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Pitch Pod 1.2.1

Pitch Pod 1.2.1

Zia Paul



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The transcription is a conversation about the TV show "Pitch". The speakers discuss their opinions on the main character, Ginny, and her messy behavior. They also mention that Ginny is the first female pitcher in Major League Baseball and discuss how the show explores her journey and the impact of baseball on her life. They mention that the show was written by Dan Fogelman and Rick Singer and discuss their personal experiences watching the show. They emphasize that the show is not just about baseball, but also about relatable experiences and relationships. They express their love for the show and their desire to rewatch it. Overall, the conversation highlights the relatability and quality of the show. So, I like Amelia's character, but it's one of those things of constant frustration with her. She has a lot to learn, too. Oh, she definitely does. Like, I think the reason I like her is because, as we'll see very soon, it's because she's so messy. Yeah, she is so messy. And it's like, why are you this messy? She should know better. And, like, you would think she would have these clear boundaries, but she doesn't. Like, she wants Ginny to have boundaries that she does not have. And she's constantly crossing them, even when Ginny is, like, very clear with her. She'll still cross them because she thinks she knows better. Exactly. I know so many people like that in real life. And then they look at you all offended when you call them home, like, I didn't do anything. Like, you did all the things. You need to stop. I don't have an official introduction for this because Meredith and I have been very swapped. And we've been really trying to make this work for, like, two, three weeks. So we made it. We made it. All right. So the first episode is the pilot. And this is where we meet Ginny Baker, who is the first female pitcher in Major League Baseball, because there have been women in the minors, or I guess a different segment of baseball. And the show does mention that down the line. I don't think they mention it in the first episode. But, like, later on she talks about a black female pitcher from the 1940s or 50s. Yeah, I don't think that was the first episode. Yeah, so that's why it's important to note that Ginny is the first in the majors because there have been others. And in Pitch's 10-episode count, we go on a journey with Ginny where, even though baseball is advertised in the show, it's really a backdrop for the story that it's telling. Like, it's clearly a vehicle as to her journey and what influences her behavior and her mindset and her relationships. But we also get an insight into how baseball affects others professionally or personally and the wider significance of that. And so the relationships and the psychology of the show is also its own character. And you buy into that. And so I guess I thought this would be a, I don't want to say, a little neat thing to do, but just for the background of the show, it was written by Dan Fogelman and Rick Singer. If the name Dan Fogelman sounds familiar, that's because he created the show This Is Us, and they literally came out the same year, same season. It's a tale of two shows, which I will get onto way down the line. Not in this episode, but after episode 10. And if you've seen the romantic comedy Crazy, Stupid, Love, he also wrote that. So that was actually one of my favorite romantic comedies way before. I literally just watched it like two days ago. Yeah, I did a back-to-back of Definitely Maybe and Crazy, Stupid, Love, and I had no regrets. I was like, these are great underrated romantic comedies. I got swallowed up, I guess, by the ugly truth and Katherine Heigl's whatever she was doing. Because I like 27 Dresses by her or with her in it. I don't know if I like the other stuff she did with her romantic comedy thing. And even Jennifer Aniston had some weird stuff. But Crazy, Stupid, Love stood out. It actually holds up really well. There's one part of it with the teen son. I don't know. But it's still great. So Dan's in that. And it was directed by Paris Barclay. And I've already said what this is about, her being called up to the MLB, being the first female player. So I have been debating about the order in which to talk about this. But would you like to give a summary of the episode? Because I don't know. Just saying she was called up doesn't really summarize what happened. I just have to say, don't let the fact that it's baseball kind of turn you off. Because I love baseball. And even I at first was like, I don't know about watching a show about baseball. It really sounds like something I want to do. And after the first second episode, I was hooked, absolutely hooked. But so the first episode kind of sets the stage. And you see Ginny get called up to the majors. And just her relationships with the new players, coming up to a new team, not only just a new team, like she's a woman and how they treat her. And they give a little hint of her background, which, I don't know, are we giving away like spoilers on this? Because I don't want to give away anything. I would say keep it to the episode. So it's not really a spoiler if they've seen the episode. I won't give away too much because you need to watch it. But we learn about why she is the way she is, or a little bit about it, a little bit of a sneak peek into her family. And there's just a part in that first episode that I didn't see coming at the end. That's why I don't want to give it away. I mean, we can do that. We'll move on to general discussion. Okay, okay. You don't have weird listening habits. Sometimes I do it myself. So I at least want to prepare people before we jump into that. Because then they're like, oh, I didn't know this was going to be a spoiler pod. And then you have people. We're not trying to do that. Just learn who Ginny is, her attitude, her teammates, who you can kind of tell is going to be important to the show, is going to be important to her, to the story. I don't know. It's a pilot, like you said. Like it just sets the stage for everything. And it hooks you by the end. I think it's one of the better pilots I've seen. Because, you know, like there's a lot of pilots trying to find itself because it's the first episode. And I know you said there was some cheese in there for you. But for me, I was like, oh, I'm here for next week. And, oh, just a note that I call this in real time. Meredith just watched the show last month, was it? It was, yeah, it was around like Christmas time. A little bit before that, yeah. So I'm new to it. Tia has seen it. I would say we have, we're coming from different backgrounds, so to speak, of, just to say that our perspective is Mines' influence by watching it real time, and then she doesn't have that same baggage. She told me it was the greatest show ever and needed to come back, and she was so upset. I'm like, okay, that's a little dramatic. But I watched it, and when it was done, I was like, okay, we need to get this show back. I binged it in like two days or something like that. She did not want to watch the last episode because that meant it was over. I did. I was so sad. I saved it. Yeah, I waited a few days, and I saved the last one because I knew nothing was going to come. Like, I knew, like, however it ended, that was it. There would be no, like, ugh, yeah. To build off what Meredith said earlier about not letting baseball discourage you, as I like to say now, pitch is for everyone. If you don't get caught up in the story taking place, you know, in the MLB, it's really applicable to a lot of different personal experiences when someone is going through their professional careers or trying to make it somewhere. And you don't even apply it to that because it's just how they tackle Jenny's emotions and how she tries to deal with things and her interactions with others. That's the universal experience. And it would do a disservice to the show and to her character to just kind of pigeonhole her in that way. And that's why I kind of compare it to Ted Lasso is that everyone relates to him and various people in that show, and then they'll say, I know nothing about soccer. And yet with pitch, it's like, well, I don't like baseball. It's like, okay, don't get caught up on that because the show isn't just baseball, baseball, baseball. You don't need to like baseball. You don't need to understand baseball. Like you said, it's the background. I mean, her agent didn't. Well, yeah, definitely. And so this is the spoiler territory. We can talk about whatever we want. And so I guess we'll just be hopping around. Like I said, I do have, I guess, my unofficial notes on Twitter, which is a good thing because I just get overwhelmed thinking about all the stuff I want to write down. So you can start off with the things on your mind, what you would like to focus on. Oh, you're putting me on the spot. Well, I didn't want to just like center this around me. I was thinking to myself, oh, my God, I should have watched that first episode again. So it's like crushed in my mind. You said you were going to. I know, and I didn't. Meredith has been swamped for like two weeks. Life is just a little, it's a lot right now. That's okay. It's okay. I mean, we both have swamped. Yeah. I'm making it work. No lie there. No lie there. Isn't it bad that I, I want to watch the whole thing again. I want to watch it more like one episode at a time because I binged it, and so everything kind of like flows together. I mean, it's always a good thing to watch it again. But I'm so sad to watch it again. Look, I was sad to watch it again. I was like, I'm going to press play on the pilot, but it's a bittersweet moment. It is a bittersweet moment. I think the last month was 2019 or 2020. The show is just so well done that kind of piggybacking on what we were just talking about, like you don't have to like baseball. There's something relatable through all of this, all of these ten episodes, this one season, like just her experience in the world as a woman, her experience in a male-dominated field, and as a young woman on top of that. Like there's just, there's a lot that I think everyone, anyone can relate to something in this show. Yeah, because she starts out, when we meet Jenny, she's actually only 23. So we don't know if she's like turning 24 that year or she turned 23 that year, but she's only 23. And since I said we're hopping around, we could get to the part that Meredith was hinting to earlier, which is, well, I guess I'll give some background to it. And especially if you know anything about athletes who become professionals and especially who are dominant in their field, they're typically trained by their parents from a very young age. And Jenny was trained by her father when she was like three or four or something, and this guy was a hard ass. And he was stern. He was on her back. We'll get into the other parts later on. When we get to those episodes, then we'll discuss the other side of that training, right? But this guy, her father trained her for like, what, 15 years more or less. And she lived and breathed baseball. And even the night that she gets scouted and like, hey, we want to bring you to our team on the minors. And this is the San Diego Padres. He's still like, you know, we got work to do. He's like, but they clearly love each other. He clearly loves her. He's just more of a coach first, father second. And you can tell she wants to enjoy and revel in these moments every time we see her make some progress as a pitcher with, you know, against the boys. And he doesn't let her have that. But she loves her dad. She adores her dad. And then the night she gets recruited, her father gets killed in a car accident while she's in the car, and he's ejected out of the front windshield. And I keep thinking back to this, like how traumatizing that has to be, to not just lose your dad, but at the moment, the greatest day of your life. Because she literally also just won the championship. So she had all these highs, and then this tragic thing comes. And then there's another layer to the tragedy that we can't discuss. We'll find that out later. Like she was a lot of Ls in a short time. She was, yeah. But when you think about it in that context, her behavior and her mindset and how guarded she is makes complete sense if you watch the episode again. Because it's just like she's only had herself, basically. And I was like, when I was, because I was doing a Twitter thread on this, I kept saying she only has herself. And then I was like, well, I kept trying to say her mom, her brother. And then when you look at those relationships, you're like, oh, no, she really only had herself. Yeah, it was up to her at that point. So I was just like, everything about this character makes sense to me, like her flaws, her strengths, and just this facade she puts on when she moves throughout the world. And I also think about her dynamics and relationships with others and how she comes across more serious when she's with Amelia or when she's facing the public and the media. Because I think her character is very charming. But when you see her interact with others, which, again, you don't really get into, actually until like the second, third episode. She's actually really goofy. But she's a 23-year-old girl. Yeah, and that's the thing is that she was forced to mature really quickly and be super responsible, and she's dealing with sexual harassment and just sexism in general. So she's dealing with all these things, and you think it would just like kind of harden her a lot and just make her afraid to open up in general. But she still has retained that part of herself. So that's incredibly fascinating to me because, and I think the show would have, you know, went in this direction of at least addressing it if it continued, that she had to kind of, I wouldn't say she had to, but there had to be a point where she just kind of lost control after her dad died in some way because you have this overbearing presence in your life for your entire life, and he's suddenly going like that. And you both are working towards like one goal, and now you're on the edge of achieving that goal, and that person's just not here anymore. Yeah, and it's like every accomplishment she, you know, makes after that will always have a tinge of bittersweet sweetness to it. Exactly. So now I'm going to look at this thread because we were just talking about feel for a bit, but I also, I feel like this pilot episode, and you don't notice this until you watch the show again, it sets up a lot of small threads that pays off down the line, like it seems as if it's just passing information. Like, oh, you know, the sky's blue, like I don't want to give her an actual real spoiler, and then it's like, wait, that happens to Missy again. See, that's why I need to watch it again. This week I'm going to at least watch one episode this week. I really thought you were going to do like a quick rewatch. I wanted to, but then I, like last night I was like, okay, well I'll do it at some point today, and I just didn't. I was not home all day. Like how did that happen? Life. Yep. So I have noticed a lot in the first two, three minutes, and I think we discussed this a little bit at the gym where, and you won't notice this until you watch it again, but. Not really a spoiler, but you kind of find out in the second, third episode, that Jenny is very big about only giving children autographs. Like that's her thing. I only give autographs to little kids. If an adult approaches her, she's like, nah, I'm not doing this. I do remember that from, I don't know what episode, but. Well, I think it was the second episode, but this is all important because when we first meet Jenny, she's waking up, she's getting ready for her first start of her MLB career, and she's focused and she's going downstairs, and then when she's in the lobby, this little girl like approaches her for an autograph, and she ignores it, and it's not in the real way. It's kind of like she doesn't see her, but we know she saw her, and she's directed to go somewhere else, and she actually does give an adult an autograph, which is fascinating, but I don't think it's like an inconsistency. I just think that this is all to say, in retrospect, you can tell that she's nervous, that she has been building up to this moment her entire life, and now it's here, and it's like, you know, I'm in this moment. I wouldn't see anything else that day. I wouldn't. Yeah, she probably was like three seconds from throwing up that entire day. Yeah, that's how I would be. And so just watching it again, I was like, oh, wow, like Jenny was nervous the first moment we met her, and that eventually, you know, she gets out of control. Well, she probably had so many emotions going on. Like you said, it was so bittersweet. She's so excited, but there's always just that tinge of, man, my dad should be here for this. Well, it's not even just that. Like it's that, but she's always under the microscope, because I was thinking about that a lot, that Jenny can't do anything. She can't really be a normal 23-year-old. Even if you don't include the media, you still have, you know, other baseball players. There's just always a spotlight on her. There's always someone doing something, picking apart certain things, and she knows that. And so it's just like it reminds me of a conversation between her and a certain idol of hers. Yes. In the beam ball episode. And so, but you just see how savvy she is, because she has to be. That's the only way she makes it, because for her it's not enough just to be talented, that she also has to learn how, she has to know how to navigate these things, because if she doesn't, it's going to tear her apart. Like she, because, you know, baseball, like being a professional, it's not just about being talented. It's about the more mental fortitude to make it in that industry, because you're surrounded by other talented people. And Jenny is not just surrounded by other talented people. She's surrounded by men who are biologically stronger than her. Yes, yes. And she always has to work two, three times harder just to get where they are. And so this is always in her mind. She's always juggling various things to prove that she belongs there, because she knows she does, but she's just like, okay, I have to stay here. So I can't take days off. I can't be lazy. But I just found that fascinating that they introduced that incredibly early, and you don't even realize it until you rewatch the show. You're like, wait, oh, she was actually nervous this entire time. Especially after that first debut. I can't watch it. I have to mute it. You feel so bad for her, because you expect her to come in and just whoop everybody. It's realistic. That's real life, though. Coming up from the majors, some players have really great games, their first games. Others are like, shoot, they're just overwhelmed by it all, and maybe don't do so great. And that goes back to her dad. Okay, so as we mentioned, her dad is dead. This is not funny, but the episode psychs you out, because her dad being dead is a twist. Because I remember I had saw him in the promotion for the show, and I don't know if you've ever seen this movie called Soul Food, but that's where I know that actor from. What's his name? Because he isn't good looking. How do you throw that in there? His name is Michael Beach, I believe. And so I always know him as Miles from Soul Food, who cheated on Terry. And now, since then, she's just Bill, Jenny's dad. That's funny. And he's dead. And I had saw like something, I don't know if he's in the closer or some procedural, and I was like, oh, there's Bill. Those are the jokes. That's funny. So the episode frames it as if Bill is alive, and you see him in the stands, and you see him and Jenny have this argument. And the lead, Kylie Bunbury, I didn't mention, actually the actors of the show, the writers and the director, but the lead, Kylie Bunbury, she's been in things, but she has never really been the standout in these things. And so I remember seeing her in the show called Twisted because someone else was obsessed with the show. They didn't really give her much to work with, but they did her dirty still the same. And I'm not talking about like, oh, she didn't really get a lot of airtime, which is also true, but how they did her character was dirty. But this is all the same. Like, oh, I recognized her when pitch was on. So I was rooting for her automatically because that whole situation was trifling. And so you don't really get to see her acting talents in these other things. Then this scene when she's arguing with her dad while we think he's still alive, I was like, she can act. Like, this is not something like she's an okay actor. She can really act when given material to work with. And it's a scene that I'm still, like, impressed with because you can just feel all this anxiety bubbling out of her, this frustration and rage. And I like how she said, I didn't ask for this. I didn't ask for any of this. And it's like most professional child athletes don't. No, they usually don't have a choice. It's like I want you to play soccer, you're going to play soccer, you're going to play football. And when we see Jenny, it's because she throws the ball. And I was just discussing this with a friend, like, literally today, where I was like, they did overkill on that arm because that arm Jenny had as, like, a three-year-old is insane. Yeah, I know. That was a little. They were getting the point across. It was like, she's not your usual little girl. Yeah, exactly. But I was thinking back to it. I was like, I wonder if she was actually interested in baseball, if she was just trying to find a way to spend time with her dad or both. And it could be a mixture. Because I was thinking about when I was a kid and my dad didn't play basketball. My dad actually didn't play any sports around us. Like, I think he played football with my brother. But for context, my brother is 18 years older than me, so wasn't allowed to see that. Right. This is all to say is that my mom would tell me that I would just naturally gravitate to basketball. I would just play it, like, because my family watched it a lot. My cousins would play it, and then I would play it. And I played it on and off for years. And so that's to say that Jenny could have naturally gravitated to that, especially with her dad always watching it and seeing her dad and her brother play it. But she also probably wanted to bond with him. And this thing that she probably wanted to do for fun and bond with her father over, he saw that she could throw her brother stuff, and he was like, okay, we're going to make you a professional. All right, forget this kid. And just literally held her entire life for her in that one moment as a 3-year-old, and that is insane. I know. And so when she was lashing out at him, I was like, yes, you deserve this moment because a target has been put on your head just because you're that good at pitching and you want to be the MOB. So good job, Kylie. You did amazing. I mean, I have to say, like, all of the actors in this show, like, normally when I see shows like this, like, the acting is so just cheesy and bad, but they were all good. Like, I didn't get that feeling from any of them. I didn't either. They all felt, I don't necessarily want to say authentic, but it didn't feel like they were just, like, hamming it up for the camera. No, it wasn't forced. Like, it was actually good acting. I was kind of surprised. It was like, oh, okay. Well, I was going to touch on Mark Paul when we start getting a bit more of his when, you know, the show starts following him a little bit in quotations. But, yes, Mark Paul Gosler, a.k.a. Zach Morris, is in this. People from a certain generation, as soon as they hear either, well, as soon as they hear Zach Morris, they're like, oh, my God, Zach's in this? I'm going to watch it. He is such a selling point, which is funny to me because mine is, you know, of course, Saved by the Bell and Franklin Bash. Like, this man cannot keep a show after one or two seasons. No, he seemed like he was going to be a one-hit wonder with Saved by the Bell. I think he has the best career out of all of them. I mean, off the top of my head, he's the only one I knew. Mara Lopez just does hosting now. I did know, what's her name, Ali Landry, is that her name? Yeah. No, Lauder. Wait. Are you talking about Mario's ex-wife? No. Jimmy's agent in the show. It's like Ali Lauder or something. It's not Landry. Oh. Anyway, I've seen her in other things. She was in Heroes. She was in Heroes and Final Destination. I haven't seen either one of those. Well, I saw Final Destination. Yeah. I'm going to have to look her up now. I didn't do my homework today. Yeah. Ali Lauder is Mario Lopez's ex-wife. Oh, yeah. She's a violinist. He cheated on her, like, on her honeymoon or something. How do you cheat on Miss America? How do you cheat on Miss America? Because he's Mario Lopez. You don't have to do any better than that. Well, he's been with his second wife since 2006. So I guess he learned his lesson. Probably not. Probably not. Neither here nor there. We just completely went off track. I know. Sort of kind of. Sort of kind of. But what's funny is he was also trying to get Will, Jenny's older brother, who's probably, like, two years older than her. He was trying to, you know, I guess, like, condition and groom Will to be a baseball player. It's specifically a pitcher because he couldn't be a pitcher. And what I found interesting is that when Jenny's mom, Janet, tells Bill to leave their son alone, Bill says, I'm trying to raise a ball player. So it was just, like, always in his mind that his child was going to be a major league baseball player. Like, it wasn't, okay, maybe I can get them interested in it and it sticks with them. It was, like, no, I'm going to teach them what I didn't know until it was too late. Wasn't he trying to be a major league baseball player? Yeah. That's right. He just was stuck in the minors, and he didn't learn the screwball until it was too late. And what did he say to Jenny? Oh, well, no, that's not what he said. So, essentially, to give more context as to how Jenny is able to make it in the MLB, is that she is super talented. Like, she's clearly talented. And they do note that her fastball is a slow ball in comparison to men. So it's not like she's throwing some insane pitch, some insane fastball, top it out, like, at 100. She doesn't top out, like, 87 or, like, 89. But she has a lot of specialty pitches, which includes the screwball. And so that's how she's able to compete with the men, is that she's just really good, really great at pitching. And the things that she excels in, she really excels in. And I think that's realistic. It's just like, you know, just compared to the NBA, because I'm more familiar with that, is you have people who become three-point specialists. Like, they can't do much of anything else, like, you know, maybe kind of dribble. But it's like, okay, I can't really post up and I can't do this and that, but let me just become really good at shooting threes. Or let me, you know, become really good at boxing out as a center. Like, you're supposed to be good at that anyway. But that's how she's able to make it competitively, because she can't just do it on a fastball. It doesn't work that way for her, and she knows that. So I really appreciate that. Like, I really appreciate when the series keeps reminding us, not in an annoying way, but just keeps saying, hey, Jenny is here because she's really great at this, but also she's a woman, so she has to work three times as hard. And she knows that. And she's not, you know, pussyfooting around it. She's letting you know that she knows. Yeah, right. She's well aware. I mean, that's how she got so far. And I like that she was in the system for a long time. Is it called, like, a farming system? I know it's the minors. Yeah. Is it single A, double A, and triple A? Yes. Okay. You know some baseball. I know what I need to know. I wasn't completely ignorant about baseball. Like, I knew things before I watched Pitch, so it wasn't like I didn't go in hating. I've never hated baseball. I'm just bored watching it. I understand. Well, I don't keep up with it. But what else? And so, yeah, so she's in there for five years, and she happens, she plays with one of the players who she eventually is brought up with after, and that's Blip. So her and Blip played together before he was brought up, and I guess he was brought up a season or two before her. I know he was an all-star at one point. But I like that they did that because it also gave her an ally when she first gets on the team, when she first arrives. And Blip goes hard for her. I love him. He's the first one, as soon as he hears anything, he's going to immediately intervene and say something and do something because you're not about to disrespect Jenny. He's a big brother. He does fit that big brother role. And I wonder if he started out like the others, but I feel like he was probably more curious, especially since he was with Evelyn, and Evelyn was probably all for Jenny. Wouldn't she be like, oh, you're playing with that? I mean, I don't know if she would have heard of her, but she's like, oh, you're playing with a girl, and probably wanted to check it out, and just wouldn't tolerate any sexism from Blip. No, she definitely wouldn't. But he just doesn't seem like the kind of guy that would be like that to begin with anyway. Right. Like he has his ways. Yeah, I mean, everyone does. But I just didn't get that from him. Well, I wasn't saying with sexism. I was saying, like, he's kind of particular about certain things. Oh, yeah, no, I know. Because Mark Paul's character, Mike Lawson, which just, when I was watching it, it just registered to me. I just thought that Mike, okay, I knew Mike was like a really talented baseball player. Like I knew he is seen as the first ballot hall of famer. Like I got that. But then listening to the conversation between him and Blip, when Blip is like pushing Mike, like, hey, you need to be her mentor. And he essentially says, like, I've never seen a player like you. I've never played with anyone like you in my entire life. And you may think that doesn't mean a lot in context, but I think how they framed it is that, no, Mike is not just one of those, okay, he got the stats, he's going to be a hall of famer. It's like, no, he's actually one of those, you know, top tier players that everyone idolizes, you know, and that people compare and reference when they're talking about the best and the best and not just their position but in the game. And so that kind of recontextualized how I saw Mike. So I'm like, oh, like, oh, he's really that good. And, of course, Jenny would benefit from his mentorship especially since they're bad teammates. See, I know what those are. I know. When he first came into the show in this first episode, I did not like him for a little bit, but he grew on me. But he came off as very arrogant, aggressive, and just you just wanted to punch him. I felt the same way. I was just like, his first thing, I was like, this is going to be her antagonist. He's just going to give her shots. Okay. Like, here's the enemy throughout the whole series, but it doesn't turn out that way. It slips like the last few scenes because even after the first thing, and so the scene in question is, and we didn't touch on this, but this, it's not a recurring thing throughout the series, but Jenny idolizes Mike. And within the first few episodes, there are references to this. And I know this episode mentions it, that she actually has his rookie card with her. She mentions it, and then he says something like, don't say it, because it makes me look stupid. And I'm like, man, that's rude. I don't remember that part. Remember, it's all a blur for you. I know. That's why I should have watched it today. But it makes her look stupid. But, yeah, she idolizes Mike. And, you know, this is her big day. And when she first gets into the locker room, she, like, sees the guys and stuff, and she gives this, like, really quippy, you know, speech or response about how, you know, her teammates are excited to see her. They just want to either see her naked or think she's a San Diego chicken or something like that. And she's looking around the locker room, and, like, her first question is, hey, where's Mike Lawson? And then later on she asks about him. But we see in, like, his other scenes, like his second or third scene, someone makes a crack about her, and Mike says something that sounds like he's offending her, but then he makes a face like, oh, yeah, I'm just kidding. Like, no, she's not going to be here long. And so, like, you have these scenes just setting up, like, man, this guy is just, like, really, even if he's not out to get her, he's going to, like, you know, undermine her. He's not going to support her. This is just another guy that she's going to have to, like, stick it to and show that she deserves to be here. And so, fast forwarding, by the end of the episode, and even in the episode there's a lot of setup that pays off in a way that isn't just, you know, well, that's what episodes do, but there's a lot of remarks and, like, references, because you have scenes where the little girls are just, like, holding signs up and saying, you know, I'm next, and she's signing their autographs, and it's just all this stuff to show that she's clearly an icon to little girls already and how she feels so responsible. And you see she's kind of, like, having trouble breathing, and she's not having a panic attack, but she's clearly, like, the first or second step to having one. Yes, not far. But it cuts off, but she's, like, sweating already. She hasn't played a game. And then what happens is that after Blip has the speech with Mike and he's, like, encouraging Mike to help out Jenny, this is after Jenny's first start. And for context, Meredith mentioned it earlier, Jenny bombs it in the worst way. Like, she throws ten pitches. They're all wild pitches. They never connect with the catcher's mitt. There's some runs. Like, it is probably possibly the worst start someone could have. I can't think of a worse one, even though I don't watch baseball. And then she asks to take it out the game. So ten pitches. She wasn't there that long. Then she benched herself, so to speak. And so Mike is actually upset about this. It's not even because she's a woman. He's upset that she only pitched ten times and then sat down, and he doesn't think much of her because of this. So it's like, oh, not only is she a gimmick, she can't even stand the heat. She can't handle the pressure, yep. Then after the topical Blip, he's just – you learn about Mike, he's very observant. Like, he comes off as this very arrogant guy who doesn't care about anything. And then – and this is all in an episode. And then you kind of see, like, no, he's actually taking in everything, because then he has this movie speech with Jenny, and he mentions – he says, screw the little girl. And I always laugh at that scene because that's – you know that's exactly what was bothering her. That's what she says to Abelia after her start. She was like, you know, you and these little girls are going to have to find someone else to look up to. And Mike, like, exactly touches on that because he sees that everyone is putting this pressure on her. And I think his first speech here is really great because he's just like, you know, you do it for yourself, you do it for your teammates, or you don't do it at all because that's what it's about at the end of the day when you're on the field. He's like, yeah, you want to win for the fans. Yeah, you want to, you know, be a role model for those who want to be a role model. Not all of them do. But – and it's cheesy as it sounds because I still love it when he says, like, you can't aim your pitches if you're aiming to please everyone. And I was like, well, that's fact as well. Too much pressure for anyone to handle. Yeah, and you got to think about this girl with this unaddressed trauma who's been doing it alone for five years. Yeah, like that's too much for anyone, absolutely. And then he gets her together right after that, and I think some people didn't like that. Like, oh, he gives a speech and she starts pitching. And it's just like at the same time her idol just gave her a speech. Yeah, like telling her to, like, stop worrying about all this stuff. Like gave her permission to just, like, just focus on what's right here and right now. Don't worry about the girls in the stands. Don't worry about the fans. Don't worry about any of this. Get out of your head. I felt like she feels like she was essentially co-signed by him. Like it was an approval of sorts. Yeah. And then after that she has a very good game. And they even win the game. That's an important piece. Well, no, here's the thing is because they end it so quickly. They end when she's taken out the game. And I think the game hadn't ended. She didn't finish out the game. So it's, like, implied that it's implied in the first episode, but I think the second episode says that they won it. So it shows, like, yeah, she's supposed to be there. Like she's clearly meant to be there. But it just introduces so many things in this first episode that literally all these other episodes immediately follow up on. And it's not like a guessing game. Like, oh, I wonder if they'll circle back to this thing. It's like, no, they are going to do it. They didn't forget. Yeah. The writing is very intentional. I don't know if we mentioned this, but why is Amelia so intense? Well, we don't really find out why in the first episode. You do eventually, but, yeah, I don't think – no, we definitely don't find out in the first episode. I'm not going to say too much about it. Because she comes off as just this, like, bad-ass woman. Like, I'm here to get this job done and blah, blah, blah. But we find out later kind of what's – So you think that that's just not how she works, but that part of that is fueled by her other stuff? Yes. I think that is how she works. But I think she, like, after everything happened with her other job and other personal things, that that just fueled her. Like, she's like, no, I'm doing this on my own. I'm going to show everyone that I can do this on my own. She had no choice. She has to. Yes, she has to. And then we have to keep in mind that Jenny is her only client. Yes. I don't know how much she was getting paid or if she was getting paid and just doing this pro bono for a while. But, I mean – I know somewhere she said, like, you're getting 10% of my salary, whatever I make, or something like that. I remember Jenny saying that. That was in the letter. Yeah, but it's just like she – even if she was doing it for free for a little bit, that is a chance that you take because it sounds insane to me, but when I think about the endorsements Jenny would get as her career progresses, even like – because even in the first season, she gets really great endorsements. But that stuff adds up. I'm like, this sounds so far-fetched and crazy, but I was like she could have, like, made a billion in endorsements. Just the first female baseball player and she is crazy, charismatic. She's very savvy. We didn't have a season to find out. And people always mention in the show how she looks like a model. So it's just like she is, like, the triple threat of spokesperson. Absolutely. That's why it's another reason why we need another season. Wait, did I write that down? No, it was Apple. I wrote an email to Apple. But I was just like, do you understand how much endorsement potential is right here, like all this cross-promotion? Yes. I laid it out. I need to probably send another email. But, okay, so I love Jenny's humor because she likes to, like, joke around with the guys. Like she gets their humor and she doesn't do this. That's so offensive type thing. So that situation, going back to Mike, when he says you're the second prettiest teammate I've ever played with, and then when she realized that she overdid it when he slapped her ass, literally. And rather than, like, looking embarrassed, she's, like, second prettiest. And then she makes him tell her that it was Leo, Leonardo DiCaprio, who was the first prettiest. And she's like, old Leo or young Leo? Because Leo looks like a fish. Young Leo, I understand. I was like, I can't believe the writer just went there and said this man looks like a fish. But, yes. I remember that now. I kind of forgot about that part. I remember. And then she slapped his ass back and walked away. And I was like, I think at that moment Mike kind of could feel, I have a lot on my hands right now with Jenny. Yeah. He kind of realized that she's not going to be walked over. Yeah. He's definitely got his hands full. Like, it will be a give and take between them. And he probably appreciated that, in a sense, because he's used to being head counselor there and probably playing with guys who are just not using their brains. Give him a run for his money. Yeah. So that is still, I say it's iconic. I love that scene. Like, there's a lot of things I love in this first episode. But I did notice, like, watching that scene back in other scenes with Mike, that they were setting up a lot of character work with him, and especially because how he's framed, we meet him, like we said, it seems like he's going to be an antagonist. And then by the end of the episode, we see that there's a lot of depth to Mike and that his grievances, I don't want to really say grievances or that it may be valid, but that we had him picked wrong. Yes, absolutely. I'm not going to mention this part just yet. It's going to be touched on eventually. No, it's so hard to not get ahead, but, yeah. It is, but I guess we'll have an episode to just talk about all the things together so that we don't have to mince words. So my other issue, which is something that will, and this is all, this is not issues with the show, but just, like, interpreting the characters, is that Amelia, and you see this as the series progresses, Amelia so badly wants Jenny to be a superstar. Like, she doesn't see Jenny as a ballplayer. Jenny sees herself as a ballplayer first and foremost, and that's her priority. She's trying to build her relationships and be taken seriously. Amelia just sees her as a celebrity. Amelia is used to working with celebrities. Like, that's what she did before she started working with Jenny, which, again, that gets into another topic. I mean, so she's used to working with celebrities in that way. Yeah, and that, I'm not even going to necessarily say that she went with a, you know, sports agent. It would have been better, because I do think Amelia is very good at her job. But we'll see that Amelia, how she sees things is how she expects others to see things, and she thinks she's the best. How she sees things is how she expects others to see things, and she thinks she knows better than everyone else. And it's just like, I don't care how these things work. This is what I want to happen. Just like when she pulled her from that interview and she's just like, no, I didn't approve this. We're ending this right now. That just gives you a slight insight to how Amelia works. And just as a person, just based off the things I even understand about professional sports in general, I'm just like, that's not how that works. Like, why are you doing this? So I like Amelia's character, but it's one of those things of constant frustration with her. She has a lot to learn, too. Oh, she definitely does. Like, I think the reason I like her is because, as we'll see very soon, it's because she's so messy. Yeah, she is so messy. And it's like, why are you this messy? And you should know better. And, like, you would think she would have these clear boundaries, but she doesn't. Like, she wants Ginny to have boundaries that she does not have. She's constantly crossing them. Even when Ginny is, like, very clear with her, she'll still cross them because she thinks she knows better. Exactly. I know so many people like that in real life. And then they look at you all offended when you call them. I'm like, I didn't do anything. Like, you did all the things. You need to stop. Yeah. To mention the poster that one of the little girls was holding up, one of them says, we're counting on you. I remember that. Just imagine. Like, oh, no pressure at all. Like, who would feel pressured by that? Okay. So the joke that Mike makes is that they ask his opinion while Ginny is overhearing this. I wonder if this was after — this was before she pitched, I think. It had to be because I think Mike would have been pissed. So before she pitches, I believe, the teammates ask the opinion on Ginny. Now, Ginny is in her separate little — she's literally in a closet. Yes. Not in the locker room. She's in a closet. She's in a closet because, you know, of course not wanting to put a woman in a locker room with the guys. But she can overhear them and they don't know. And then Mike cracks a joke that she's better than the guy she's temporarily replacing, which is the guy Tommy. And he looks forlorn. And then he jokes about Ginny and then says she's not going to last long. So, like, this definitely contributed to her anxiety as well, which makes sense then why when Mike gives her that speech later on that she turns it around pretty quickly. Because it's not that she didn't have the talent, it's just she's in her head. And that's the thing that's messing her up. I think it is sad that, you know, we lose Bill. And I'm bringing this up because you can see that he was really her biggest champion. She — I'm guessing she was, like, 12 when she does a spontaneous tryout. And he's just like, come on, Ginny. And just imagine what it's like having this person, you know, by your side who always has your back. And you're just like, you can do this. I mean, of course, we're going to mention the negative part of this later on. But it's like, you can do this. You got this. And you're not letting anyone tell you that your child cannot compete with the boys, especially your daughters. Like, she can compete with them. And, matter of fact, she's better than them. Yes. She'll flip all of them. And she does. And so I think that that's why it's exciting because I'm like, this man is so passionate about supporting his daughter, but he is so intense and overbearing. And that's what's like, man, I just wonder how this is going to progress with her dad being there. So at the same time, it's not a part of me that's like, man, I just really want to know what it's like. I wish Bill was there. Like, I don't. Right. He could have ruined the whole thing. Yeah, a lot of things that happened. He could have ruined it. Yeah. It would have turned out totally different for her. A million definitely wouldn't be there. No, no. He probably would have ate her alive. Like, a million would have tried something. Nope. He would have got rid of her real quick. Yeah, so that conversation in the locker room happens before she bombs. Oh, okay, so we do get into this episode. I'm looking at my notes right now, so if I'm hopping around, that's why, if it sounds like that. Jenny is tired of pitching. She doesn't want to pitch anymore. This is a flashback. So we mentioned Bill besides the fake argument she has with him because it's just really going in her head. He's either a ghost in this episode or it's a flashback. So this is a flashback when Jenny is, like, eight or something, and she's not pitching the way Bill wants her to pitch. And she's like, I'm tired, Dad. I want to go in. And he's like, no, not until you get it right. And she is not getting it right. So he calls her brother, Will, outside. And it's like, okay, you need motivation. And then he slaps his son across the face. It is, like, the most insane thing I've ever seen. Never said it was right. But I can imagine this is how intense some of these parents are. Maybe they're not slapping kids. They probably are. I mean, he's living out his dream through his daughter. And, like, he's going to make her successful no matter what because he wasn't. So, I mean, I've been around baseball parents especially, and they are absolutely nuts. I mean, I can see some of them doing that, but what I'm saying is I don't want to say that all of them are doing that. No, definitely not all of them. But I've seen quite a few that are like that. And that's the, I guess, the other side of it, the pointed edge, the negative of his passion is that it's sometimes to the detriment of not only Jenny but her brother and her mother. It's like everyone is feeling the pressure of him trying to get her to go pro, and he doesn't care about the means it takes. I'm not going to say he doesn't flat-out care, but he's willing to cross the line. Yeah, he's very focused on one thing and one thing only, and that's to get her to the major. He's a coach first, and he's able to get away with slapping his kid because it's his kid, like. Right. But then what makes this scene even more insane is that he's like, oh, you want some ice cream? And then he, like, mentions it's like Will's favorite or something. I was like, this is so abusive. There's so much wrong with it, yes. Yeah, he's like, you want some mint ice cream? I was like, I don't, like, no wonder Will turned out the way he did. Yeah, no kidding. Could have been much worse. I mean, if the show went on, it probably was. Well, that's why we need a season two. So Skip, which is Al, he thinks it's first-time jitters. Both of them think it's first-time jitters when she bombs the game, but they don't get the magnitude of what she's dealing with, because they just see her, not as things that they just see her as another ballplayer, but as also a bad thing because she's not just another ballplayer. And I think it's also because Jenny just wants to be a ballplayer. So you just have these things going on, right? Sort of, kind of scores. But as the series progresses, we see that they understand that they're starting to get that, and they get it pretty quickly. So it's not like this thing that's drawn out for the entire, unfortunately, short season of the show, it happens pretty quickly that they're like, okay, no, this is different. Like, she's a ballplayer, and she's good at this, but what she's dealing with is really different than literally everyone else, and we have to act accordingly. Yes, yes. So I think I just noted that, you know, despite her image being bigger than life for fans, critics, everybody, that, you know, she's very human. She's humanized. She has her abilities. And unfortunately, it's actually, we see her deal with a lot of this by herself. Like, she can't go to her agent about it. She's not reaching out to her brother or her mother. And, like, even Evelyn reaches out to her, and they have drinks and stuff, but Evelyn has to go to her. She's not calling with, she's literally just dealing with everything alone. Oh, yes. And so the episode touches on it. Jenny doesn't have any friends. Like, you know, Evelyn and her are friends in quotations, and I'm only saying it like that because they lost contact after Blip was brought up. But she literally says she does not have any friends. She does not have any interest outside of baseball, and that's all because of Bill's training. He refused to allow her to have other interests outside of becoming a player. He made sure she didn't. Yeah. Exactly. Oh, this is what she says to Amelia. Those little girls are going to have to find somebody else to count on, and you probably should too. I do remember that. Yes. When I heard that, I was like, man, that's, that's a line right there. And I, I like have a lot, but, you know, we haven't got a piece in. And I did like that. She said, I'm a robot and cleats and I'm malfunctioning. Because of course she would feel like a robot. You didn't know that. I don't. I didn't remember that. That's what she's yelling at her dad in the hotel room. And he's like, get your mitt. Oh, okay. I was like, and I think what made that seem so big is because that's exactly what we'll be able to say. He's like, where's your glove? And she's like, I'm tired. Dad, like you threw 10 pictures. I know. And that was like, that she was so hard to watch. I was like, oh, this guy is such an ass. Like, this is not okay. I was like, so concerned. And then you finally realized that, oh, he's not actually there. But if he was, that's how it would go. It probably would be worse. But you see how critical she is of herself, how hard she is on herself. Yeah. But how could she not be? Her whole life is baseball. Her whole interest is baseball. I mean, she's had nothing but a critic at her back her whole life. Like he had good intentions, but he was not an easy man to respect. And I think that's what she's like. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. 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Other Creators