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Jovown ZamoraJovown Zamora



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Jovown, Adam and Jay are introducing themselves and discussing their motivation for starting a podcast about music. They want to share their own music tastes and hear from their listeners as well. They talk about their personal connections and how music brings people together. Jay talks about his current favorite artist, Jeff Buckley, and his favorite song, "Lover You Should Have Come Over." He describes the emotional impact of the song and the beauty of its production. Jovown speaks on artists that have fallen off and which artists are rising to the occasion. Adam gives his input on indie music and talks highly of his favorite artist Rex Orange County. They emphasize the importance of connecting with their audience and sharing music with each other. What's up, Craig? All righty. What's up, Craig? Yeah. Just so you guys know, Craig is our homie. He's our Discord bot recording all of our conversations. But, you know, introducing Craig, I'm going to introduce myself. I probably should. My name is Jevon. You can call me Jovi. I thought this was going to be an amazing idea to share this, you know, podcast with you guys and to give a full scope on music. And, you know, why not do it with your three closest friends? I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else. And I'm really excited to give everyone a chance to hear what you guys have to say about this podcast. And, you know, we're going to be doing a lot of stuff. We're going to be doing a lot of stuff. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. And we're going to be doing a lot of stuff that you guys might not be familiar with. So here's Jay. This is him. Hi, I'm Jaden. A lot of people call me Jay. You can call me Jay. The reason why I said yes to doing this podcast was mainly because Jovan had... We have a little personal story here. But Jovan had this little fiasco. One of my dearest best friends. And I miss him a lot. So it's really awesome to be able to stay connected with him through this. And then Adam also getting to know Jovan in San Francisco. And then me going to San Francisco. We all kind of grew up around each other. Adam is my cousin, by the way. Just to kind of set that straight. Adam is my cousin. Yeah, I can't do that. I miss Jovi. So I'm cousins with Adam. Jovan is my best friend. And Jovi just kind of threw it out there like, hey, let's make a podcast. And I was like, you know what? That sounds like a lot of fun. It'll give us a chance to talk to each other every week, every day. Just talking about music. Not just music, but also connecting more. Because he's so far away and I miss him a lot. It's a little tough because it's hard to have another close friend. Somebody you consider a brother farther away. Right now, I would say that my music taste is kind of everywhere. But I'm getting into alternative and indie. And alternative rock, meaning. Right now, my sisters, who I hope to have on this podcast one day soon. They got me into an artist. His name is Jeff Buckley. I know I probably am way behind on that train. Because a lot of people have told me that they've heard about him. But his album, Grace, is absolutely phenomenal. I love listening to it. It's one of those songs that I can drive to in the rain. Especially because it's raining right now in the valley. Also, we're all from Fresno, originally. This area. Don't go looking for us, please. No reason. I believe we're from Fresno. What a choice. For me right now, my ideas for the podcast in general. I'm just trying to make sure that we're all giving each other our own taste of music. Javon has his own taste. I have my own taste. Adam has his own taste. And you guys, the listeners, are going to have your own taste as well. I'm really hoping that you guys are feeling welcome. And you guys feel secure. And you guys feel great listening to our voices. Some of us are a little high-pitched. I am, at least. But basically what I'm trying to say is that I want to be able to share my music taste with everyone. And I want everyone to share their music taste with me. Because music is great. Music is what brings us together. Michael Jackson wrote We Are The World. I mean, that's the whole reason why music brings us together. That type of shit. I'll pass it back on to Javon before I start rambling on a little more. You're trying to make me cry with that little introduction of yours. I miss you too. I know. I'm going to have to pull up the tissues, you jackass. He said, brother. I started tearing up. I know. Same. I heard him say, he's my best friend. I haven't heard that in a while. My balls are sweaty. Like Jason said, we want to share our music and just get music back from you guys. And that's the biggest part. It's us connecting with you guys, the audience. Give us music to listen to and we're going to listen to it. And what we say on this channel, we want you guys to be able to relate to and be able to just listen to music. And that's basically the main point of all of this. So let's get into it. Jay, what are you listening to right now? I know you said you're an artist, but what are your top songs from him? From him specifically is Lover You Should Have Come Over. That song, just to kind of break it down a little bit. When I heard it, I heard it in the car with my little sister and my fiance. My little sister was like, Jay, you've got to put on this song. You've got to put on this song. And I was like, all right, I'll put it on. She has a good music taste and she's part of the reason also why I wanted to get into this too, because I know other people have the music taste as well. But she was like, you've got to listen to it. You've got to listen to this song. And I was like, all right. So I put it on. And hearing the first note of the – I can't even describe. I don't even know what the instrument was played, honestly. I feel so bad because everyone's going to be like, oh, my God, he's so unfaithful to Jeff Buckley, this and this and that. But I don't know what was playing in the beginning. But it was such a beautiful harmonic note. And I was like, wow, okay, I'm already – you're setting the tone for me. As soon as we launch into the song, it sounds like an intro song to the whole album. But it's not. It's in the middle. It's like dead center. And I immediately fell in love with it. And not just for the lyrics, but for the actual production and, like, the music behind it. It was so beautiful. It was so, like, graceful. Like, I'm Grace, the album. But it was awesome just to kind of hear, you know, the different kinds of instruments, like, going into that one song. And this song came out like a long time ago. So for it to come out that long ago, like, the production is amazing. And so going into, you know, Jeff Buckley's voice and, you know, what the song is about, his voice is amazing. I don't think anything can, like, you know, ever do that. I don't think anybody can ever do that again. It's almost like a – yeah, it's a big comparison. But, like, Freddie Mercury, like, you know, like, nobody can do his voice. Nobody can do Michael Jackson's voice. Nobody can do Ariana Grande's voice because, like, you know, these people have very distinct voices where you can't impersonate them. And that's what made him – that's what made Jeff Buckley so, you know, good. And sadly, he drowned. So, like, you know, to hear this song from somebody who has passed kind of made me sad. I was like, fuck. Like, I wish I was able to, like, go experience him in concert. I wish I was able to go do something like that. Because honestly, like I said, like, the song is just so good. Like, I will never, like, not praise that song. If that song comes on, it's like a non-skip. Like, I can't skip the song. I have to listen to the whole thing, even if it's, like, a good four-minute song. Like, it's so good. But other than that song, my other two songs right now are from different artists. One of – the second one is from Usher and Her. It was – I actually seen some behind-the-scenes that they released, I think today or yesterday, about the song. It's called Risk It All. It was for a movie that's coming out called The Color Purple, which is also a remake of another movie, I believe. And their voices just blend so well together. Like, it's like, I'm not gay, but Usher, man, like, oh, my God. Like, his voice is not, you know. You would be the one to say that. Yeah. His voice and Her's voice are so good together. And that was, like, the first time – I think this is the first song that they've collabed on. If anybody knows, anybody out there knows that they have another song together, please, please send it my way. Please. Because, oh, my God, their voices sound so good together. It took that – it went back on, like, an old Usher take as well, like, where – I miss classic Usher, where, like, he would sing, like, confessions and, like, those type of slow songs. And so to hear him do a slow song finally again was so nice to hear. I miss that type of song. My third song – I'm so sorry. Go ahead and cut that out. Hopefully you didn't cut out the part where I said that, like, you know, I miss old Usher and all that. But my third song right now is definitely – right now it's Doesn't Do Me Any Good by Stephen Sanchez. Stephen Sanchez, at first, I was just kind of, like, iffy on because, you know, I thought he was just another TikTok person. And going back on what Adam was talking about earlier, saying that, like, you know, he's kind of ashamed for, you know, like, listening to TikTok, the music and stuff. But like I was saying, like, it's – like, I interrupted him, like, you know, it's catchy, you know. Like, sometimes, like, they release something that is so good that it should be on the radio. And that's where a lot of people are blowing up now. So to hear Stephen Sanchez finally release an album after that one – he had a hit song recently, Until I Found You. To hear his new song – to hear his new album come out, it was amazing. And I hope to touch on it one day soon, too, because, you know, it's one of those, you know, romantic love songs. Maybe even Valentine's Day. Who knows? We'll see. But Doesn't Do Me Any Good, also another great production musically. His voice reminds me of a bit of Sinatra and Elvis kind of mixed together. He has that Southern twang to himself. He's very vintage and retro when it comes to the type of music that he makes. It feels very – no, not 50s. I think 50s. I think 50s is the right setting for it. Yeah, I think so, yeah. If I'm wrong, correct me, please. But, yeah, I'm just – I'm obsessed with those three people right now. It's just Jeff Buckley, Usher, and Stephen Sanchez. Like, they're the ones who just kind of get me in the mood to just, you know, go cruise around in a car. You know, just drive with my fiancée, go get a bite to eat, that type of thing. I'm actually going to keep that in because that was kind of funny. Usually I would edit this out, but that was just – I don't know, the way Jay said that. And it's also to show, you know, these people that this is our first time doing a podcast, and we have no idea what we're doing, but we're going to act like we know what we're doing. And that's a shout-out to Cashew for telling us that. Just watch us trip around today. Hold their hand along the way. Yeah, especially Adam's. I like holding Adam's hand. You guys are cousins. Don't make it weird, Jay. No, now you're making it weird. You don't have to point it out. Yeah, now you're making it weird. I was going to talk about my three top songs right now, and Jay was hitting on the fact that one of the songs was from a TikTok artist. And I used to be one of those people that would talk the most shit on people for listening to TikTok songs. But then I got caught in that loop where I was listening to TikTok songs. So I was like, what? But this guy, his name is – correct me if I'm saying this wrong – Honest Ave. So it's Honest and A-V. He does the broke boyfriend skits. He does something like, you should get me a PS5. You should get a job. You know, that type of stuff. And he makes music. And I was like, what, dude? I was so shocked. And even better is that his voice actually sounds good. He gives me a very strong Little Pete vibe. I think you guys have listened to him before. Very strong Little Pete vibe. And the song that is just stuck in my brain recently is going to be They Don't Make Pills for Heartbreak. And it's – I don't know. It's such a good song. He talks about his trauma, the things he's gone through. It's just really cool to listen to. And I relate to a bit of it. I'm not going to speak on that right now. But I relate to a bit of it. And it's very cool to see that, hey, someone's gone like this too. I'm not alone. So he's actually expressing what he's been through and the experiences he's had to get to the point where he's making music. And I think that's a thing that I think I've gone through as well, like wanting to make music or expressing my feelings. And I think this is a cool way of doing that as well. Another artist that I've been listening to constantly, I brought him up earlier, but it's going to be the GOAT, Bruno Mars. A lot of his old stuff, I don't know. I've just been very in tune with it and just singing along with it. So has my wife. We'll be cooking in the kitchen, and we're just singing to Bruno Mars, slow dancing in the kitchen. Very, very cliché, but, you know, it's not cliché when you're with the person that you look. Yeah, yeah. I know. I know. I don't know. Like I said, it seems very cliché, but once you get there in that part of your relationship, it's not cliché. It's just being able to love someone like that. And it's fun. I'm kidding. It's a little thing out there. You guys, I've been married for a few months now, and it's honestly so much fun. And then I get to share all of my music with Ureli as well. I'm not ashamed to admit it, but as of right now, I can't get the damn Wonka musical out of my head. I listened to it last night and watched it last night. Dude, I didn't know Timothee Chalamet could sing. Like, what the heck? They're straight bops. I've been listening to them all day. Let me see. I'm looking at my phone right now. For a moment, with Kyla Lane and Timothee, I mean, a straight bop. The way he sings, you wouldn't take him as a Broadway singer type guy from all the movies that he's done. But then you hear this guy singing, you're like, okay, so this guy was definitely a theater kid. The way he dances, holds himself, and sings, I'm like, yeah, okay, yeah, I can see it now. It's really cool to see it. I'm sure it's a very different type of, you know, Timothee Chalamet acting, too. Like, seeing him from Dune and then going to Wonka, I'm sure it's like a big change. Oh, yeah. It's so weird. And then, like, musical-wise, it gives me very much La La Land vibes and the way the story is told throughout the music and the way time passes throughout the music. I don't know. It's very, very beautiful, and I loved it a lot music-wise. It was perfect. And his voice, it was amazing. Like, I know we haven't hit on musicals. I mean, we're obviously going to do it, but I'll probably be the first to say it. I mean, that's my top musical in a long time that I've heard. And we're going to exclude the Mean Girls one because we don't want to talk about that, you know. I've heard very, very bad things about that one. You guys have heard that, yeah? Some people like it. I've heard good things and I've heard bad things, so it's just kind of up in the air. I don't know. Those are just the three things that are, like, stuck in my mind. I can't get them out. I can't stop singing them. I'd recommend everyone to go listen to them. I mean, it's awesome. And, yeah, Adam, what are your thoughts right now, dude? What are you listening to? Yeah, well, I guess if we're admitting to TikTok songs, I guess I'll start with that. I found Boy With You. He's such a solo artist. He sings with his ukulele and that's almost his whole vibe. It's just him singing with the ukulele, but it's so fun. I've been listening to a lot of him. I like a lot of the stuff that he made when he was still really small. But he was getting a lot more noticed. He's starting to go on tour and stuff like that. So it's pretty cool. I feel like I kind of did catch him in his early start. So to watch him actually go was pretty cool. I think it was at a Dave & Buster's last year. And just out of nowhere, I heard one of his songs on the speakers, and I thought it was pretty cool just that he's getting that notice. I found him on TikTok, a little small guy, and he ended up being somebody pretty big. So a lot of his music, he's just really cool. I'm very emotional-driven when it comes to my music, when it comes to lyrics, just the vibe that they give out. That's kind of what I look for. I'm not a huge listener to rap or whatever has a lot going on. I like the simple stuff. It keeps it mellow. It keeps it cool. But Boy With Luv keeps a lot of that with his ukulele. It's just his ukulele, but he does a lot with it. His music, again, it's just very emotional-driven. Each song is very different, but he's not afraid to be honest about what he's feeling. So it's pretty cool. Sometimes I'm feeling that way. Thanks for expressing it. Beside that, that's Boy With Luv. I've been trying to find a lot of indie stuff. Lately, it's been The Moss that's been kind of just taking over my on-repeat playlist. They have a lot of cool songs. They just came out in 2018. That's when they started releasing stuff, so that's what I see on Spotify. But just a lot of upbeat stuff, very indie rock-based. One that I've been listening to is the most recent release. It came out last year, 2023. It's called The Place That Makes Me Happy, and it's just really upbeat, fun, road trip vibes, like get out, go. Very emotional-driven. It just makes you want to go, get up. They've been pretty cool. They have a few other songs that I like. They're almost folksy, but it just sounds very pumping, very exciting, gets you going. But besides that, that's The Moss, that's Boy With Luv. I also like Willis. I found them recently. They've been pretty cool. It's funny, because I was listening to them the other day, and I was thinking, oh, it would be cool to just listen to them. I don't know if you guys ever listen to different artist radios or different music radios based on the song, just find similar stuff like that. Have you guys heard that? Yeah. No, yeah, totally. It's fun to go down that rabbit hole and just find all that different type of music. It's fun. I've done it, yeah. Yeah, so I was doing that, and I thought, okay, it'd be cool to just find more Willis music. And the number one song is I Think I Like When It Rains, which is a TikTok song. There's no way that their number one song is also from TikTok, so it just shows the credibility of the stuff you can find on TikTok. But it's another really cool band that I ended up finding. Yeah, it's just what I've been doing lately, trying to find different indie stuff. But I am learning recently that I do more indie rock, just more upbeat stuff. That's more of my side of music that I like to keep it on. Yeah, I'm happy you brought up the folk stuff, Adam. Yeah. Oh, go ahead, Jake. I was going to say, honestly, that you're valid in listening to the comper stuff, because a lot of the time, I'm very mixed when it comes to music. And I can appreciate when somebody who's all over the place as well, when it comes to that, they're listening. Because I can do country, I can do rap, I can do hip hop and stuff like that. Not a lot of mainstream stuff, I will say. I will get hooked on some things, but I like diving into... Because when we started this, talking about this podcast, I was like, well, mine and Jovi's taste can be very similar at times. And the person who I want to get to relate to the most is probably going to be Adam, because Adam is going to be the one who pulls us out of the mainstream, pulls us out of the rappers and stuff like that, like Drake and all that. So he's going to show us his findings in a way. Yeah, I'm excited to show you as well. Yeah, I'm excited to hear a lot of the calmer stuff, because I do like the calmer stuff too. I'm an R&B soul type of person. I'm very classical. I can do anything when it comes to music. I can listen to anything. It's because it's just fun. It's just fun to dive into different things. Yeah, I like keeping it very vague, just trying to find new stuff. If I'm not listening to one of my playlists or something that... If I'm at work, I'm going to listen to something I know just because I'm bored or whatever. But if I really want to find new stuff, I'll just listen to different, like I said, the radios and stuff. And it brings me to some random weird stuff, but I end up keeping it on repeat and I keep listening to it over and over until I can't hear it anymore. So it's pretty nice just being able to find new stuff. I like being able to show you guys stuff like that. I think I have a good amount of different music compared to your guys' taste. I mean, you guys have a very similar taste in your guys' music, especially when it comes to musicals and all that. You guys have that wide spectrum of appreciation when it comes to music, so I'm hoping to impress you guys. You already have. I'm excited. Yeah, no, yeah. I mean, I've been a fan of this mainstream stuff since I was like 10, and that just falls back to like Ice Cube, Dr. Dre, Eminem. And then as I got older, I started listening to more, you know, Drake, Kid Cudi, Travis Scott, Future. But weirdly enough, I've noticed a major change in the mainstream music that's been going on. Like rap is starting to fall off a bit, and I'm also kind of not liking it as much as I used to or finding the lyrics that I could relate to. And I've listened to a lot of this one artist, Noah Cahan. I'm not sure if I'm saying that right, but I've like really listened to a lot of his more new music. And I don't know. I love Drake, and I love what he's done. I love what he's doing. But I'll catch myself wanting to put on Noah Cahan before Drake, which is weird because I'm very much of a mainstream. Like I listen to what's put out by the mainstream artists, and now my music is shifting a little bit. It's weird. So Adam, if you want to switch me up a little bit and like guide me into the indie stuff, I'd be more than happy to listen to it. I mean, you already did that with Rex, so I'd love to see another artist you can do that with. Yeah, The Moss definitely. I mean, I've been liking their stuff. It's very upbeat, but also they kind of have that side of them where it is a little bit lower, but it ends up kind of turning into like a rock song. I'll send you... Well, I guess I can just talk about it here. It's called Blink by The Moss. By The Moss, it kind of starts off like almost sounding like very emotional, kind of very driven by emotion. I mean, it's hard to express that more. But then it kind of gets a little bit more upbeat. It gets very... The emotion gets stronger the louder the music gets. So I think you'll like that one. That's a really good one. Blink. So I'll send that to you later. Just so you'll be able to hear it. Maybe we'll figure out something, some kind of way to list out the music that we do mention for you guys to find and have easy access to. Just because I don't want you guys searching for it after we mention it and making it a chore. Or maybe we'll make a public playlist on Spotify and every song that we mention, we'll throw it on there. Oh yeah, we'll figure it out. But again, you guys are learning along the way with us. We don't know what we're doing. So we'll see how it goes for you. Speaking more on indie stuff. Wait. No. Sorry. Sorry. You had to get that out. No, but speaking more on indie stuff, Noah Kahan and then... I don't know. I've never liked The Driver Era. I know I'm going to get some backlash for saying that. What? I'm sorry. That's the first time I'm going to be like, what? But as of recently, I've just put on their songs. I'll hop on the albums and see what... I don't know. I've never liked them. So I'm like, you know what? Maybe if I give it time and I listen to them and repeat them. And I'm starting to fall in love with their music and it's pretty crazy. But I'm really into Afterglow right now. It's really good. Oh, Afterglow is great. I'm just in love with that song. I agree. Yeah. I can't stop playing it and it's so good. And then I've always listened to the Backseat Lovers. I just haven't really given them more plays than I've given Drake. I've really kind of put Drake in the backseat. And the Backseat Lovers, I'm in love with Full House and Kilby Girl. I don't know. I can't stop listening to them. Yeah, I was going to mention them because I've been loving them as well. Go ahead and talk about them because you probably know more than I do. No, I mean, probably earlier this year when I did get more into the indie side of it, that's when I started listening to them. But it's kind of, you hear one song from them, you look into them, and you kind of just get hooked on them because they just have that, they know how to make a song catchy and know how to make it appealing so that you hold on to it throughout the whole song. And I can't really, like looking at the songs I have in front of me by them, like I can't think of anything that's too repetitive or too structured. It's all very free, their music. It's pretty nice. Me, personally, I really would like to get into them more. I really, really, really enjoy Pool House. It's like my favorite one to like belt in the car. Oh, yeah, I love that song. You know, like that song is just so good, you know, like just to, like a part of me just wants to break out in a song when I'm talking about it, which is kind of funny to me. Do it. But, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, 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was, like, in the early 2000s, that was fun, and that was, like, you know, motivating as well, because that's when he dropped Not Afraid, that's when he dropped the whole Recovery album, you know, um, and, uh, that's when he did his collabs that were fun with, like, Drake, with Lil Wayne, and with, um, other, like, big artists, like, big names, you know, um, but now his newer stuff, I, I can only, like, pick apart some songs, like, that's it, like, there's, like, two songs on each album that I thoroughly enjoy and, like, can actually listen to without, like, skipping it, and I feel bad saying that, like, I, like, throw people saying that, I feel awful saying that kind of stuff, but just falling off, you know, like, it's not, it's not a bad thing, it just means that, you know, your time is up, you know, it's okay, just, you know, like, you'll always be goaded, you'll always be remembered by me and by a lot of people, but I think it's just, it's just time to start signing more people, like, become the next Dre, you know, like, Dre is the best shit out of people, and he's known for not only that, but for the NWA, and for his solo shit, too. Adam, do you have any artists that you want to just controversially just on, you know, like? I mean, I'm scared, you guys, I'm kind of hired, I don't think I can match it. I mean, not necessarily, I mean, I just kind of, I feel like every artist, they kind of just release the music with their own intent, so, I mean, I don't know, it's hard to just say, like, oh, like, this person's music has gotten down to the value where, oh, they should just give up. I mean, no, I'd look for it to make it just very rough and blunt, I mean, I don't know, like, I kind of just, like, oh, this person made a new song, like, cool, what's it about? And didn't like it, maybe next time, so I don't know, I'm very up for just whatever comes out, like, especially when an artist comes out and they do something completely different than what they're used to, like, a lot of people, they're not going to like it just because they have that expectation, but sometimes it can be a really good surprise that it's different, so I can't give you an artist off the top of my head that's done that, but, I mean, yeah, it's just different and music can be nice when they have that variety rather than just kind of that constant. And that's how I'm saying, I get what you're saying, yeah, going back to what your mom was saying about Drake, like, a lot of his new stuff is catchy and fun and hype, and I'm starting to get into hype music myself, but it's all the same, it's the same thing as something that a 21 Savage would put out, it's the same thing as somebody, as a young thug, it's the same thing as all that, I think the only thing that I like about a lot of the production is because Metro Boomin did it, that's the only reason why I'll listen to a lot of those songs is because Metro Boomin did it, and I can't wait for his new album to come out too. I agree with you, and I mean, let's take what Metro Boomin does to albums and say, like, how I say Kid Teddy is, you know, starting to, you know, fall off. Let's take Kid Cudi's production style and what he's able to do as a producer and take it to the next level and make him a producer, like, he starts to go towards that way. Imagine the type of songs or, like, high volume songs we could get out of Kid Cudi producing for artists, like, that'd be insane. Like, imagine, you know, like, Drake and Future hopping on a song, but the beat is produced and made from Kid Cudi, like, that'd be perfect. I think it'd be amazing. Even with SZA on a beat like that, that'd be perfect. You guys know what I'm talking about? Like, to transition from that and to make something better for other artists would be amazing. That way, we can't really say he entirely fell off. He just went a different route, just like Drake did, you know? Yeah, and not just, you know, because we're not going to only talk about, you know, our favorite artists and stuff, but some of, you know, some people who have told me, you know, who their favorite artists are currently, my fiance, she's been delving into a lot of, like, oldies and stuff like that, and I love it. Just to kind of, like, segue away from, you know, the whole, like, mainstream talk and, like, you know, who's falling off and who's not. Yeah, definitely. We should definitely, you know, talk about the idea that oldies are missed. I very much miss, like, the old soul type of genre. I miss, you know, like, the who's, I mean, I'm not going to say, like, Sinatra, like, classic, but I'm talking, like, James Brown. I'm talking, like, Al Green, you know? I mean, I think the closest thing that we've had to that is that one song that I've been, that hyped up in the beginning was, with Usher and Her, was Risk It All. Like, I think that was the closest thing to a soulful, like, meaningful song that I've heard, I haven't heard in a long time, you know? And I'm happy that, you know, Marlene, my fiancee, is into that kind of stuff, you know? Like, she's not very mainstream, you know, and I appreciate that a lot. Like, she shows me a lot of music as well that I didn't know I would like. A lot of them being females and, you know, I'm gonna, you know, kind of touch on, you know, my past. I would not very, like, you know, I would say, like, I'm gonna be, like, completely, like, honest that, like, I'm not, that I wasn't very, like, educated in, like, you know, what not to say, what to say, you know? Like, way back then, and I'm so sorry for it, like, now, and I'm definitely, like, enjoying my life more. Just kind of, like, listening to, you know, what women can do in music and, you know, that's going into, like, Doja Cat and Cardi B and all that, and, like, I know a lot of people aren't, like, big fans of them, or, you know, they're kind of tired of them at some points, but, God, you gotta, you gotta be able to, like, touch on them, because they're so good. Like, Amy Winehouse, SZA, like, I can put them on the same spectrum. Like, that's how, like, for me, that's how good they are, and I know, like, a lot of people are gonna be, like, whoa, that's like a, that's a big, you know, that's a big gap to fill, but, I mean, they're, they're that good, you know? Like, like, I believe SZA's as good as, you know, like, like, Amy Winehouse. I believe that, you know, we have artists who are on the come up still, you know, on TikTok. There's a girl who I used to listen to all the time on TikTok named Stacey Ryan. She had a super popular song. She performed on Jimmy Fallon. I remember hearing when her music very, barely started coming out, and I was just like, man, like, I hope she makes it, because she has that same soulful womanizing energy, and I'm all for it. I'm all here for it. I feel you on that. It's, yeah, I don't know. SZA had a major breakout year last year with her album, and it was amazing, and to hear those songs, I don't know. I was never really into her, and then I heard, like, all that music, and I was like, you know what? She's, she's not bad, and same with Mariah the Scientist. I'm not sure if you guys heard about her. She was on 2NE1's latest album, and she was a standout on that album, so I know what you mean by that, Jay. Like, these female artists, they deserve just as much props as these male artists do. I mean, because without some of these, some of these girls hopping on these guys' songs, the song wouldn't be anything. Just like, you know, SZA and Travis Scott songs. I might get some flack for that, but SZA has made, like, some of Travis Scott's songs sound just so much better just by being a feature on that song, so I get what you mean. Yeah. Yeah, it's always nice when you can get a good artist to come feature on an album. I mean, sometimes that's just what makes the song, who's a part of it. Yeah, just different collabs is always nice. It's always cool to see different artists play together and see how they work together. Sometimes it doesn't work, but sometimes they can really just carry each other or one another. Yeah, I get what you mean by that. Sometimes the voices just complement each other so well, and a collab I listened to recently, it's not released, but it was done at a concert, at Post Malone's concert, was The Kid LAROI and Post Malone. Their voices complement each other so well. Yeah, and his latest song, Bleed, on his album that came out, it was pretty good, you know, very different than what he's done. I think he's starting to switch up his style, go towards more alternative and indie, surprisingly, but I mean, that's what's kind of in right now, so it's a smart move from him, but I mean, Post Malone's also done the same thing with his latest album, Austin. That was amazing, too, but they sang together while Posty was playing the guitar, and their voices complemented each other so well, and I was like, you know what? That'd be an amazing collab album, and Post Malone has been in his bag recently. He also collabed with Noah Cahan, and I just think he does very well on features, and he also does very well by himself, which is very hard to do if you're an artist, to do that well on features along with solo songs. I mean, how do you guys feel about Post Malone? He's been killing it lately. I just think the way that he's been, the whole Austin album, the way he's been presenting himself, he sings for himself, rather than playing a character or trying to be somebody else. He just seems very wholesome in his latest album. It just feels very real listening to it, especially that song with Noah Cahan. Man, what's it called? The Owl Junk. The Owl Junk, yeah. That's a really good one. I mean, that was one of the songs that I found that got me into Noah Cahan, like Stick Season, of course. That was a secondary song, but I started listening to him more because he was featured with Post Malone, or the other way around. So yeah, it is always cool. I mean, that's also a good way to find new artists when they work together like that. It's always good to see when they come up like that. Yeah, honestly, though, that's how I discovered Tyler, the creator, like with the Rex Orange County song. Boredom? Oh, that was an amazing song. Yeah, because I had no idea that it was Tyler who was rapping that song, and I had seen, because I don't know if you guys have ever done it either, like it's kind of similar to going on some of these artists' radio. But you go through a thing where it says, this is Rex Orange County. And I was like, oh, what's this song? And then Marlene actually got me into Tyler. And so she was like, oh, that's Rex Orange County with Tyler, the creator. I was like, oh, okay. And then I heard Loving is Easy after that, and it just kind of went on and on and on. And that's how I became a Rex fan. So it really is a big deal when you're able to feature on a big-name artist like that. And like how you guys were saying with Post Malone, I think Rex also is good on his own and good as a feature as well. I love him in feature songs. Oh, yeah, it's always cool, especially when it's like Catching the Off-Guard, like next album. I mean, I'm sure he's going to be having a few features in this upcoming album. Maybe not. I mean, Andre's been going through a lot, so he could be just doing solo for a bit, but that's going to be an exciting one when that one comes out. I don't know when just yet, but definitely this year we'll be expecting it. I honestly like him to do just a solo album, you know, like a comeback album after everything he's been through, just to show that, you know, he got up by himself, you know, knocked off whatever was going on and just got up and started making music again. I mean, that's really hard to do. And it'd be really cool to have a solo album from him about like everything he's gone through, trials and tribulations, everything he had to fight, losing fans and getting them back. I don't think he would want to spotlight or focus it. I mean, I think he's ready to move on from it all the way it's looking. Oh, yeah, 100%. But I think he'd probably want to speak a little bit on, you know, like having a situation that drags you down and being able to, you know, see the light at the end of the tunnel and getting out of it. You know, I think exactly what he did, and he probably want to give the inspiration to others to do that as well. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. But I mean, I'm excited to see what Rex has in store for us. Speaking of albums are coming out, Rex, and what we're gonna be able to cover. There's so much stuff going on this year in 2024. And I'm excited to cover it with you guys the weekend. Oh my gosh, I'm excited for that. It's gonna be one hell of a year for us that we get to cover that much music. And I mean, next episode. Oh, yeah, we'll be next episode we get to cover 21 Savage's album. You guys heard a bit of my opinions on the Kid Cudi album. But I mean, I'd like to hear you guys's opinions on it as well. But how do you guys feel about right now? You guys ready to kind of end it and that way we have more for our second episode I guess so. Yeah, definitely. I mean, maybe we can just kind of introduce what we're expecting out of this podcast. I mean, just the gist. I mean, we're excited to interact with the audience and hopefully get music from you guys. We want to also share music with you guys. We have an Instagram that we're trying to keep active just so we can share music with you guys. And we already tried out a poll. It's been pretty nice. Jovi, you're more of knowledge on the whole aspect if you want to share that a bit. Oh, yeah, no, I'd love to hop on that. Our Instagram is the you know, JJ podcast, all capital letters, except for the podcast part. And we're gonna be you know, showing polls announcing when we're going to be dropping episodes. I make an announcement say that we recorded this. So if you're listening to this, you probably already saw the announcement. But it's a cool way to announce things that get your guys's opinions on music to receive music from you guys and you guys to get music out of us. And we're posting things here and there just to have fun with you guys interact with you guys and to see what you guys are listening to because that's the whole point of this podcast is for us to expand our taste. So yeah, Jay, anything you want to say before we end this night? What's up, guys? It's your boy Jay. No, I definitely agree that, you know, we should definitely try to, you know, be on top of the Instagram. I really hope everybody can give it a follow whether you're, you've been following before. I hope everybody can share, you know, with your friends and stuff like that. It's really, it'd be really cool to, you know, get you guys on board. I don't know what we would call our fan base yet. We barely came up with the name. We barely even came up with how to pronounce the name. It's J-A-J, not Josh. But yeah, I'm really excited to keep going with the podcast. I'm really excited to, you know, share my music taste. I'm really excited to hear everyone else's. If you follow the Instagram, you'll be able to ask questions. You'll be able to do a little polls, include your own music, you know, and we'll interact with you guys. We might even shout you out in an episode. We might even touch up on your kind of music taste in an episode. We may have some guests in the future. Who knows? Right now, everything's all up in the air. It's like, we've been saying this whole time. This is our first time doing this. And we're going to do our best. Yeah, please. But yeah, please, please like and subscribe and follow for more guys. And yeah, just a huge thank you to everyone that is helping us out. I mean, supporting us. We're pretty excited about this whole project. I mean, we're just excited to hang out with each other and hang out with you guys. And hopefully you're willing to hang out with us, given this past half hour of Jay's weird noises and Joby's angry comments toward Jay about his noises. It'll be fun, man. We just want to hang out. That's the whole goal. So thank you guys for being willing to hang out with us. All righty. I think this is a good spot to end it. Catch you guys on the next episode. Not sure when that's going to be, but look at Instagram. We won't announce it. All right. Cool. Yeah. No. All right. So I've been Joby. I've been Adam. And I've been Jaden. This has been JJ. And thank you guys for listening. All right. Laters. See you guys. Thank you.

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