not putting that in there right can't help it the other piece let's talk about another piece that's um that's given because this is spiritual warfare um why do we need the belt of truth because you gotta know where you stand in everything everything in life boils down to light or dark good or bad wrong or right come on yes everything and you gotta know where you stand on everything and that's truth and the word is truth and that's where you get the truth from john 14 and one says i am the way the truth and the light that's that's it i mean there's that's kind of self-explanatory drop the mic let's talk about that foot gear oh boom there it is freedom you're wondering why you're in bondage because you don't have the truth boom let's talk about that feet gear why should our feet gear be uh something that's important in this full armor package that who likes to step on legos that's a good any parent who has ever stepped on a lego ever stepped on a lego yeah that that's a really good analogy and keep your feet covered and be be ready to run toward the truth be ready to run toward jesus be ready to run toward um knowing that you are victorious take off in a in a way where you are running with a praise running with a worship instead of running away from the devil this is protection now this is protection well and you got the shield and sword too come on let's talk about that shield though well actually before the shield why is the breastplate important what what do you think the importance of the breastplate is because it covers the heart of the man oh i love this lady man covers the heart let not your heart be trouble neither let him be dismayed so when that thing try to come and stab or pin them darts that are thrown or them things that are just coming at you this way your heart is protected and there's some stuff that come at us oh yeah spiritually mentally emotionally psychologically and the devil likes to aim for your heart oh not just your mind oh man because if i get your heart i got you um the bible even says in proverbs uh so shall a man thinks in his heart so is he so if i get your heart i think that's the most important thing look at relationships yeah i mean we've talked about a body can survive without a heart or without a brain but it cannot survive without a heart come on when the heart stops that's it it's over wow so you have this sword and you have this shield i didn't see a gun i was wondering why because i carry close combat buddy it's close combat oh that's good i like that it is i like that because a lot of people don't want to have close combat they'd rather shoot from a distance we got snipers well and we're all better off that way and that's where you use your authority but if you if you don't use your authority right away it becomes close combat yes it does and satan show up in your face oh yes he's not sometimes he'll throw some you know little imps here and there no he's not afraid to get up all in your grill all in your grill all in your grill and you got some broccoli in there right he pointed you in your eye and that that close combat that's when we know that that shield that shield of protection is going to help us in every way every dart that's thrown every demonic word that come up against you man you got that shield to block it i still wonder why i didn't have an extra bat at least a nine millimeter man come on i put the silver bullets i don't know just something but the sword authority the sword sword it's the word of god and that's powerful that's the only thing jesus used against satan yep the only thing he used he didn't use anything else but the word but can i say i try to be a humble person but if i had been jesus and he'd been like well you can do all these things so do them i'd have been like yeah i can't do all those things let me show you you let me show you how good i am because you go sit there and you go right each you're right yeah i could never have been jesus there's no way that's so bad it would have been easy to say that from us because you know yeah you don't think i can jump off this i will yeah and i'll do like quadruple somersaults in the air yeah i might even fly wow wow wow thank god that he's jesus by himself and not us but he used the word and i think that we should be encouraged to use the word when we are dealing with spiritual warfare we talked about quite a few spirits today of um understanding that spiritual warfare is real and it's today it's not yesterday it's not last week we're not talking old old stuff that happened 40s 50s 60s or 18 oh it happened back then but yes it's happening every day and it will continue to happen until we leave this earth yes because who's in charge of this earth the god of the world and we're fighting against principalities and powers and i'm going to say it again i know i've said it before but when you're mad at someone you see stuff going on in them there's really probably a spirit at work and you need to be getting after that spirit and understanding that that person is just the one that it's attached to so you're saying i can't get that person straight like i can't choke them sometimes i'll be one of those oh yeah i know we all want to do that but no or in your words drop kick i can't kick them in the teeth i think is what i usually say yes like all in the grill i can't i can't kick them in the okay just go after the spirit yeah go after the spirit and not the person i'm working on that i need it's hard it's hard yeah agree with me y'all because shelby says that means you're gonna stop kicking in the teeth right i haven't done it hey man i have a face muscle do you think about that doesn't count right i'm not acting on my thoughts oh my god who are we talking about the mind i'm talking about if you keep looping like you see yourself jumping in the air i don't see myself jumping in the air at all i'm 51 years old are you kidding me those days are over oh my god somebody picked you off real good i promise you you go i might be a little tybo plant that foot that's hilarious but you're right you're right um go after the spirit of that person try not to find yourself in that place of of anger and do you like distraught about that because now you can cause yourself to be angry and maybe some physical stuff that meant there's hate there's all that thing it's brewing yeah bitterness yeah yeah well here's a scripture um the bible says you can be angry but don't send behind anger don't let the sun go down on you that part can i say i struggle with that oh my gosh do you need to tell me i'm i'm i'm like the worst i have went to bed for 30 years and still be like what that pissed me off for real i'm still angry about it but i understand why it was put uh in scripture because it frees us up right it opens us up to um i guess to be able to handle the other things that's coming our way so now we got more space yeah i mean you know if we really if we really lived by the word life would be so scot-free so blissful so joyful so everything everything good i mean it really and so simple but we are so screwed up oh my god and we don't live that way and i'm talking about myself i'm not pointing fingers at anybody all of us so but it is so simple and we make it so hard we do we do we make everything hard yes we do but we have to start straightening that thing we over complicate everything everything don't call me out like that okay but yes everything yes we do i know i know yeah don't say my name shall we but there's yes yes you're right i get it everything we do a couple analytical people my mama we make everything complicated that's all i'll say about that that however yeah yeah however um there is a um a scripture that i do lean on when my mind gets completely overwhelmed um in the book of isaiah i think it's chapter 26 it says uh i'll give you peace that passes your understanding so it it begins to relax the thoughts because now i have to put peace in so i got to get rid of some stuff it's like pouring something in the cup if you don't get rid of something no yeah it's kind of messed up you got the water bottle so if i pour this in your water bottle and it's already you know three fours full there's no overflow yeah so i get it i get it gotta make space for the good stuff by kicking out the bed there it is bless of me lord and more of you yes there it is right there there it is that's hard we gotta get rid of some of us yeah as you just spoke about some of the negative thoughts some of the the can i say fleshly way desires that definitely that um we gotta get rid of that stuff so he can pour more of him and us yeah only way make way because if we're doing if we're fighting if we're fighting spiritual warfare um and i think it's efficient um we have to pour down strongholds and that's another thing in spirit yeah we need to talk about that we have to pour down these strongholds strongholds is anything that holds you strong well i mean i just called you or texted you not too long ago and i said do you think repetitive thoughts are strongholds because i have dealt with some repetitive thoughts for flipping decades and and sometimes they get to be uh coming back sooner quicker and quicker and not staying away as long um and you agreed with me that they absolutely are i 100 and once i had confirmation from you i'm like oh you son of a devil all these words flying out then i'm pissed and you done woke the bear there it is because the repetitive thing man i mean the only way that opens up if you let it i know i'm guilty i'll raise my hand 10 times over we all and we forget that we have to pull those things down like why are you still sitting there what happened to me in 2003 yeah pull that thing down look at and be like okay that did hurt yeah bye-bye and kick it we don't do it kick it in the teeth we don't yeah and we don't do it we hold on to it we'll pull it down and look at it put it back up you feel pretty and shiny up there i'm just gonna hold on to you for a bad day and go isolate because i'm gonna hold on to this rainy day i'm gonna put you up there because you're gonna come back that's so real so real i think that's one of the biggest ones that believers struggle with believers really do struggle with um pulling down strongholds i think i do the first step is to acknowledge it like you said hey this is repetitive you just acknowledged it yeah because i thought this before yeah i lived this before right and then when i you know asked you and you were like yeah confirmation i'm like okay guess what snatching that thing down don't piss me off yeah exactly that's a good thing all right well uh you know what it was it was something else um there's another scripture in ephesians and all of this is in chapter six it says we wrestle not against flesh and blood and you touched on it earlier we really do have to understand that it's not the people it's a spirit behind the people but shell how do we or those that don't have the spirit of discernment how are we able to see that it's a spirit sometimes it's really difficult i mean i'm not even able to call them out real well okay i think that uh time reveals things okay consistency or inconsistency reveals things oh that's real good uh yeah i mean and and and you know if you're praying about it enough things will be revealed to you your eyes will be open to things okay i think what do you think um when it comes to people um especially people that are close like we were talking about absalom when it comes to people that are close to you um it's a little difficult because of what you see on the outer like you have to as you said you have to take time and evaluate a lot i can't say i'm successful in the part of taking the time to evaluate because i'll look past it or brush it off right i won't say anything when i know that's something right so i i have fallen short in that area because i'm i'm not hoping for the worst yeah and i'm i'm like that i always try and see so you can relate all the people okay okay i tend to believe people are good versus bad and i give them everybody way too much credit you give everybody a hundred percent pretty much unless i get something from you off the bat oh we've talked about this before no way good that's stupid no well i mean you're giving them like green off the bat yeah damn is right i'm not saying it's a great heart though like it's not a good thing it doesn't work in my favor very much often jesus that i'm saying he gave everybody that clean slate yeah but it bites me in the butt yeah buddy yeah buddy but you give him everybody a clean slate i don't give everybody a clean slate i tend to lean in that direction i tend to be over forgiving i tend to give the benefit of the doubt i mean and sometimes i have to really get in big trouble before i go oh wow i should have paid attention for the call yeah that's but i've gotten to the point in my life where i understand that that's just how i am and so i don't i used to get really mad at myself now i get mad at the person because it's like i was only being me like if you're going to show your true colors that's on you they owe me so you say you get mad at the person well wait here behind the person wait the spirit behind i got you got you and then i still live in my flesh are you kidding me i get mad at the person yes i do i'm going to admit it i absolutely do i'm with you and i'm that's why when you said for us to really evaluate or see the spirit of a person i can't say i see that all the time i get mad at the person yeah like when they piss me off i'm like man do what you piss me off facts i'm gonna get you because you did this but i have fallen short in that area that i didn't look at the spirit of that person or that thing absolutely but we're correcting and we're taking this as advice for ourselves to get this stuff straight because it is spiritual warfare it is it really is um thank you for saying it yeah we wrestle not against that we don't have to wrestle with each other um and this world have created such a division that we are wrestling so hard against each other in every aspect whether it's um political financial racial education oh my god gender yes we're fighting gender upbring all of it and and we're doing it against each other yeah we've allowed them to put us in those division boxes i can show you in proverbs this is a house divided cannot stop yeah and what does our money say united we stand divided we fall my god yep we used to be that way and honestly i was just praying about that i don't know if it was this morning or last night that i really believe inherently the citizens of the america of the united states are awesome amazing people but we have some real creeps that have taken over good word i like creeps yeah good word been doing their thing for way too long and uh trying to divide and conquer and they have done a very good job and we're not giving glory in no kind of way we need to take accountability and try to mend this thing together and get back on track but god also says vengeance is mine and i'm just waiting i'm not gonna wait watch that happen because it's coming it's coming we have to be i don't have to fight that battle it's good to sit back and watch yes amen amen thank you uh for tuning in today man i i feel like this was uh beneficial um it also was helpful so because you you said some stuff that i actually have to look at myself in a minute that reflection guy is um he thought he had it all together um yeah he ain't got it he need to start with changing his way you and me both yeah but glad we were able to share it in this capacity ladies and gentlemen this has been word of mouth podcast with nate and shelby uh tune in um tell a friend share share and share uh as we continue to come back and uh give you what we have it's word of mouth podcast with nate and shelby love y'all

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