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Yari Futanari is back with her podcast after taking a break due to personal issues. She thanks her listeners for their support and announces that she will be posting new episodes on the first and third Thursdays of every month. The topics will range from guided meditation to positive thinking and reading stories. Yari discusses the importance of exploring one's likes and dislikes, including in the realm of sexual exploration. She encourages individuals to be open-minded and try new things, as long as they are safe and consensual. She suggests various ways to explore, such as finding like-minded individuals, reading stories, watching porn, or even creating one's own content. Yari emphasizes that everyone's preferences are unique and should be respected. This is Yari Futanari, your princess with a big... oh wait, I can't say that here. This is Yari Futanari, and welcome to my podcast, Dream for Yari. This podcast contains explicit material, and you must be 18 or older to listen, follow, and engage. Listener discretion is advised. Hello everyone, this is Yari Futanari, and welcome to my Dream for Yari podcast. I have missed doing this so much, and I want to thank everyone for tuning in. You're going to have to just roll with me for a little bit, because this is going to be my first podcast episode in a very long time. I'm going to be a little awkward, which I know is funny, considering some of the stuff that I do, some of you guys. But, I feel like I'm popping my podcast here all over again. Where have I been? Yeah, so 2023, the end of 2023, ended up just being really crazy for me. Some unpleasant things, one of them being I got a really bad case of the flu. I was sick over Christmas and New Year's, and it just kind of was a snowball effect. It set me back on a lot of other obligations that I had, and so I had to just kind of full stop some things. And one of those, unfortunately, was my podcast series. But I missed doing it a lot, and I gotta say, thank you guys. Thank you guys for your support, your interest, for those of you that sent me messages and were saying that you missed me and asking when I was coming back. I really appreciate those, yeah. And my podcast has almost a thousand downloads. How cool is that? You guys are cool. So, thank you. I think I hit the sweet spot with regularly uploading. And I did not want to relaunch my podcast until I could commit to posting regularly. So, I'm going to be posting on the first and third Thursdays of every month. Topics are going to range from just simple, relaxing, guided meditation, relaxation, mesmerization, that kind of stuff, to discussing think positive subjects, reading stories that I write, reading stories that people submit for me to read. Basically, anything we want it to be, it's our space. So, if you have a subject that you would like, just hit me up, message me, and I will do my best to include it. So, before we get started, I would like to give some thank yous to a few people that have just gone out of their way to make me feel special. And I would like to show my appreciation. So, first is SimC Squared. Words can't describe how amazing you are. A friend, a lover, all the dirty things I get to do to you when we're on the phone. All the sweets, gift cards to Panera, Starbucks. Annihilating everything on my wish list. Just always engaging with my blogs, my posts, and just being an amazing human being. I'm so happy that I know you. And I would also like to thank Maddie G, who leaves the sweetest messages for me. I've really, really enjoyed getting to know you over the past few weeks. I want to thank you for your words of encouragement and your sweet messages. And for tipping me. Also, just being very engaging with my posts to think through. And I would like to thank my little Goon Sissy, who makes sure she's always liking every single post, commenting. She's like a little cheerleader, really. And I would like to also thank all of you out there that are listening to my podcast. Thank you for getting me to almost a thousand downloads. You guys are so awesome. So, what are we talking about tonight? We're gonna talk about healthy pink exploration. I've been wanting to talk about this for a while. I think I might have touched on it a few times in previous podcast episodes. But I want to go into it a little deeper tonight. And conversations with different colors of mine have inspired this topic. So, how do you know you don't like something? And how do you know you can't get enough of something? So, let's pick on carrots for a minute. I like carrots, by the way. So, I'm just using this as an example. Let's just say that you hate carrots. How do you know that you hate carrots? Did you look at a carrot one day and you were like, Yeah, I hate carrots. Probably not. You probably arrived to the conclusion that you hate carrots because you've tried carrots. You've probably tried carrots more than once. You've tried cooked carrots, raw carrots, sliced, diced, shredded carrots. You've probably even tried carrot cakes. And you know from all these experiences that you don't like carrots. You don't like the way they crunch when you bite into them. You don't like the way carrots smell. You don't like the way they look, even. You know all of these things that you hate about carrots through experience, right? Through trial and error. So, let's move on to something that you do like, like whipped cream. How do you know that you love whipped cream? Is it because you smooth some over on top of your ice cream or your chocolate bar and you love that light, airy taste of it and the way it melts in your mouth? You know all of these things because you experience them, right? And that's what life is. That's how we find out about ourselves, about our likes and our dislikes, through exploration. There's a rare time that you may look at something and say, Ew, I don't like that. That's not for me. Usually, we know ourselves through just life experiences. That involves everything. Our life experiences, trial and error, is what mixes who we are and how we define ourselves. And I feel like it's also the same for sex. How do you know that you don't like something unless you try it? Maybe there are social influences that tell you something is wrong. Tell you that you should feel guilty if you desire something. But as long as you are not breaking any laws or violating anyone's consent, I feel like people definitely need to have the freedom to explore sexually. And not feel guilty about it. That's how you figure out who you are. You have to be open-minded. When I say open-minded, I mean as far as open to yourself. That if something piques your curiosity, you should definitely explore it. And there are so many safe ways to explore. There are so many ways that you can feel yourself out and decide if something... Like, um, okay, so let's just say that you want to play with your ass. Right? Although there are so many taboo stereotypes. Oh, if I play with my ass, that must mean I'm good. A lot of people in society think that. And that's just simply not true. Like it a lot or you may not like it. But if you're curious about it, you should definitely explore it. See your body. And if you want to explore ways to pleasure yourself, you should. That's another example. Oh, maybe you like to be spanked. Well, how do you know you like to be spanked unless you try it? And you could definitely try spanking yourself. You can do it with your hands. You could do it with a little slipper. You may decide that you like spankings, but maybe you like the soft spankings. Or you may decide that you like it really hard. Or you may be like, actually, forget this. I don't like it at all. You may say to yourself, I don't like this. But then later when you think about it and you're like, oh, that was actually kind of hot. When I talk to people and they're exploring with me, I get a lot of, well, you know, I've always been straight. Okay. If you tell me you're straight, I'm not going to challenge you on that. Are you telling me this because you need to convince yourself? Do you think that talking to a trans woman somehow makes you less straight? Does it even matter? Who does it really matter to? So let's talk about safe ways to explore your kinks. And this can mean for something you've never tried, something that's new to you, or something that you enjoy. Obviously, there's the physical exploration. As long as you do it safely, you can hook up with somebody that shares the same kink curiosities that you have. You definitely need to vet that person, make sure that this person is safe. That's a little challenging to do, especially when you're new to the kink world or this particular kink. But that's something you can do. Another thing you can do is read up on it. The one thing that's so amazing about the times that we live in is that we have the Internet. You have to be careful. But it makes the world a little smaller. You can find lots of places on the Internet that you can explore your kink in many different ways. The first thing that comes to mind is porn. I mean, wow, Rule 34 is in full effect. If it exists, there is porn of it. Yeah, so you can explore this by watching porn. One of the things that I like about porn is that there is going to be a porn video of your particular fetish, which lets you know right there that you are not alone. Somebody else shares the same interest as you, and that's pretty cool. Another thing you can do is read up on stories. People write lots of kinky literature stories. They're everywhere. Audios, they're everywhere, too. So that's another thing that you can do. Write your own stories. Make your own videos. Even if nobody sees the videos but you, even if no one reads the stories but you, write your own story about your particular kink. I can tell you this from experience from being on the phones. There are a lot of people with similar and the same kinks, but everybody kind of has their own little twist to it because everyone's different. I absolutely love that. I think it's so cool. So that's another thing that you can do. Obviously, you can find somebody to talk to about your kink, somebody like me. I talk to people and we explore our kinks together, and it's so hot. We do it over the phone. It opens up a whole world of possibilities for us to let our imaginations take us wherever we want to go, and that is so cool. I talked about this in one of my podcast episodes that when you experience something, whether it's written, whether you're watching it, whether you're talking through it, it's the same. Your brain, your subconscious does not differentiate. It's all the same. And so you can have very positive, fulfilling sexual experiences over the phone, over that connection. So hook up with somebody that you know shares the same kinks, or call a phone sex line. Hey, call me. As long as it's somebody, again, that you've met and you feel safe with and you know is going to respect you as a person and is not going to make you feel guilty or humiliated. So somebody that you trust. So let's just take a kink, for example. We'll call it the homewrecking kink. Some guys fantasize about their significant other finding out about their raunchy, naughty kinks. Now, they don't really want their significant other to find out. Deep, deep down, they don't want that. Because the first thing is they love their significant other. They don't want to hurt them. They don't want to make this person feel like they are inadequate in any way. And exploring a kink that your significant other is not into does not in any way make them inadequate, and it does not in any way make you awful. You're still two separate whole individual people with individual needs. Okay, so back to the homewrecker kink. It turns you on to imagine your significant other discovering a secret fetish that you have. But deep down, you really don't want them to find out, not under their own circumstances, like having a conversation with this person versus them walking in on you or signing your browsing history and it be totally and completely out of context. You have a lot of unforeseen ramifications. And some things are just private. It's still okay to have privacy, you know? So the idea of them finding out pink heart is thrilling. A very arousing role-playing or, you know, entertaining those thoughts of pretty heart. You don't really want their life as you know it to just be turned upside down. And so that's a kink. And that's a kink that people fantasize about. They enjoy exploring it because it turns them on. They can do it in the safety of feeling this out, enjoying it, but not actually, you know, not actually happening. And that's a very common thing. What do you read about? What do you watch shows about? I mean, what show doesn't have some type of violence, sex? What kind of show doesn't check at least a couple of those boxes? Obviously, the events in those shows, I mean, would be devastating if they happened in real life. But you enjoy the story. You enjoy the experience. And then you turn off the show or close the book and you keep that enjoyment with you as you go on about your day. And that leads back to, well, how do you know you enjoy this show? How do you know you enjoy this type of book? Because you've let yourself experience it. All right, it's time for me to get out of here. I don't want to go, but I could be here for hours talking about this. Ben, I want you to do something for me. I want you to take a little time this week and explore a kink that you've been curious about but never went beyond that for whatever reason. And I want to hear about it. Yeah, I want you guys to have an amazing two weeks. I enjoyed reconnecting with you all. And I will be back on June 6th. So until then, take care. And I will talk to you guys later. Bye. .

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