Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
what what what what is up it is here's the thing with aunt and mags we are back welcome to this podcast um so here's the thing that's counter number one yeah count it count it count it drag it so me and audrey have known each other what us two and a half years two and a half years you know but it feels like a century because me and audrey have a connection that goes way back because our spash panthers played hudson football multiple times and um those who know me i am a super fan for my high school team and i was out there with my cape and audrey was in the stands um cheering on watching her father we're going to talk about that a little bit yeah but yeah we have a fellow raider in the house yes we do go raiders all right so let's just go through some introduction first odd um kind of an interesting freaking name you got there where'd you get that name but um let's see i got it from the one the only ruth sinner uh basically one day during practice she was trying to push me to my best and thought that going with audie was the best way to do that were you running lines that day i think i was i think they call them figure eights oh shut up joel langford yeah those figure eights so basically me and audrey like might be the best pick and roll duo out there um so we actually had the chance to play together at summer league and um i'm just going to let you tell the story so like just describe like kind of like the scene so our audience can really get a feel of this place okay so basically i was playing on maggie's summer league team right and i'm not one to go down in transition but it just so happens to me what just so happens that i hadn't run down for defense so i was in the right position and maggie got a steal and all of a sudden she chucks it up to me and you know instead of taking the points or missing the layup like i probably would cut you off here because here's the thing we're unselfish people market we're unselfish people we love the game you know why we love the game of basketball because we can freaking throw a football yeah we can yeah we can those are nice vision like aaron rogers so i'm running down and of course because we have vision like aaron rogers got eyes in the back of my head we're gonna talk about him later too oh yeah and i see maggie and you know what i decide instead of missing a layup like i probably would have to give her come on i don't say a whole but i don't i don't you guys aren't going to understand just how cool it was no there's no way that i can say how cool it was no it was the most epic behind the back pass it wasn't even behind the back audrey you put it through your freaking legs oh yeah that's right and then and then maggie goes and scores it a no look like bounce it was it between your legs or let's go with that i honestly don't remember it was behind the back or between legs but it was awesome yeah and we ended up winning that game so yeah um shout out to my summer league team we uh went undefeated and um we did have some trash talking in the in the championship game um thought i was gonna get punched in the face but um it was a great atmosphere let's just say that a great atmosphere um so should we get into like um the packers game maybe i think we probably should yeah we've done you guys know us fine you're gonna get to know us but basically we're just like two best friends who are from wisconsin we can't miss that part no we are from wisconsin from the wisconsin we love packers but we're not just gonna talk about packers we're gonna talk about all sports because we love sports and we have a lot to say yeah and before we get started i just want to note that audrey hatfield is probably the most intelligent football analyst that i've ever seen because for a girl in college and i'm not just saying that to say it because audrey can you tell me like little fun fact about like your football players and your quarterbacks and you can name like oh yeah i can name um where every starting quarterback went to college maybe that should make an episode sometime yeah i'm just gonna quiz you right now oh josh allen wyoming yeah got any more patrick mahomes he went to texas tech okay i need to think of like that's okay we can we can get a list on their car their car went to fresno state all right yeah all right yep all right um yeah so that's me maggie let's see guys i don't think you understand like i love the packers maggie's on a whole nother level she's an owner you could say it's unhealthy it yeah yeah yeah it's but like she can go and like my fact is cool but she can name the whole roster from when the package won the super bowl with me no number 53 audrey didn't have a 53 i don't have the roster on me just name a number 10 matt flint quarterback oh just give me three more numbers 60 uh brett goody long snapper no that's 61 60 with scott welds there you go there's there's two right there yeah anyhow great job number eight with tim matthew punter if anyone just carries it just saying that's so cool i wish i could do that well you know it's a special fact i have um just like one of many talents you could say um but let's talk about this day of packers yeah let's do it all right so they come back from down 17 in the fourth quarter i told you this already when we were facetiming but i was about ready to turn the game off i was i was watching i'm like why am i even watching this there's just no point audrey i'm gonna be honest i turned it off did you i turned it off you know why because this is i have a bone to pick i have a bone to pick with fox sports okay hear me out fox sports sorry i'm not in your region but i am living in minnesota and i'm from wisconsin which is how far do you live uh 30 minutes 30 minutes from wisconsin you're telling me i can't get the green bay packer game on because i live in minnesota okay yeah okay yeah i might live 10 minutes from u.s bank but you know what we should be able to watch any team in the league if they're playing at noon and not have to pay for nfl sunday i'm not trying to get a virus on my computer i'm just trying to watch i'm just trying to watch my packers it's honestly ridiculous and the fact that i have to facetime someone who lives in new york because they're getting the game i watched the game through an ipad audrey an ipad and that's why i turned it off here's the most frustrating thing about that i saw a map of where they were showing the game i don't want the entire country except for minnesota and the dakotas got the pack wow yep yep oh are they all in the midwest too yep i'm really glad georgia tennessee new jersey got that game i'm really i'm really sure there's a lot of people that was just tuning in for that 17 oh you know deficit fox you might be getting an email about that one or a youtube tv or whatever wrongly worded email oh yeah all right so they come back down 17 maggie gave up gave up um i was just about to and then they kind of went on a little run which was awesome you should have seen me i was in my room watching on my sketchy little website off my computer by the way no i didn't oh good for you yeah and i was like kneeling on the ground because i was yeah right i was so like anxious and i was jumping up and down and yeah um do we watch these games with other people or are we just locked in no we're locked in you take like so when you watch game is it like film or are you watching it for entertainment a little bit of both honestly i love like watching what the quarterback sees where he's throwing it and love like picking out where everyone lines up but at the same time like i'm not as technical as i like basketball film if you make it like that it's just not fun to watch yeah film kind of money yeah like i'm tired of them oh yeah like the word film can yeah because i'm only watching sports for entertainment i'm sorry yeah from now on from now on yeah and let's be honest i always was yeah you know yeah i never once watched the game and was like oh let me look at this like i'm not looking at that yeah you know well growing up with uh your dad is football coach yeah he would take the remote girl yeah he would take the remote and i swear did you remind it oh yeah oh yeah if he got really locked into a game he'd take one of our old uh direct tv remote with the rewind button and just go i hope the audio picked up on this one also fans we're gonna get a better setup but this is our first run we're gonna get if you guys know samuel pichka's number 20 on the st thomas women's basketball shout out shout out to homie basketball that's what deserves this shout out we are excited for you all i mean i mean aren't you gonna be at every game oh yeah just front and center going berserk we are we are excited to watch some homies here um and that's not a lie but shout out samia pichka because she's gonna do all of our marketing stuff so like it's just gonna be great yeah all right should we get to back to the recap yeah i want to talk about our lack of running back yeah it could be bad i mean okay here's okay here's the thing let me go on a little bit of a rant yeah yeah track let me mark it down also can you talk about remember you talked to me last week about the falcons game when you're like man it's just it's just so like hurtful as when you're on defense and then oh yeah just run it down your throat first yeah first i don't want to talk about that game because it's in the past but we need to figure out our run game our run game it's it just kills a team when you go three yards yep and then three yards and then maybe and maybe four yards and it's just play after play and then you get to third third down and then they get the first down for fourth down and you get the first down it's like hurts your soul as a defender it's just like the packers need to figure out their run games because the falcons could not throw the ball as well as every other team and if we could have just shut down their run game that would have been completely different game are we worried anyway our run game are we worried about john um i actually news today he is questionable now for the lion's game and he should be able to play audrey we play tomorrow yeah i know but they everyone every person that locker room believes he would be playing yeah because we are a totally different team and then we should be three and all but i think we are three and all jones plays that oh yeah i think so too because we just could not get a first down i mean i a.j dylan juice yeah i mean his thighs are bigger than both of our heads together oh yeah and we got melon we got a big head you know yeah but he's not running how he's supposed to no and he's not like he's the guy who's gonna get you three yards we need three yards but he's not an explosive player like aaron jones and that's another tommy connection shout yeah we got a tommy connection a.j dylan was wearing a tommy jersey you know before the game so yeah just had to shut that out yeah um but honestly maggie hear me out here's the thing there's a thing so i was talking to my dad after the packers game on sunday and he thinks and it makes too much sense in my eyes he thinks johnson taylor is on the pup list right now which means you're out for at least the first five weeks of the season shut up and he requested a trade shut during training camp from the colts and what's gonna happen um but he thinks that there's a possibility and i've seen it all over twitter because he's not the only one saying it and twitter never lies have you seen a lie on twitter no no no um but he thinks that we send a.j dylan and a second round pick to because we have two of those we have two extra ones because of the rogers trade now um so we think he thinks send a second rounder and a.j dylan to the indianapolis colt for jonathan taylor and when you bring in jonathan taylor and we have five yeah we have just enough cap space for it you bring him in he's fresh he's ready to go and he is at like top tier a list running back in this league he's got shoes and he's a Wisconsin boy at heart yeah i think he would fit right into the locker room i think he would love being behind number 10 he would he would just love that that one two duo with jones and i i think we need it because the packers have never been that team to make just like the breaking news on sports center or instagram they've never been that no but like why not we're two and one everyone thought we'd be on three why not yeah yeah i can see it anyway yeah speaking of injuries yeah and you know what david if you're listening um you know i love you and you know i love you too number 69 69 um and you know i'm so happy you stay with packers and then go with your bestie boo um all the way over to the big apple but i i just gotta know what's going on what's audrey what's going on the fact that he's still suffering from his acl injury that was two years ago yeah it's not a good sign it's not a good thing how much are we paying this man um i could look it up right now yep i put this link get your phalanges going yeah i put the link in there specifically for this reason um we don't mess around in this podcast no no no and i hope those who are listening are bored but like if you're not into this kind of stuff maybe you're just not like our fan base right now and that's okay or honestly scroll to like go to the end and we're gonna ask maggie about some teaching stuff yeah we're gonna get personal this podcast is meant for like all sports and like girls who love sports like let's just like hype that up and like talk about it because like we have all these guys podcasts about sports and it's just like let's get some women's voices out here yeah seriously but if you're like not interested it's like honestly you can pause it because i'm not gonna beg you to be on here no no we want to have our fans we'd love for you to say yeah um yeah so how much are you making he is making his cap hit against the packers this year is 21 million 289 thousand and 35 dollars which is 9.39 percent of our cap state yeah wow it's a lot of money i wow he's really good he's really good he's a beast he's if you notice this he gets off the line of scrimmage way before the they move yeah but not not enough to call it yep yep your footwork reminds me of him yeah yeah you guys are one it's like it's like you are a brother and sister because when i see your footwork off the line man it's special it's special but this guy's got to get healthy and i know he wants to yeah and i hate harping on injuries because like i've been through it um jordan lampert can we just shout out shout out i can't wait to see you girl keep pushing injury sucks yeah they do especially that acl laying that f on but like they suck i know and i'm like never gonna be one to harp on injuries but like man it's a lot of money for not playing it's a lot audrey it's a lot but like honestly when he is out there it's different yeah oh yeah he's he's by far one of the best left tackles in the NFL when he plays yeah so well hopefully we see him out sunday on thursday i he was out marked out not questionable yeah no it's it's literally just his knee sucks that bad is it right or left i'm guessing left yeah but we don't know yeah we don't know all right j-lo j-lo the packers j-lo can we first off i want to talk about how sexy this man oh my god he's let's not talking about sports because this guy i mean if you're not into football just tune in on sundays and watch when the packers are playing because i mean the way this guy moves he i call him um triple c cool calm collected i mean this this guy knows what he's doing oh yeah he knows when to hype you up he knows when to talk that and you know what and he does not go down on like he doesn't what he doesn't we're at face time we gotta be careful he he stays level yeah his level yeah he he when things got tough on sunday he didn't yell at his guy no he was encouraging them and we love aaron but you know what aaron would have done a little ipad toss a little little eye roll a little yelling maybe to the tent to get some like darkness um some ayahuasca no but this this guy i'm so excited the future with this guy no my gosh i'm gonna be this is what your practice games do i was pissed when they drafted him see i was not and audrey i was pissed i was pissed i don't know i mean i watch college football i i don't know that much about it more of an nfl girl utah state yeah so he's not like shout out utah he's not from a big school yeah and i was not pleased when we drafted this guy but i mean the we just have to start trusting the package yeah goody is amazing and you know what he's doing yeah and we just have to start trusting it and i need to like watch my mouth when i say because this guy has potential and i and i love how he carries himself also this is a down-to-earth guy yeah if you look at the best the four most recent best quarterbacks you argue aaron rogers tom brady patrick mahomes and of course jordan look right yeah so what do all of those guys have in common aaron rogers set sat behind um patrick mahomes sat behind alex smith yep shout out alex smith yep um jordan love sat behind aaron rogers yep yep and tom brady sat behind drew bledsoe i think it's this yeah and if you don't know who that is get off this podcast yeah i mean come on i mean come on i mean you got it you just gotta know your tbs like that guy was number 11 for the patriots like you're just for those of you who couldn't hear me typing i was checking to make sure i got the right name and maggie has no clue who he was he was like not on my watch he's old that's why you don't know him i mean i'm older than you and i still don't know him i watched the uh brady documentary that's how i know him well yeah yeah anyway anyway when you sit behind the great quarterback you learn you learn you learn a thing or two and that was me and that was me when i sat behind um shout out shout out aaron norley i sat behind a goat and i learned and audrey sat behind who was your who was your goat uh joe langman joe shout out um i love joe langman but i think there's someone else um katy b baby katy b don't forget about the birds don't forget about the birds can't forget about her yeah so love her i mean it's just i mean you live and you learn and you we learned yeah let's just say you either win or you learn and we learned we learned we learned a lot i'm really good at talking and that's why we're standing in this room and not on the court yep let's get it speaking of young teams and sitting yeah the packers and the package yeah yeah the package i did look it up today yeah they are in fact the youngest team in the nfl football league with an average age of 25.36 years old um that's amazing to me if you look they're available oh yeah i'm 23 you're gonna be 24 soon yeah don't bring it up but yeah um so they're available my age which is also something that i want to talk about is like you know when we're like watching sports growing up we like think these guys are like superheroes and they're like now we're getting to the age where they're literally like our normal people like us like on the biggest stage yeah which i have so much more of appreciation for because i'm watching this packer game and i'm a owner diehard fan and i couldn't tell you probably more than 10 people on our team right now well you look at the wide receivers you got christian watson's second year who on ndsu who um baby shout out then you you go jayden reid is number two i think michigan state first he's a rookie toure probably played three games last year romeo dobbs probably played four like and then you look at their rookie tight end he's the first she's played three nfl games and i'm only saying who because people outside of the package might know who these people are yeah man i mean they're dropping a couple passes but i see it i see the potential luke musgraves let me just say he's gonna be really good he's also really hot they're really good to look at yeah i mean when we look at matt laporte jordan love luke musgraves musgraves um lucas van ness i'm not bad i mean who wouldn't watch the pack i know it's it's a fun team to watch yeah it is yeah yeah um all right should we get to the rest of the nfl yeah we do a little segment what's our time that's a great question i mean i think people are we're at 23 minutes right now we're gonna talk like maybe like 15 yeah just a quick one on yeah yeah okay um broncos sean payton talked some mad shit to are you good yeah he literally he blamed nathaniel hackett yeah and now he's just continuing to lose by 50 points 50 points if you're losing what was it 70 to what 20 if you're losing that bad then points yeah and nathaniel hackett didn't even lose that bad when he was the head coach so you know what sean payton you can shut up champagne oh oh we're getting heated i love it yeah um well champagne can you defend like no look passes because tua is throwing no look dimes and scoring like 10 oh okay here here let me let me do a little explaining for you so maggie there's this shanahan tree of of nfl coaches mike mcdaniel is under that kyle shanahan who's the 49ers court or a coach is under that matt lafleur is under that there is plenty more sean mcveigh who recently won a super bowl they have some of the most creative offenses and they all learned it under the same head coach yeah yeah so it's called the the shanahan tree yeah that's where this offense i just want to make sure the broncos and bears are good because those are two the bears are 100% tanking at this point and it it pisses me off because here's the thing they number four they're so bad and they're gonna get caleb williams i know like they're gonna end up getting the first pick of this draft and i gotta credit there i hate the bears but their gm trading away the very first pick this year and still tanking getting one the year after is amazing vikings want caleb williams i mean i can't tell if viking fans won't want kurt he's i don't think he's gonna be a viking next year they haven't extended him when they've had the opportunity to and did you watch what was it the quarterback i'm not sure if you watched that i mean great guy great family he works super hard but i mean i think the vikings fans are really struggling with him yeah and i think it's time that you need a fresh face because even as a packer fan i will say the vikings have a ton of talent you guys could be really good they lost so much so many like they lost alvin cook they had to get rid of so much casting this past offseason and there's just no way they were going to be as good as last year and the vikings fans thought they were going down yeah so i am sorry for them but caleb williams is one hell of a quarterback and if the bears get him it's going to be really frustrating it'll just be interesting to see how they play that with justin fields yeah it's gonna be really interesting yeah uh next on the topic can we talk about the taylor swift and travis kelsey situation it is breaking the internet it i mean shout out shout out taylor swift yes i probably know way more songs than i think i do i wouldn't consider myself a swifty i love music and i love to dance yeah you know she's got some bangers but i i don't know all of her songs i can't consider myself the fact that his jersey sales are skyrocketed up 400 percent and he was already like a solid jersey sales in the nfl imagine going up like you didn't make a crap ton of money off of this do you think they're in love oh i don't know i don't know i can't tell i do think they act like do you think this is for like social media or the attention you think they're actually really interested in each other i i can't tell either mama kelsey yeah it's true and she looked pretty pumped when he scored that touchdown maybe it is real can you can you like imagine being a mother and having two sons in the nfl and your son comes up to me comes up to you and like mom i'd like you to meet taylor swift and she's coming to the game oh she's gonna sit next to you the whole game like can you imagine your son dating the biggest pop star in history yeah okay everyone who right now obviously taylor swift did not put travis kelsey on the map let's just settle that stupid tiktok trend no he didn't no she did not no but no she did not she kind of did at the same time she had kind of did i saw things she has 262 million followers on instagram and i don't know how many he has but i can tell you it is nowhere yeah close to that no no yeah so she's gonna she's bringing a lot more fans to football yeah i just wish the best for them and we'll see where it goes yeah all i know is like if he breaks her heart we're gonna get a whole new album and she might do another tour yeah that's what i'm saying yeah um should we move on to college football yeah i think we should i think we should talk about aaron next week because there's like a lot i want to talk to him about and we're kind of like running close on time here yeah yeah i agree or do you want to talk about for a little bit you know what we can we can get up well let's talk about okay let's talk about yeah you go is there any way he's coming back this year because if he is i am i am more excited than i have ever been to watch the judge play yeah because that is one heck of a story yeah i i don't know if he's gonna make it to here but he's playing football again oh how would i know that's true you would know that's true yeah no well let's ask her sometime yeah i might maybe she'll be our first college yeah she can talk to us about the achilles and if it's even possible like i don't know what's true and what's not true with this because i've heard he's trying different measures and doing different things but yeah i can't tell it's also it's it it sucks i really wanted him to play uh over 65 percent of the snaps specifically so that the packers could have gotten the first the packers needed a first round pick out of him if he would have played over 65 they would have gotten a first rounder instead of second rounder but i guess we're getting a second rounder it sucks it's a lose-lose for everyone which is yeah horrible the jets i really think they could have won the super bowl this they have talent they built around them and they're young too like yeah i feel bad for him yeah as much as i it made me cringe like i think every like bone in my body like grew up when i heard our beloved randall cobb say it was so nice to see him fall back in love with the game yeah like he was in love out of the game in green bay like that's just if you're a packer fan i don't care how you feel about and rogers the fact that he wasn't enjoying the game yeah it blows my mind it blows my mind yeah you're in green bay he's made it like he said things the last few years to signify that i think they're just trying to make it dramatic and sell extra season tickets yeah that's honestly my opinion um yeah he's just something else he's something else yeah but man is he fun to watch he is he's like stepping down the field like it's a qb of all time and i don't care what anyone says yeah you can't argue that you can call brady the goat yeah because he won however many champions but yeah aaron rogers is by far the most skilled nfl player so let's talk college football quick yeah um we have we want to talk about a couple of things first we want to talk about our badges because we have to yeah then we want to talk about st thomas's win yeah have to do that too do that and we need to talk about colorado because like that's just insane yes let's uh you want to talk about the badge but because i'm gonna be honest i didn't watch last game that's all right it was a friday night game played purdue they came out really hot which has not been the badgers style this season they've mainly been a second half team um but yeah really happy that they could finally get ahead in the first half um hunter wohler is really freaking good i think he ended when i it wasn't the purdue game but it was was it georgia southern the game before that he had 10 tackles two interceptions in a sack which is crazy and for safety and for the fans who are not watching because we're not recording so i don't know how we would be watching um audrey has no stat sheet up right now it is common from the brain guys we we didn't write anything down other than an outline of what we want to talk about and she's pulling out these stats yes we might have typed on the computer last time but this is coming all from the brain oh yeah i mean shout out audrey thank you thank you um yeah braylon allen really good um did you hear also good looking yes uh chesma lucy did you see that yeah he's out for the season poor guy really sad i think he was in his either fifth or sixth year yeah and i think he's done i think he's done too i mean he's gonna get another year technically of eligibility after that he just wants to play that long but yeah it's hard um but nil money now changes the whole thing it does change the game yep all right saint thomas yeah they had a good one this week yeah with a last second catch by our very own jake really turned it around after harvard yeah yeah yeah um last second catch by our very own jacob wildermuth shout out jacob hey proud supporter of here's the thing uh-huh i know he is yeah he's gotta be he's gotta be um yeah so shout out them they they turned that one around too they went into halftime score they hadn't scored and then came out and scored right away twice i also want to shout out i know he's a big fan too so he's gonna appreciate this but um do you remember andrew from our practice oh yeah andrew mccormick oh gotta box out oh yeah you could put that thing as far as you could and try to box him out but it's not working because he's jumping over you you know yeah yeah and i just want to say when you're when you are on sports center top 10 you made it oh yeah yeah i mean he could retire right now and he's a legend yeah yeah and i just want to shout out him and his athletic abilities because what a talent yeah that was pretty insane and the fact that we know him personally and he matches that with his good guy energy and yeah yeah that's good that wasn't you andrew i need to come close to the mic yeah just in case you guys didn't hear that yeah so if i sound like faded that's why yeah all right um let me just do my little spiel on colorado and you can tell me take the mic okay so basically um colorado deon sanders is doing something that i have never seen before and i think the transfer portal and all this has a huge thing to deal to do with why this has never been done before he went into colorado swept everyone out of there who wasn't committed wasn't willing to do the work and didn't fit the culture and he rebuilt the program within one year which is insane yep it's insane yeah um but i do have to say the marketing job that he is doing is also crazy to me like he takes every game and makes it personal no matter what the coach says if he finds something and makes it personal and then he goes out and buys his team sunglasses and he does something and talks crap all week and you know what what high school player who's getting recruited wouldn't want to go there wouldn't want to go there yeah yeah so he's going to go out and he's going to get most of his quarter his recruits because that's just it's what he's doing it's amazing to me and it's i think we're going to see they obviously they lost the oregon yeah by quite a bit this weekend yeah but even the oregon coach gave him a shout out and said he is changing college football yeah and i i completely agree with the oregon coach it is insane to me what he's doing if you really look close enough anything you have to say about that here's the thing audrey um i just want to say you know whether you like what he's doing like like how he's portraying himself like how colorado's portraying himself they're getting noise they're getting attention and he's he's they're selling out stadiums yeah they're becoming a team has have you ever seen colorado on espn as much no no and they're getting the attention that they deserve because they they have talent and i love it because these small schools have kids that can play and that's for all sports yeah like mid-major i don't care like these kids can play and the fact that these kids are getting the chance to showcase their talents on the biggest stage against the biggest teams it's just fun to watch and that's what i got to say about him good or bad people are listening people are talking about him that's what he wants also let me just say i have watching that colorado colorado state game i didn't get to watch the whole thing because i did go to bed it was how's that coming jack yeah yeah it was pretty late at night so i was like whatever half time i went to bed the first quarter was the funniest college football game i have ever seen i mean you have comical they're they're throwing uh personal fouls every single every other play flag flag mccarthy flag and then you get like there's one place there's one place they're colorado forces assemble and you have um the rapper what's his name lil wayne no no no but uh one of them one of the rappers i'm blanking on names right now no let him onto the field rapping and then they're what are the the um the offset i think is who they were i want to say that's who they were interviewing and yeah like they're interviewing him in the middle of the play and colorado forces fumble he's like like into the mic and it's i mean the rock was there it was in it was crazy little wayne like that's who like wrapping him out of the yeah that's insane yeah out of the tunnel it's on the tunnel it's crazy i mean that it's just fun yeah all right i don't like people being so negative yeah let's let people have fun if it's not hurting you don't let it yeah all right um let's quick do a little wrap up i do want to give a shout out shout out shout out to graham mertz oh graham mertz we love you we love you you're such a we we always the best and respect you yeah i it's unfortunate how things played out at wisconsin i'm sorry about badger fans yeah on our behalf i am just not nice yeah he's killing it at florida right now though and did you see the fight at the end of the florida tennessee game when the two guys were like okay i was like threw down their gloves why why did he why did he run around we kind of dropped the time there yeah there was like nine seconds left but if he's going to kneel he can't he you can't hit him right um but he's outside the pocket yeah well yeah that's the thing that's it was a cheap shot they were but it was fourth down and they had to buy a little time before the game was over so but that's why he did that he's killing it right now i mean i don't have the stats on hand but i know he had like 333 yards passing in the first game and everyone's still ripping him and i know i know his sister really well actually just saw her this past weekend shout out maya um family's great i know how hard this guy works and just couldn't be more happier yeah good family yeah all right um let's see you want to do a little okay let's just quick shout out damian lillard's newest member of shout out let's go get the championship this year yeah i mean that's gonna be a fun do it a lot yeah it is yeah i don't watch too much nba but i might have to know yeah i mean i i i played basketball for five years in college and i can't say i watch no college basketball is way more fun yeah only only college basketball fans over here unless it's like playoffs yeah playoffs are fun yeah um but yeah all right so i think we're gonna talk about two things that's going on in audrey's life right now and then we're gonna wrap this up yeah um so first i'm gonna talk about audrey so if you don't know audrey played basketball here two two years two seasons yeah same as me well we came in together we left together yeah um couldn't play basketball without me no i mean it's it's not right no and i was gonna be offended if you like kept playing and i left because you know yeah you get it yeah i do um but audrey if you didn't know can like throw a shot put farther than like you ever could in your dreams um this girl went to like what'd you get third and state third and state but i'm how far did you throw it still kind of mad state i she's still upset for 40 42 feet i think 42 i'm upset because we started basketball workouts two weeks before yeah and so i was trying to balance that well you're a dual sport athlete yeah and and then we get there and it's pouring rain yeah anyway whatever yeah it's behind us but yeah track and field trying to hopefully you're gonna see if that works out honestly if we had a comment below section i want everyone to comment down below like just hype up audrey because i think she should do this you know i'm really thinking i think if if this discussion with the coach goes well i think i'm gonna have you ever like flipped a coin to decide the future of your life no no but my my head just flipped oh and i am i we're doing it i it's this conversation with the oh my god well well then we're going to have a lot to talk about yeah because i mean i i haven't been in the college track and field world and i'd love to learn more yeah i'm excited about it hey you've been to drake relays i have been at shout out drake hey draper's tommy's first game i mean when you're when your two worlds collide yeah couldn't be more excited about that one yeah it's gonna be great that is exciting um anyway maggie yeah tell us a little bit about teaching what's been going on you know so i'm a i'm a third grade um student teacher right now and it's been an experience audrey yeah it's been so i played college athletics for five years and you think those days are long because they're physically draining but at least you get like a two-hour gap to like just like lay down like not talk to anyone audrey i gotta be on every i'm getting the most random questions i i got asked if i was even a certified teacher the first day which technically i'm not but you know i said i was so they can like respect me but you know like the other day i got told that i have severe rabies and i need to watch out um we're having kids are wild man they're wild and but they're good kids and it's getting a lot better and i'll keep you guys updated with stories and stuff i don't know how much you gotta write down the story yeah like i don't know how much i can share with like confidence reality but like you make up different names yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna like write down some stories and we'll get into that because i got some funny ones yeah i know growing up with my dad's teacher you that's not the podcast itself oh yeah yeah they've they've talked about doing that oh yeah i think they should but it's going good i'm i'm excited about it but it's also so draining so this is like something that i can do to make me laugh yeah because i'm laughing throughout the day but i can't show it yeah that's true yeah yeah i just i just bite my tongue even though i'm like some kid just ripped his ass in my classroom and i have to pretend like nothing happened how how can you ignore that audrey less than a year ago maggie's just letting out the most foul farts on the bus ride where you're not allowed to there's no windows to roll down the rules with this podcast because how personal are we gonna get here okay everyone knows that that happens anyway anywho here's the thing we are at about 44 minutes and i think 45 is a great ending spot yeah um but this was so fun this was so fun all right quick wait what do you think is give me a score for the the lions packers game i think packers pull out a win it's at lambeau correct i don't think so i think it's at lambeau i think packers pull out a win i'm gonna go which i like that they're putting up points i mean we lost the falcons but we put up points um i'm gonna go like i'm gonna go 21 17 we win okay i was it's gonna be close because lions are playing yeah they're they're legit this year i'm gonna go packers win 24 21 oh tight one yeah i think it'll be i think it'll be a really good test for them we're so young couldn't even name our kicker could you anders carlson well there we go he's a drastic and that's why i wanted to do a podcast with you yeah all right um wait badgers have a bye so they're not playing this week um i don't know who's saying thomas yeah but they're playing someone they're away so yeah we don't really know good luck tommy's yep um good luck hudson homecoming this weekend oh fun yeah yeah my brother's first homecoming he's got a date i don't know i don't even know if he's going you should go with him should i he would hate that look at you all dolled up for the prom yeah all right anyway all right we're at 46 minutes oh man so i would have made it over that's all right hey we'll see you i don't know when we'll see you we might see you with a better setup but we're gonna see you yeah yeah all right maggie that's our first episode checking out peace