Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The guest, Wyker, talks about his busy schedule and how he works two jobs while still being in school. He mentions that he often edits his TikTok videos while stuck in traffic. He also discusses his previous jobs at Little Caesars and a movie theater, where he worked long hours with little time off. The conversation then turns to the Breaking Bad house in Albuquerque, where Wyker criticizes the owner for being rude and confrontational with people who want to take pictures of the house. He shares a story of someone who stood up to her and expresses his willingness to confront her as well. All right, everybody, we have a special episode going on today, but with further ado, I'm going to announce myself. I'm Joe V. I'm Adam. And I'm Jaden, and welcome our very, very special guest, Wyker. Hey, guys. I wanted to say how's it going? What have you been up to? Showering a lot, been doing that a lot. It's the peak of my week, usually. School, I'm still in school. I feel like not a lot of people know that, but I am most definitely in school. Pretty balls deep in that. And then it's like work. Yeah, like I was saying, a lot of people don't know also, too, that I still work two jobs, you know. TikTok doesn't keep the lights on. Yeah, very busy. I mean, it sounds like your whole day is organized every day. Oh, yeah, dude. You have no idea. Like, I cling to my calendar. Like, when I was younger, I never really, I was like, ah, like, I don't need a calendar. But now I'm definitely like, holy shit. Like, if I don't have a calendar, I'm gonna fucking not show up to work or not show up to a class. So, no, I definitely stay busy. Plus, now that I live in California, I go to LA probably every other day at this point. And, you know, having to factor in, like, traffic and stuff like that, too. Like, it's been something. Especially now that you're on the internet. Oh, yeah, no, I live in San Bernardino now. And it's definitely, it's like an hour drive. It's an hour drive there, but it's like four and a half hours back with traffic. Oh, that's rough. Oh, you have no idea. I like, I don't want to admit to it, but I can probably say 90% of my TikToks are edited in traffic. Shit. Yeah, dude, like, I honestly, the way that I look at it is, like, if a cop could fucking, like, type on a computer while he's, like, driving his, I don't know, whatever, like, a Ford Explorer, I can edit my fucking TikToks just fine. Oh, yeah, definitely. Yeah. Yeah, no, it's become a usual thing to me, too. Plus, like, I'm recording videos. Like, if they're in my car, like, if you go back and look at any of my videos and they're in the car, they definitely were filmed while I was in traffic. And it may, now that I'm saying it out loud, it does sound like a little negligent, but I promise that it's literally standstill traffic. Like, I'm not recording TikToks while I'm going, like, 70. I don't want to, like, end up having, like, vehicular manslaughter, and then it's like, oh, he said it on the podcast. Like, he totally does that. It's like, no. I'm kidding. It's definitely in standstill traffic. I'm not doing that, going, like, any faster than, like, okay, let's just say I'm completely parked. For legal's sake, I am completely parked. And the rest of everything else that I just said was a lie. But, yeah, no, it's been fun. Totally, totally. We'll take that out. Yeah, we'll take your word for it. We'll take your word. We'll take your word. Now, did I get you with those two jobs? I was working, I was working a job at Little Caesars, and I was one of the assistant managers there. I had to work every day from, like, 8.30 to 4.00, and then I'd work at this movie theater in Selma. Adam was one of my managers, actually, so it's one of the ways we know each other. And I used to work- Oh, Adam was the co-manager? Adam was definitely the co-manager. Okay, that's good. You guys are great. To make sure. But I'd work that job from, like, 5.00 to 1.00, and then I'd get up the next day and do the 8.30 shift again, and it's, like, on repeat. So I'd always be, like, I get what you mean by the schedule. I was always looking at my work schedule, making sure I was working that day. And it's very rare that I had, like, a day off. Like, if I wanted a day off, I'd have to request that day off. Like, I never had a day off. It was insane. Oh, dude. Stuck it up to a line. Yeah, sure. I know you were constantly running around, too. I mean, you'd come into work, I mean, you'd be ready for it, but I don't know how you weren't tired. It was those Red Bulls, man. I'd buy, like, four of them at Circle K and just, I'd keep going, man. Those things kept me alive. That's crazy. What's it called? What was I gonna say? Yeah, dude. I mean, I feel like now, more than ever, with, you know, raising inflation, all kinds of stuff like that, like, you kinda have to have, like, one, two jobs just to kinda keep your head afloat. Yeah. Yeah. At a point, I was thinking about having three, but I was like, I don't have any time. And I'm currently married right now, but at the time, I had a girlfriend. And it's like, I had no time for her. It's like, I had to switch shifts around. I had to make, like, miracles happen to get, like, 10 minutes with her. So it was insane. And at that point, I was thinking of three jobs, and it was just, it's rough. I mean, car payment, rent, everything just really kicks you in the ass sometimes. Yeah, dude, at that point, I mean, that's time to start, you know, flexing that dick on all OnlyFans, you know? Oh, yeah, that's one of the things about it. I'll trust me, dude. I stay up late at night. I stay up late at night thinking, like, you know what? I think I might do porn. In the suit. In the suit. The suit stays on. Yeah, that's what I'm saying, dude. There might be a market for that, but, you know, I'll never shoot that low. Love my beautiful girlfriend. She's amazing. And, yeah, it's not time yet for me to do porn yet. Fucking, I don't want to end up, like, where are they now type stuff, where it's like, this is WhyKaren2024, and now he fucking sucks dick on the internet. Oh my god. Yeah, like, I don't want to end up like, what's this called? The Home Alone kid. Like, have you seen, like, the Home Alone kid where it's like, this is the Home Alone kid now, and he, like, fucking looks like he's on, like, a four-day bender and fucking constantly going to the personal meds. Yeah, I mean, I think my real goal is just to not end up like, whoa Vicky. Like, I don't know. Anytime I think of just, like, how I don't want my life to be, I just look at whoa Vicky, and I'm like, yeah, I'm doing pretty good right now. Yeah, everything's going good, but, yeah, I mean, it's all come pretty quickly the past couple months since fucking, sorry, am I allowed to cuss on here? No, you're fine. Okay, sorry, I feel like it's like, I'm from Albuquerque, New Mexico, and we put the F word in front of fucking everything. Like, everything, and I try not to do it. I try diligently not to do it, but I still do it. I have a question. Since you said you're from Albuquerque, New Mexico, have you been to the house? And if you know the house, I'm talking about, have you been to the Breaking Bad house? Because I know it was in Albuquerque, so I had to ask. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so definitely have been to the house. The lady that lives there, I don't know if you guys know, but she's kind of like a fucking bitch. Like, she fucking sucks. Oh, dude, she's just a fucking bitch. Like, honestly, like, if there was a theme in this podcast, if anything came in this podcast, I fucking hope that she hears that and wants to like fucking go at it, because if anybody I'd want to have beef with, it'd be her bitch ass, because fuck that bitch, honestly. How the fuck are you gonna be so dumb to like, okay, I get it. Like, if somebody was like, I would like to film at your house, and they gave me X amount of dollars, like, they probably gave her a shit ton. Like, that's one of the top 50 shows of all time. They probably gave her a fucking bag. But then later, with all the money that she has, and honestly, I'm saying this with, what's the word, of like, I don't know what's going on in her life. Maybe she's got some crazy stuff going on. And honestly, at that point, I feel bad for her, but I don't know what the fuck you gotta go into your life to be like, people want to take a picture of your house, and you're in, like, you're in the street fucking, she'll go out there, like, even if you just look at her house, she'll chase after your car like a fucking crackhead. Yeah, with the cute folks after the events that happened. Say that again? She's always instigating. She's always like, trying to start stuff. Like, she'll go out of her way to make sure. If people just like, want to take pictures, I mean, she could charge for people to be there, but I get why she kind of started getting upset. It's because, I mean, you guys have all seen Breaking Bad, I assume? Yeah. Well, there's a scene where Walter throws a pizza on top of the house, right? People were recreating that, like, a lot. So there was a lot of pizzas on her house. Since then, she updated it, put sheet metal on her roof so that, probably fucking lubed it up like crazy, so if a pizza gets thrown on top of there, it just slides down. But now she has, like, a giant gate around her house. And people just want to take pictures. But if people take pictures, then she just goes batshit crazy. I think I just saw a video, actually. I was laughing my ass off at it. There was this guy on TikTok, and basically, he just, like, literally, I don't know, I think his name was, like, Neil Diamond or something. But he just went up to her, and he was like, get the fuck back in your house. Like, he just was like, she'd go crazy, and he was even freaking crazier. Like, she'd be like, don't take pictures of my house. And he'd be like, you're fucking crazy. Get the fuck back in your house, bitch. Like, he just was going at her. And she was just shook because she was like, oh, shit, he's, like, actually fighting back. I never had the balls to fight back on her, but she's a crazy fucking bitch, and if she wants a 1v1, I'll be ready. All right, guys, you heard it here first. Wants that 1v1, let's set that up. I think, guys, we can do that. I can find her Facebook or something. Yeah, no, honestly, let's do that. If I suggest cage match, me versus Walter White's fucking crazy, crystal messed out pawns. Sounds fair, let's do that. Yeah. But, honestly, that wouldn't be the first beef that I've had since the past couple of months. I mean, it's a pretty one-sided beef, but there is these guys called Much Official. I don't even know these guys' names, but. Oh, yeah, I saw that. Dude, dude, it's like, I was fine. I was fine. Okay, so there's an Asian guy and a black dude on it, and I don't know their names, so. No one does at this point. Yeah, I mean, they have like two million followers, but their shit's botted, but the Asian dude was like, oh, you're just singing somebody else's song, and then the black dude was literally like, you fucking picked up a Teletubbies suit. You're not sick, bro, and I was like, anything the Asian guy would say, the black dude was just like topping on it, but for no necessary reason, where it's like, you're not fucking talented, dude, and it was just like, it's like, dude, I'm fucking soaked in a Teletubbie costume, and you got a fucking, you got a big-ass dick vein on your forehead, because you're so heated by me doing that. Man, to be that upset about it. Yeah, no, also, too, his stupid fucking accent, which I later found was Canadian. I thought he was Irish, but he's Canadian, and I was like, that's what he said. He's like, I can't do a Canadian accent, but he was just like, you're not fucking sick, crody. I was like, what the fuck's a crody, you fucking idiot? Like, what the fuck is that? It's like, you don't even live in a fucking real country. You live in fucking Narnia, shut the fuck up. Yeah, I saw that video. It seems like they were just, it's like that saying from, I forget what movie it is, but James Franco, he's like, they hate us because they ain't us, and obviously, that's why they're hating, dude. Don't worry about that shit. Aw, bro, I don't, honestly, at the end of the day, like, they're just doing their jobs. I'm just doing my job, but I fucking, I love to mouth off. I mean, they're probably really cool guys, but for what my brand is, like, nah, bro. I'm still ready. If he wants to fucking put on the gloves, I'll go beat his ass wearing the Teletubby costume. I'd love to do that. He would set that up, too. Make a tournament out of it. Yeah, no, I would like to take the beef to maximum level, because they haven't, like, responded yet. Like, I posted a TikTok saying, like, fuck them, basically, and it got like half a million views. Nothing happened of it. Like, they didn't say anything. So, honestly, I feel like their higher-ups probably were just like, hey, probably leave the fucking Teletubby guy alone, because his fucking, his army of Teletubby fans are going to fucking jump your ass in Canada. Speaking of, uh, I was going to say, speaking of the Teletubby, like, can we ask why? Like, not hating on it or anything, but like, because that's my favorite Teletubby. Yeah, I mean, honestly, like, at the end of the day, I want you guys to know that it is 1,000% satirical. Like, I'm not fucking, I'm not, okay, I'm going to take that back. I was going to say I'm not emotionally attached to it, but it's kind of like, whenever I put that shit on, I feel like fucking, I feel like Spider-Man. I feel like Peter Parker. Every day I go to class, I'm like, these motherfuckers don't know of when I get back to my fucking dorm, I'm going to suit up. Yeah, no, I mean, say it again. Oh yeah, they don't understand. Like, honestly, I also have three roommates and I kind of had like a sit down talk with them. It'd be like, hey guys, this is now my thing. So you guys are going to be seeing me in this a lot. So just a heads up, let's get it out now. But it's funny too, because like, even then, like people that make fun of me for the Teletubby costume, I just go ban for ban for them. Cause I'm getting paid on TikTok now. So it's just like, I feel like Peter Parker. I feel like Rick Ross. I feel like Rick Ross if you guys jammed his fat ass in a fucking Spider-Man costume. But anyways, you said why, why I chose the Teletubby costume. There's a little bit of a funny story. It was Halloween. It was this Halloween. So Halloween, 2023. And my girlfriend and I wanted to be Grimace. I wanted to be Grimace. And she wanted me to get this purple shirt. It was a purple shirt, and she had like this really like cutesy Halloween costume. Cause honestly, like, I don't want to pull up the pictures because then I don't want people to like make memes of them. But there's a picture that exists of my girlfriend like looking super cute. And then they got my ass looking like fucking, I don't even know, dude. I look like Tee Grizzley wearing those skinny ass jeans. Oh no. Yeah, dude, I look fucking horrible. But yeah, I bought that to be Grimace actually. And I put like an M on the stomach of it so that I could like brand it and stuff. But as the night progressed, I was like, fuck it, I'm Teletubby now. So if you go back on my page and scroll back a lot, there's a lot of videos of me. I may or may not be impaired, but I was holding a, I think it was a handle of something. And I was just vibing out throughout the night. And I told a couple of my friends and my girlfriend, I was like, hey, if I do anything cool, like record it, I'm gonna post it on TikTok. And at that time it was posted on my alternate account, Ycare, which is just Y, or sorry, W-H-Y-K-4-R-E. That was my alternate account because my main account, just Ycare, which I own the handle, that wasn't doing that well at all on TikTok. So I made an alternate account and I was posting just dumb ass shit. And then finally, it was winter break and I was packing up all my stuff to go back home to visit my family over winter break because I had like three weeks off. And I was packing all my shit. And then for some reason, I was like, fuck, I was like, I might need this. And I packed the Teletubby costume and I brought it back with me to Albuquerque and I was really, really bored. And it was like, holy shit, it was like two o'clock in the morning. And I don't know if you guys have this similar experience, but I think between the hour, like if you're not asleep by one o'clock, between one and 7 a.m. is the time that your brain's like, okay, like it's time to lock in. How are you gonna fix your life? Like what the fuck are you gonna do about it? Oh, definitely, every time. Oh dude, it's every night for me, except for my mind, it's like dumb ass shit. But I mean, as you guys can clearly see, but it was like 2 a.m. and I was like, fuck, how am I gonna fix my life? And I came up with this idea of singing my favorite songs, which the first two videos that I ever did in the Teletubby costume was Stick Season and Lucid Dreams. And between both of those right now, those stand at like 30 million views between each of those. Jeez, that's impressive. Thanks, man, thank you. But Stick Season, oh wait, I heard, yeah, no, it was Lucid Dreams that I recorded first. I woke my sister up at like 2 a.m., I just woke her ass up, I was like, I'm like, listen, I need you to record something for me. And she was like, what? And I also was wearing the Teletubby costume when I woke her up too, so she was like, what the fuck? What the fuck? You just shat her then. Yeah, no, she was definitely like, honestly, she wasn't even that confused, like I've done crazier shit. But she was like, she didn't want to do it at first, and I was like, listen, honestly, any time after one o'clock at night, I kind of like, I probably seem like the craziest person ever like mental problems, because just imagine somebody waking you up and they're just standing in the Teletubby costume, they're like, listen, I need you to record a TikTok for me. It's gonna be fucking crazy, it's gonna be awesome. And she was just like, fuck, no. She wouldn't wake up, dragged her ass out of bed, I was like, listen, you just gotta open up the door I'm just gonna get in the shower. She's like, the shower? Like, why the fuck are you doing that? And I was like, don't ask fucking questions. I felt like, I feel like I felt like what Kanye thinks that he sounds like when he talks. Oh yeah. That's a great way to put it. That's a great way to put it. It actually makes a lot of sense. Genius, yeah, I'm a genius. But she recorded it, I did it, one take, and posted it. No, wait, actually, I didn't post that first one, actually. No, because it was too late to post. Sorry, the whole timeline's kind of fuzzy, but that next morning, I woke my little brother up, and I was like, hey, let's film another one. So he filmed the stick season video, and I posted it that day, kind of went on with my day. And I think when I opened back up my phone, it was like at 500K views, and I was like, holy fuck, Kanye's got nothing on my ass, because I'm a fucking genius. And I knew that I was gonna keep doing them when people were like, your voice sounds really good. And I was like, that's exactly what I was going for. That was the whole marketing plan. It was all just kind of a, I don't wanna say a marketing stunt. I did it to be funny, but I did it because I was so burnt out, bro. I have been promoting myself for like three years, dude. Just like nonstop, and nothing worked. Nothing was working, and I was so, so done. Like, I moved to California. I feel like I did everything that I possibly could've, and I had gotten to a point where I was like, I think I even posted a TikTok that's on my main TikTok, where I just said, I was like, I don't think this stuff's gonna work out. And I used to tell my friends all the time too, be like, at one point, does a musician just say like, you know what, I don't think I'm gonna blow up. And it was just right at that point. Like, I think even too, it's like, my family probably thought the same thing of just like, you know, he's fucking lost it. Like, he's in a fucking teletubby costume. But yeah, no, it was the best feeling ever, dude. I was like, after loss, after loss, after loss, it just like, it was the best feeling to finally win. And then they just kept coming. Like, I just kept posting videos. Like, dude, I destroyed my parents' bathroom. It is fucking demolished. There was water everywhere. Like, all of my towels are fucking soaked. Like, the purple on the suit drips off. So like, my bathtub's kind of got this like, nice purple hue to it. All my towels are fucking purple. But it was nice because I was able to pay my parents, you know, back and get new stuff. But, and give my little sister, my little brother some money too, which was, it was the best feeling in the world to be able to do that. That's great, man. That's great. But it's been nice, man. This is, it's kind of like heaven for me, like in a way. And I wish more people would like, be able to feel this feeling. But I think, I've been thinking a lot. But I think, I've been thinking a lot. I feel like, you know, everybody's kind of got their moment, no matter what. Like, everybody's gonna have something. Whether it be a win on a test, whether it be a win in a relationship, whether it be a win in a friendship, whether it be a win waking up in the morning, having a meal, cleaning your room, something. Every single day, it's just like, you know, you kind of have to really just fit in those wins. Because for me, it was the success on that video. But now, you know, I won't always have every single video be that. And you kind of have to take the wins in the little things. It sounds like it took you a bit to get to where you are, but I mean, looking back, it's pretty cool that you ended up being where you are now. I mean, I'm sure it was tough, but I mean, it sounds like you were pretty optimistic going through all of it. I tried to be, man. I tried to be. You know, it was, you know, a lot of dark times, I'd say, just like throughout that. Just, you know, being here in California, I only know my girlfriend, and she actually lives in a town two hours away. And I knew, like, practically nobody here. And I kind of want to start a new life here, so I wasn't really talking to a lot of my friends back home. So honestly, I just feel like, you know, I believe in God, so I feel like, you know, God was just kind of like, you know what? I'll give him a win. So I thank him every day for that. I honestly do. I just want to say I'm happy for you, dude. And I think we've all been there with, like, the lows and having hard times and stuff like that, and happy you got the wins, dude. It's good to hear that, you know, anybody can do it and make it happen. I was looking at your video the other day, the Stick Season one that pops up. Also, I love that song. But I saw that Noah Cahan responded or, like, commented on your TikTok video. How was having him respond to you? How was that? It was definitely, like, I don't know. Like, he, I'd like to start with saying, like, Stick Season is one of my favorite songs of all time. That goes unsaid. He's an amazing, amazing songwriter. Really cool guy. And when he commented on the video, I kind of was just like, I was just, I don't know. There's so much emotion going on that I would say that I, like, started going crazy. I mean, like, holy fuck, like, Noah Cahan posted. But I kind of was more like, Noah Cahan sees the wave. Like, he understands. And, um. It seems so validating to have him respond to you. Oh, yeah, honestly, like, I think. It's funny that you say that, because I feel like a lot of my family members and friends were like, holy fuck, like, he lost it. Like, fucking wearing a Teletubby costume. And any time now, if people are like, honestly, dude, like, the past couple of months, people have, so many people have just been like, like, this is stupid. Like, why are you doing this? You're having a mental breakdown. And I'm like, well, fucking Noah Cahan doesn't fucking think that. Like, you work at fucking Walgreens, bitch. Noah Cahan fucking, I'm gonna tell my shit. Suck a dick. Yeah, no, honestly, like, it was Noah Cahan, State Farm. Jake from State Farm reposted it. Fucking, who else? The Today Show. Yeah, dude, it was really cool. It was really cool. And honestly, like, yeah, no, it was really cool. But to have Noah Cahan especially, like, comment on it. And honestly, too, like, he came with such a good attitude. I feel like a lot of other people might have been, like, a little offended that I was blowing up off of their work, which I, of course, like, wanted to make sure that he had all the credit. But because it was such a big song, I feel like everybody knows that it's a Noah Cahan song. And I definitely made sure to give him all the credits. Like, the cover that I posted, he gets, like, he gets his cuts out of it. Like, it was funny, too. Like, he approved, or his team approved it. Like, you have to get on with DistroKid when you want to post a cover. They have to, you know, get permission from the original songwriters, which I assume his team approved my cover of the song. It was just super cool, like, to have that validation. It was cool. That's awesome. Yeah, I was gonna ask you, like, about how you actually got the permission to actually post that cover on Spotify. But that's awesome that, like, you know, his team was the ones that kind of reached out and be like, hey, like, he's letting you use it, you know? Like, go ahead and post it. Because honestly, dude, like, your voice on the song, I'm not trying to glaze you up or anything. Like, it's really good. Like, that's probably the only way I listen to it. I like Olivia Rodrigo's version, too, but yours is, like, the one that I can play in the car and actually sing along with. Oh, that's sick, man. I, thank you. I, yeah, so DistroKid took care of all that for me. They had, like, a cover section, and it took a while. And honestly, like, I wasn't even gonna make a cover. Like, I was starstruck on, like, I was like, no. I was like, I'm not gonna make a cover. Everybody's asking me to do a fuller version. Like, I'm not gonna do that. It's fucking, like, if I do that, then I'm gonna become Six Season guy. And I was worried about that, honestly. But I'm really glad that I did make a cover. And funny enough, like, I'm glad that you like it because I, well, my engineer, Nick, he mastered it. And mastering is kind of adding the final touches to what the mixing engineer does, but I mixed it. And it was kind of a rushed mix. And I was really worried that people were gonna be like, holy fuck, this shit's ass. I was really, really worried. And even now, like, I'm okay with it now because I kind of accepted it. But I made a lot of really big mistakes when mixing that song, like a lot of big mistakes. Like, yeah, to anybody that makes big mistakes, I don't know if you guys know about engineering or anything, but the whole track's in mono. So basically, like, it's not balanced, I guess to say. And I say this to not say, like, oh, the song's ass. I say this to be like, it doesn't take an expert to make a song sound all right, you know? But yeah, no, it was definitely, like, really, it was really hard to get out. I sang Six Season probably, like, oh my God, so many times, so many times since December, dude. Like, an ungodly amount of times. But I'm glad that I got it out. I'm glad that I did the cover. I'm glad that I was able to, you know, show Noah Kahn's lyrics to more people because that song definitely, without a doubt, like, means a lot to a lot of people. Noah Kahn's a great guy. And also, too, I was able to showcase some of my music along with it because, I mean, I went from, like, I think when I posted it, I had, like, 3,000 monthly listeners, which is the lowest that I've been in a really long time. And now I think I'm standing at, like, 37K? And I don't, I haven't really promoted my music that much. Yeah, dude, it's been great. I definitely, it's nice because it's mostly my family. It's mostly my fan base that's been streaming my music. Like, I think the highest stream, or, like, monthly streams that I've gotten is when I was added to Spotify editorial playlists. I was added to, like, a Hyperpop playlist. I was added to a Suicide Boys type playlist at one point, and then a Sped Up playlist. And those brought me to, I think, the highest that I got was 75K? I think, it might have been 49. I honestly can't remember. Wow, that's awesome. Yeah, that was, like, three years ago. Or, no, not three years ago. Maybe, like, two years ago. But it was really, really cool to be in those playlists. And then when I got unadded to those playlists, because you can only be in those playlists for so long, like, I was super sad, man. Like, because a lot of my streams were just going down afterwards. And I don't know, that kind of put me into a hole, too, and kind of a big reason why I was staying up late at night. Like I said, between the hours of 1 and 7 a.m., I was straight up just thinking of ways that I could make it work. And it seems like it's going okay now. Yeah, honestly, dude, that's fucking awesome that you have so much positivity and all that. Because it really is hard after a while, going through all the hard times. I remember, like, going into, like, after high school, me and Jovi, me and Javon, we were friends in high school. And we, like, our whole thing was, like, I'll just become actors, you know, let's do this, let's do that. I went to school for it, he went to school for it. And then, like, I don't know, it was just one of those things where it was like, you're not really feeling it. And then, like, you don't know if you're gonna make it or not. And then, it just kind of dropped out for me, you know? Like, for me, personally, it just kind of faded away. And, like, I think it's awesome that you kept going with it. I mean, it's kind of, it's inspirational to me, honestly. Like, just to know that, like, if you keep going at it, you're gonna get a win, that's kind of how you're saying. Yeah, I, it's really cool that you wanted to go for acting. Do you still want to do that? Yes and no. I mean, yeah, because, I mean, it's fun and I've missed it, you know, but, oh, shit. What'd you do? Bear with me, hold on, bear with me. This headset's broken, so I'm not, I'm not, so. Bro, you just got attacked. I know, I got jumped right now. But yeah, so I wanted to go for it still after a while, but it kind of started, like, you know, I don't know if I have it anymore. I mean, I haven't done it in so long where, like, I get comfortable enough to, like, you know, just kind of just cue on, like, a character or cue on, like, a monologue just out of nowhere. I guess I used to do that in college all the time. Like, I'd just be sitting in my room and then, like, boom, like, I just start saying, like, a line or, like, you know, like, in character, but I don't do that anymore. For me right now, I'm just drawing and stuff like that, just kind of, like, that's my hobby, that's what I'm working to. Like, I draw, I sketch, I do all that kind of stuff, so. Now, I'm trying to do something with that, just as, like, because that's, like, my goal. It's, yeah, it's interesting that you said, like, that it doesn't come on as comfortable for you anymore, like, you know, putting on a character or saying a line. It's like, I don't know, man, like, I'd say you still, you know, go for it, you know. If that's your passion, like, if it's not, if it's something else, definitely follow your heart, but most things worth doing, I feel like, aren't supposed to be comfortable. Like, it's, what's the word? Like, if it's uncomfortable, I guess, in a way, and you know that it's something positive, it's, like, worth doing, I guess, like. Yeah. Most of the time, like, I don't want to record a song, if that makes sense. Like, after a long day, like, of working, I don't want to record a song, but after I start getting into it, it's like, okay, like, maybe I did need to record a song. I don't know. I get that. Just my two cents, but, you know, whatever it is, you know, keep at it. It's kind of crazy how NRJ was saying that we both wanted to be actors. I take a step back. I was going to San Francisco State University, and it was a really big deal that I got in, and then this whole thing happened, and, yeah, it was great, SFSU. It was an amazing experience for me. Me and Adam both went. We were going for different majors and stuff. For example, if you don't mind me asking. I was going for theater arts, and then, Adam, what were you going for? Yeah, I was going to go into, like, education. I was hoping to go into, like, elementary school teaching, but once COVID and all that started happening, it all didn't work out, but, yeah, I mean. Yeah, yeah, you were going for the acting, and then Joby, I mean, you guys were always really good at that. So, Jay, I think you still have it in you if you want to try it out. What was acting school like? It's rough, dude. I'm not going to lie. I'm not going to sugarcoat it. It is not easy. I thought, I'm not going to say I felt like I was, but, I mean, I guess it's kind of mentality up to have. I felt like I was a good actor, like one of the better actors in my school, and to get that turned around by one of the directors who was wanting to cast me for a play, going, you're not ready for this. How about you go back to your dorm room, re-study everything, re-evaluate everything, because you're not ready for this, and I sat down, and I was like, well, shit, because everything I learned in high school must have just been nothing, and I have learned that kind of probably with music, you're going to get a million no's before you get one yes, but it's that one yes that's what's going to change your whole life and make everything happen. It's insane how much that can kind of fall into the same category, because I'm still looking for that one yes, but I think I'm still going to try to do it. I'm still going to school for it, so I still want to follow that dream, and it's rough, I mean, being put on the spot sometimes, like Jay said, having to put on that character sometimes, I just, I'm not feeling it, but I know it's for the best for me to do it, and for my career and stuff like that, but it's not easy, and I can imagine making music isn't easy as well. I mean, what do you think would be the hardest part of making music? Would it be making the music part, or putting it out to others? I think for me, honestly, the making the music part definitely would be the hardest. Honestly, whenever I finish a song, it's kind of surreal for me that I even did it. I don't know how to explain it. It's kind of like, sometimes I feel like not even me recording the songs. I feel every lyric, I write every lyric, but when I'm singing it, I kind of honestly, because I record in my room by myself, that's the best way that I record. I got to be by myself. I don't like recording in a studio. I've very rarely ever recorded in a studio with other people around, but actually recording, it's the hardest part for me because, to be honest with you, compared to a lot of other people, I don't have a very, very talented voice, at least I think, where it's just like, I see other singers, and it's like, goddamn, that guy can fucking sing. But for me, when I'm recording, I'll do the same line a thousand times till I get it just right. And it gets tiring, it's really tiring. But when it's finally done, I feel like not a lot of people can say nowadays that they accomplished something. And when I say that, it's like, things move so fast nowadays that you can't sit back and be like, I fucking did that. Of course there's times in people's lives when they say, I did that, but for me, I felt like there was really nothing for me to say like, I did that. And music for me is kind of just like, wow, it's like an accomplishment. And I shouldn't have said that most people can't experience that. I should have said for myself that growing up, I felt like I never really had really high self-esteem to say like, wow, I'm proud that I created this, or proud that I did this. But for me, like music and now posting TikToks, like I lay down at the end of the day and I can say like, I did that. Like I made myself get up. I made myself press record. I made myself sing. I'm happy with it. I feel accomplished. I feel like that's just a human experience. I felt that so hard in my soul right now. Holy fuck. Like, I was just like- That was good, John. Got me tearing up over here. Yeah, man. I really want people to be able to look at me and say like, I want them to do what they want to do. You know? Because I really want people, if there's one thing that they get out of watching my stupid fucking videos, I just want them to be like, he's at least doing something. You know, I want people just to do something. You know, I feel like a lot of people are too scared to start doing what they want to do. You know, whether it be, I don't even know, basket making or wanting to start school back up again because they haven't started college and maybe, you know, had a high school, got a job and then didn't go to college and they're too afraid to go to college or start a new school or ask a girl out or something. Like, you gotta just try something. You know, you can't just be too scared not to do something. You know, at least try it. And that's what the Teletubby thing is for me. Like, I get scared every time I post a stupid fucking video where I'm like, you know, maybe this isn't moving towards a goal. Maybe I'm just being stupid on the internet. But then I remember like, some people vibe with this. Like, some people in a weird way kind of see the Teletubby thing and they're just like, damn, like, he's really feeling it. Like, every time that I'm screaming those lyrics, like, it might seem ironic, but I actually mean them. But, you know, just trying something, getting up and trying something new, not being afraid. I feel like that's definitely what the whole gimmick is at this point now. I'm gonna ask a very cliche question here, but something I would like to know. What motivated you to keep going through those dark times to get to where you're at now? Like, what kept you going through those days where you weren't getting that many plays and stuff to get to where you are now? Well, I'll start off like a little farther back and then it'll lead up into the answer. Me, my sister, and my brother, we were all basically homeschooled throughout our entire lives. So a lot of what we saw was stuff on the internet. And for me, specifically, I loved watching people, like, I think X was a big one for me. I loved seeing Joji was an even bigger one for me. Like, oh my God, dude, I love Joji. But those are my idols. And my little brother, he's homeschooled too. And I think that he does the same thing that I did. I don't know for sure. He's 12 years old. And what kept me going was the fact that I was like, I wanna be able for him to be able to tell his friends that I made it. I want him to be proud of what I'm doing. Like, I want him to be able to go to school and be like, my brother's Y Care. And I wanted my friends to be like, I know Y Care. And I want it to be like, and I know them. That's really what I wanted to do. Like, that's what kept me going at the end of the day. Like, no matter what, I needed that. I needed, you know, my family to be able to be like, you know what, for a second there, we thought he was going crazy, but he did it. And it was for myself too, man. Like, you know, I needed to know that I wasn't crazy. Yeah. And I get you on that. Being an actor, I've written, and being involved in theater, I've written like at least like 40 different scripts I haven't shown to anybody. And I have to prove to myself that I'm not crazy. I actually read them sometimes, make sure they make sense. So I get what you mean on that. So business is scary. I mean, it's terrifying. I'm in this actor's campus thing right now and I have to do a monologue in about a few days and I'm like terrified, but I know I have to do it and put my A game into it. But I get what you mean. It can be rough and it can be scary. I'm glad to hear you made it through after everything you've been through. It's like, it's a good, you're inspiring, dude. You're inspiring me right now. So I'm hoping everyone gets that tone from you because you're inspiring, dude. It's good to see that, you know, someone that's been through a lot can get to where you are now. So, I mean, thank you for telling that story, dude. It's great to hear you open up like that. I wish you the best of luck with what you're doing. I really do. I really think things are going to click for you eventually. You know, I like looking at the analogy of like, imagine if you're like in a dark room and you don't know where the light switch is at. You kind of have to feel your hand around the walls to find the light switch. And it might take you a really long time, but the light switch is in there. You just got to find it. And when you turn on the light switch, you're like, oh shit, the light switch was right there. But, you know, keep at it. Keep filling the walls. You'll find the light switch eventually. Oh, this episode is going to be called We Get Emotional With White Hair. Like, what the fuck? Let you know our first initial take, or this was Jay's first thought on this, was the title was going to be We Get In The Shower With White Hair. It's not too late. A lot of people have been getting in the shower with me, man. I think it was this weekend, posted a video of me going to, I went to UCLA and, oh my God, there was like 50 people. That was funny. Yeah, dude, I just went over to the frat and they were just like, yeah, sure. They were so cool. But like 50 people were telling me no. Like, I get it. I get it. Like, if I'm going up to people and being like, can I use your shower? Like, more likely than not, they're going to say no. I understand. Honestly, like I don't want people to be like, holy fuck, like this guy wearing a Jason fucking costume wanted to come in my house and I let him and he fucking killed me. Thanks, White Hair. Like, I don't want that to happen to anybody. But, you know, they were really cool. I did them. But low key, I'm probably going to stop doing them. I have done a couple that I haven't released just because, you know, the people reached out to me and they were like, hey, don't post those. Maybe because there was like, I don't know, they didn't like the way that their house looked or something. It was impromptu. Like, if somebody fucking came over to my house right now, I don't know. I have fucking, fuck, I'm like looking around my room right now. I don't know. I have a fucking Teletubbie costume. Like, that's a weird explanation. Like, I'd have to go into like a whole, I'd have to go into a whole thing. It's like, oh shit, like I'm not a furry, but now my shit's on like the internet. But yeah, there's a couple that I didn't post and there was one that I didn't post. I'm not going to say who it was. I'm not going to put them out like that. But I sang in their shower, did the whole thing, went to sleep. Next day, woke up with double pinkeye. Oh, hell. Double pinkeye, dude. Like, like, I don't think you even get double pinkeye from like sticking your eyeball in somebody's asshole. Like, I think, I think you, you can't get shit on, like somebody could shit on your face and you wouldn't get double pinkeye, but I got double pinkeye. I don't know how I got it, but I did. And it was gross. And yeah, I don't know if I'm going to keep doing it, man. Cause honestly too, like the original Teletubbies suit, I'm probably going to have to do a fucking emotional send off for that thing. Cause it looks like a fucking, it looks like my underwear, bro. Like that shit has so many holes in it. Like it is, it's gross. So I actually bought a new one. This one I'm deeming mark two. Mark two. So yeah, I'm just, I'm just keeping at it. I don't know if I'm going to keep wearing the full costume anymore either, just cause like, I don't know. I think I'm just gonna wear the Teletubbie head. The Teletubbie head I fucking love. More universal. It is a little bit more and I can like get some fits going with that with the fucking, just like the Teletubbie costume. It's, it's that, that's all there is. And it gets so hot, bro. It gets so hot. And honestly too, like after every take in the shower and me wearing the Teletubbie costume, there's like probably about 10 seconds when the music stops and the camera guy's just recording. Like my friend usually records, my friend James. Great guy, but he's usually recording. There's like, there's a half a second between when the music turns off and he's recording. We look, we lock eyes and I'm soaking wet, just dripping in this Teletubbie costume and he's recording. And we kind of look at each other and we're just kind of like, we're here right now, which is crazy to think about. Like we're middle school, elementary school, middle school, high school. And you're, you're recording me just fucking impromptu casting couch porn style. I'm just standing here and we're just two, we're just two grown men locking eyes doing this. This is what we're doing today. But I, but I love it. Like I said, I love it. I've been thinking about how this, this little, I don't want to talk it up too much. Like it's like this crazy thing. Like by, by no means am I like fucking, some superstar. Like I still fucking work two jobs. Catch me working at the ice cream shop. I'm still a regular ass dude. But at some point, if I ever have kids, I'm gonna have to sit them down and be like, okay guys, your mom is probably gonna show you some videos or like your fucking uncle is gonna show you some videos of me wearing a Teletubbie costume. I'm gonna have to explain that to them eventually. So. What's the, what's the, what's it called? It's a footstep or something like that. I get the internet, something like that. Oh, your digital footprint? Digital footprint, yeah. Oh dude, my digital footprint's so fucked. Like, I think I've only posted one video where I was like, yeah, that shit's gotta come down. I'll say it here. My digital footprint's fucking, it's fucked. But there's a video that exists and I honestly, the only reason, the only way that this will face the internet is because probably somebody that I know sent it to people and then it just grazed the internet again. But for right now, it's fine. There's a video that I made to promote one of my songs. I'm wearing this Teletubbie costume and I made a sex tape. I'm still clothed, it's not fucking like, it's not weird. Okay, it's a little weird, but I'm not naked or anything. But I put some underwear on this Snorlax plushie that I have and I did like some 50 Shades of Grey shit with it and it was really fucking funny. Like, there was like fucking whipped cream and shit. It was hilarious. Oh no. It was so funny. I love that video. And like, the cinematography on it's like so cool. Like, I put like my shadow, like fucking whipping the Snorlax with like a chancla. Like, I was, it was so cool. But the next morning I woke up and my mom was like, hey, saw the video, you doing okay? Like, what are you doing? And like a couple other people had sent that and been like, dude, like, it's a little too far, man. Like, this is really weird. And I was like, fuck you guys. Like, this is amazing cinematography. Like, come on, like for real? Like this, I'm whipping the Snorlax over here. But fucking, I don't know who's in 50 Shades of Grey, but you guys fucking read that and don't have a problem. Seems like a good pick. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I was like, I fucking, I wasn't naked or anything, but fucking everybody else can be apparently. So, but that's the only thing. Yeah, I get worried sometimes. Like, I get worried that, you know, let's say that I end up getting like a high level position or something and then later they're just like, holy fuck, like, hold up. This guy used to do this shit on the internet, which honestly, I'm not doing anything too crazy. So, it's whatever, but I still think about it. I think that the number one thing that some people don't understand is that like satire humor is a way, way different kind of humor than most like, most like standups and like movies that you see and stuff like that. I think satire humor is my favorite, so. Oh, yeah. I would have thought that video was hilarious, to be honest, but. Wait, say that last part again. I would have hated to see that. I was saying that, like, I thought that video would have probably been hilarious. Like, just to see it pop up on my For You page, like, I would have been like, what the fuck is going on? But I would have been dying laughing, you know? Yeah, like, that's why I make most of my videos is like, people think it's funny. Like, it's, like, honestly, if you're not trying to be like negative towards any like group or anything, I like, even if like, there's like family guy negative or they're like, they're low-key kind of racist, but it's like, it's kind of fucking funny. Like, I'm not gonna like say that it's not. Like, if you say that it's not funny, like, you're kind of being a hard ass, you know? Yeah, oh, yeah. Dude, like, satirical humor is kind of funny. Plus, like, I don't know. I don't think we should really judge people off that. Like, who's your favorite, like, satirical actor? Like, for me, it's Jack Black. Does anybody else have one? I think that's a great start. I mean, Jack Black is crazy. I know, yeah, you can't beat that. He's always gonna be himself. Yeah, exactly. Like, Jack Black, what else was I fucking, who was it that I saw today? Who's the guy that laughs like, he's like, ha ha ha ha ha, that guy. Seth Rogen. Seth Rogen, I saw a post of him today where it's like, Seth Rogen says that he doesn't wanna fucking have kids. And in the comments, people were like, well, if I was your kid, I wouldn't wanna pothead as my father, blah, blah, blah, blah. It's like, he just said he didn't wanna fucking have kids, you weirdo. It's like, not that big of a fucking deal. Like, he's still a fucking guy. Like, he could still say shit. Like, he might be an actor that's like a pothead, but I doubt that he's like, chiefing like, one foot joints all the fucking time. Like, it's just the show. It's like, just whatever show he's on. It's like, not that big of a deal. Like, he could still work a regular job. Like, he's still a human. Or like, who's another guy? Like, James Franco. James Franco, like, is probably just a regular ass dude off camera, but, you know, people might give him a little bit of a hard time for whatever the fuck. I'm trying to think of somebody that like, had a controversy over some like, dumb shit. People get canceled too often, man. I'll stand by that till the day that I fucking die. Like, people get canceled for some dumb shit. Oh yeah. I think like, honestly, if, unless you're like, really harming somebody, like, you can harm a community with the words that you say. Like, don't get me wrong. I don't want to fucking get canceled by saying that I can't get canceled. Like, yeah, that'd be a total backfire. It's like, I think cancel culture's fucking dumb. And then next thing you know. But, you know, some things are literally just jokes. I really think that we should just bring that back. Like, they're just jokes. We could chill out. Like, it's not that big of a deal. Like, I'd gander to say, most of the things that we all said as children at the fucking lunch table, or like, with our friends, would get us canceled. Like, the game chat. I don't know if you guys play video games or have played video games on TV. We probably said some fucking crazy shit on Xbox Live. Mm-hmm. I've said that shit in person. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. Also, too, like, cancel culture kind of benefits certain companies. I think a big one for me was, I don't really know the SNL stuff, but I don't know if you guys watch, Gillis? Shane Gillis. Do you guys know who that is? Amazing, amazing stand-up comedian. I love him. Yeah, dude, he's absolutely amazing. But you're telling me that SNL didn't want to put him on because of, like, something he said on a podcast. I don't know exactly what he said, and I might be totally eating my words, so I'll preface that. I don't know the whole full situation, but what I do know is he was canceled by something he said on his podcast. I don't know what he said. SNL fired him off of their show, but then, what was it, like, last week, they let him back on the show because now he's popping? Like, what kind of fucking crazy dick writing is that from SNL? Yeah. That's, like, so blatant where it's like, SNL literally was like, oh, it's fucking horrible. Like, we can't be around this fucking, this weird-ass Republican. And then next thing you know, they're like, actually, now that he's kind of, you know, might get us some views, come on back, buddy. Like, really? Like, that's kind of, like, if anything should be canceled, it should be that. It should fucking, let's stop dick writing. Let's make dick writing illegal. Yeah. But. I get what you mean. You said you recently got that new suit. Do you have anything coming up or anything you're looking forward to? I want to drop a little project soon. Oh, okay, it's easier. All right. I haven't decided what it's gonna be yet, but I do know that it's gonna be kind of, it's gonna be a little bit of a love story. All right. But I want it to follow, like, chronologically. Like, I want the first song in the project to be the beginning of something, of whatever story. I want the last song to kind of be, like, a clear end. And of course, like, every album ever, every project ever is probably kind of like that. But I want this to have, like, really clear cuts of, like, when you listen through it, you're kind of getting told a story. But I don't want it to be too storytelling-ish, if that makes sense. Yeah, with some early imagination. Yeah, exactly, exactly. But I still want it to tell the story that I want it to tell, but not too blatantly. But I'm excited. Like I said, I mix and record everything myself. I, on occasion, have people work with me. My main engineer being Nick Johnson in Albuquerque. He's helped me out so much. A lot of my songs have been mixed and mastered fully by him. And he does absolutely amazing work. One of the best engineers that I know. But now he lives in Albuquerque, I live here, and I'm challenging myself with mixing and mastering my own stuff. Even though it's really, really hard to do, I challenge myself with doing that. And I know I'm going to keep at it. And I want to do the project by myself. With the production, of course, I can't forget the producers, but producers that I find, like, on YouTube are producers that I know. Yeah, we definitely seem determined, so we'll be looking forward to that. Yeah, dude, I'm super excited to get that started. Also, I'm just excited for TikTok stuff that I'm going to keep coming out with, because I didn't think I was going to like posting videos every day, but I kind of do. I didn't think I was going to like it, but it's kind of the shit. Good, you're enjoying it. I know some people can get tired of it. Yeah, like, it's hard to get a video out every day, but it's, I don't know, the opportunities, like, being able to be on this podcast, which, by the way, I didn't say it, but thank you guys so much for reaching out to me. Like, this has been great. Of course. It's been fun. It's opportunities like these that are like, damn, if I keep going, like, who knows? Like, I don't know. Last year, I didn't think I was going to be doing this shit, and who knows what's going to happen now, you know? So I just like to keep going. Yeah, I mean, we're looking forward to it. I just want to say thank you for coming on. Honestly, I reached out to you. I had no clue you were going to respond. I was like, you know what? Let's see if this Telly W guy responds to me. You know, fuck it. I like his music. I mean, we all kind of knew who you were at the time, and we were like, fuck it. Let's see if you respond. Texted you, went to bed, woke up. He texted back. I was like, holy shit. We can actually put something in motion with this guy. So I want to say thank you. I've mentioned a few people, obviously. I won't say who, but like, obviously some people aren't as humble as you, and will just see it and not respond. So I want to say thank you to you for responding and coming on with us. It's been amazing having you. You're like a stand-up guy, and it's been great having you, dude. Thank you, man. You know, when I saw your DM, I was like, you know, you told me that it was you and your friends, and I was like, honestly, that's really fucking cool. Like, if me and my friends had a podcast, it'd be fun just like this, you know? It's been a fucking great time talking with all you guys. And yeah, no, I'm really glad that this was able to work out. Like I said, I'm sorry that I wasn't able to get this going right away, but I knew that I was going to. But thank you guys for working with me. No, for sure. I mean, thanks for sharing your story, man. Yeah, it's been nice. Oh, where are you guys based out of? Cali, I don't know what I want to say. Yeah, we're in like the Fresno area. Yeah, we're from Fresno. Where's that? Oh, thank you, Zachary. In California? No. Yeah, if you live in Fresno, it's- Let me pull up on a map real quick. It's closer to like Bakersfield. Yeah, Fresno, California, Bakersfield. Like, it's kind of like dead center. Yeah, we're far from all the exciting stuff. Where nobody wants to be at. Yeah, I mean, we're kind of bored. Bakersfield. I don't know, because like ever since I moved here, you guys got a town for every fucking two steps. You take two steps and you're in some other fucking town that makes- Honestly, too, you guys are crazy, because in California, people are like, oh, I'm from fucking Riverside. And it's like, shut the fuck up. Like, you're two miles away from where I'm at, fucking idiot. Like, it's not fucking prestigious where you're at. Like, it's just a fucking town, because you guys, I don't know, decided to fucking segregate for some reason. Yeah, welcome to Cali, bro. It sucks here. Yeah, it does. Bakersfield. Well, if you guys ever end up in Southern California area, I'd love to meet up with you guys. I love doing crazy shit. So if you guys literally have any idea of some crazy shit that you think might be like a little too far, like, I'm so down for that. You guys have no fucking idea. We're gonna watch you do that. It was sweet. We'll find something. Yeah, we will. Definitely. And also too, like, and just like kind of spitballing while I have you guys here. It's funny that you guys said, like, did you guys do acting and stuff like that. For a while now, I've wanted to start doing more, what's the word? Have you guys seen, well, of course you guys have seen, like, The Office. At least one of y'all have seen The Office before. Oh, yeah, obviously. Or have you guys seen, what's the one where it's kind of like The Office, but it's shot with cops? Oh, Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Not Brooklyn Nine-Nine. I have seen Brooklyn Nine-Nine, but it's like Reno 9-1-1. Oh, yeah, I've seen that one. Or Trailer Park Boys. I've seen that, yeah. It's really funny. Bro, I'd love to do some shit like that. Count me in, I'm down. If you guys are fucking ever open to doing something like that, I am 1,000% think that we can make that happen. I would love to at least just, like, do some shit like that. And it doesn't even need to be, like, high budget. Like, I am a firm, firm, firm, firm, firm believer in, like, you can create literally anything you want with what you have at your disposal right now. So, if you guys ever got any ideas like that, reach out to me. I would love to do that. And if I come up with anything, I'd love to reach out to you guys and see if you guys would be open to doing that. For sure. Let's go through JV's sketch and see what we find. Yeah. Some weird shit. I'm still trying to figure out where Baker's field is at. Every single picture on Google Images looks like a fucking satellite footage of wherever. I don't know. It looks like a fucking terrorist hideout in the Middle East. Like, I can't find, like, a good photo. What's that place? Yeah, I said look up Fresno, but I don't know if I wanna give you that visual of Fresno. Fresno, California. All the crack heads are terrible. Yeah, you'd know. I don't know, dude. I think Albuquerque, New Mexico would have a run for your money, dude. They go at it there, man. Okay, so it's Northern California. Okay, that makes sense. Yeah. There y'all go, segregating shit again. Not in California, sonny. Yeah, in this picture, they just have red and blue. I was like, okay, nice one, fucking whoever made that. That's Fresno. That's Fresno. Interesting. Yeah, it's crazy. I don't mean to diss Fresno or anything like that, but it kinda just looks like, it doesn't look like California, but it's crazy that you guys probably still pay Californian prices. Yeah, a little more probably than I think. Yeah, if anything, it's higher here. Why? I don't know. It's just crazy to me. Albuquerque, we got like, and I don't wanna rep Albuquerque, but I'm only saying, I used to hate Albuquerque. I used to hate Albuquerque, but then I moved here, and I was like, God, I really miss my $2.50 gas. Like, I really miss it. Yeah, that would be nice. But now it's like, it's sick. Every day I get a wake up, and I get to fucking be in traffic, and like, I can't tell you how much, like, I don't even care, but I've pissed in my car publicly so many times being stuck in traffic. It happens, it happens. Like, it's, I've, yeah. I don't even care, like, at this point. I've pissed, I've shit before, like, while the car's still moving. Like, if anybody ever sees me on the road, there's a 90% chance I don't even have pants on. I see why you needed the new suit. Yeah, dude, like, that thing's a towel. I fucking, I'll piss in it. I don't care. Just don't do that. I'll give you guys the fucking message right now. And this is purely educational, so you can't get demonetized for that. This is for anybody that gets trapped in their car in traffic and really needs to pee. And the reason why it's educational is because you can't pull off the side of the road, and it's dangerous to, have you guys ever really had to pee really bad? And it's like, you're not really even driving at that point. It's kind of survival mode. Like, you start driving crazy. Accidents can happen, literally. So the best way to pee in your car without fucking, like, like, scrouching over and, like, you know, when, like, if you have to pee in a car on a road trip, you have to be like, okay, everybody look away. And then you fucking gotta find a bottle. For me, you gotta find, like, I don't know, like, a really fucking big bottle, because my dick's huge. And, so you gotta fucking, like, I don't know. Like, I guess normal people just open, like, a water bottle. For me, I have to, like, saw a fucking tall boy in half, and then I could stick my dick through that hole. But with, with, on the freeway, you can't really do that. So I actually, and I don't do this too often, so nobody judge me, but if you really need to go, you have a trash bag, okay? And you get the end of the trash bag, and you wrap that around your dick, and then you could pee, okay? All the water's gonna be contained in the trash bag. You don't have to get up. You don't really even have to look, as long as you know where your dick's at. And you just wrap it up, and you drive to wherever you need to go. Everybody's smiling. Like, I don't know. I feel like it's- Next road trip, guys. Next road trip, we're trying that. Yeah, I mean, it just sounds more convenient than stopping. Exactly, exactly. It can work for, well, it's like, I don't know if girls could do it. But. That'd be rough. Well, okay, okay, I'm gonna say something. I'm gonna say something, too, okay? I feel like if I was a girl, and I had to pee, why don't you pee standing up? You know, like, let's be real. We've all gotten up at fucking 3 a.m. We all got dicks, which I recently found out. We all got different stream patterns. For me, I think somehow, well, I know what happened. One of my dick-ass friends probably kicked me in the dick at one point, and now my fucking piss kinda comes out in like a sprayer mode. You know, like those lawn things, where it's like, you got the stream, you got the shower. Mine kinda comes out in the whole fan-type thing. I hate to give you guys this visual. I'll shut up if you guys need me to, but I'm really just getting these ideas out. I think it's necessary for the story. I'll tell you something. It's kind of like a fan-type thing, but, fuck, I forgot where I was going. Oh, okay, yeah, this is where I was going with this. It was like kind of a fan-type motion, but, and I don't know if anybody else has this, anybody listening has this, but you're gonna get pee on yourself. At the end of the day, you're gonna get some fucking piss on yourself, and if I was a girl, I wouldn't mind just peeing down my leg. I said it. You could just clean it up. Plus, why is it when you get a snake bite, doctors tell you to piss on it? It's because your pee's sterile. It's not that bad. And also, too, if people are like, oh, don't pee on yourself, it's gonna smell. Well, if your fucking piss smells that bad, I got some news for you. You shouldn't be worried about pissing down your leg. You should be worried about drinking more water, bitch. I don't know. Yeah, you're right. I'm glad I got you guys to bounce these off. I, what's it called? Recently lost my healthcare, so they took my therapy away from me. So really, this is, I should be paying you guys for this, because this has been very therapeutic for me. I'm really glad that I got these ideas out. My advice is make that bag like a scrub daddy type thing, you know? Oh no, I was just about to say, anybody that uses this idea that I just had, I will, oh my God, you'll have a Teletubby in your house ready to kill you. I don't know. If Mark Cuban fucking steals this idea, I'll kill him at a Mavericks game. I don't give a fuck. No one will be there at the Mavericks game. You'll be fine. Exactly, nobody will see it. It's the cleanest assassination ever. It's like shooting him into a deserted field. Yeah, for real. The bullet coming from my gun will be the first shot that's ever been made in a Mavericks stadium. Yeah, he's got a point. Preach the line on everything. He's got a point. But yeah, no, that's a trademark for my care. I'll just say right now, fucking piss on the go, Pigo. Fuck. I don't know. Is it public indecency to piss in your own vehicle on the road where people can see you? No. I feel like it's not, because your vehicle is your own domain. And I mean, maybe for me, cause like whenever I fucking whip my dick out, I mean, people are probably gonna see it because it's so big. But for like normal people, maybe you could do it discreetly, I don't know. So you'll be fine. Yeah, I'll be fine. You can even have like a Magnum size. Like you got like the white trash bags are for everyone else. And the black trash bags can be like the Magnum ones. And those are for me. Heavy duty. Yeah, heavy duty, yeah. Yeah, I don't know. And then I'm still working on how to shit while you're moving. But I definitely have done a similar method for that. I haven't really figured out how to do that while driving with nobody like seeing you, but I'm still working on it. As long as you're on the way. I mean, we need a solution soon. Yeah, just off the top of the dome, fucking ass catheter, I think would be cool. I'm pretty sure that's just a butt plug with like a hose strapped to it. They would love that. I would. Yeah, I don't know. I feel like butt plugs are becoming a little bit more accepted now. I went to a rave the other day because raves here in San Bernardino, they happen like a lot. And I usually don't go to raves, but I saw this girl wearing basically nothing, which you go, awesome, good for you. But she had this butt plug that had a, in her, it was in her ass, that had a fan on it. Like a propeller, like she was an airplane. Fuck. And I was like, honestly, that shit's pretty cool. I was like, I don't know if she custom made them. Cause while it was like going, like it had lights on it that said something. I forgot what it said. Cause I literally was like, holy fuck. Like, I don't know how I'm going to rip this out of her ass without her knowing. Cause I want it. But yeah, like I was thinking, I was like, can I time the fucking fan right? So I can kind of just out of her ass. But yeah, but I don't know. I think the butt plugs are becoming a little bit more, a little bit more acceptable, just right off the dome. I think this is already created. Bluetooth butt plug, music on the go. Keep it with you while running. I wonder if you can hear it in your head while it's in your ass. I was about to say, the AirPods are going out of style because the AirPods, what's it called? They apparently like give you your brain cancer because I mean, we kind of all knew this. I think just last week, Apple was like, don't be charging your phone while you sleep because it might get too hot. And I was like, yeah, right, fucking Steve Jobs. That shit definitely is giving me superpowers. So that's why I put the charger in my ass now. I'm concerned for myself now. That thing's definitely, I think it's all bad for us. I think it's all bad for us, but that's okay. Cause we kind of known that. I don't know if anybody else does this, but I feel like sometimes there's definitely one thing that we all use where later in our lives, we're going to be like, holy fuck, I wish I would have known that was cancerous at the time. Cause I think back then people were fucking like, what's the thing that they used to put for insulation on the walls? That's like crazy cancerous. What's it called? Asbestos. Everybody was like, oh, asbestos, great. Like insulate the walls with that shit. And then now they're like, holy fuck, that shit was really, really fucking cancerous. We shouldn't have ever done that. There's definitely one thing that we got that every single one of us talking right now that we use, that is our asbestos. Yeah, I got air pods on right now, I'm fucked. Yeah, I don't know. It could be the air pods. It could be, I don't know. I'm trying to look around my room and see like what possibly could be in here that can just absolutely nuke my ass. There's a little bit of everything. Honestly, yeah. I wish the comic books were right with like radiation being true. Because honestly, with the amount of editing that I do, I'd be a superhero. Because I'm around like every single piece of electronics ever. Yeah, no, honestly, I'd be like Superman at that point. But instead, I got the power of singing in a shower wearing a Teletubbie costume. But that's a pretty cool one too, I guess. Got that at the end of the deal. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Honestly, yeah, he's pretty dumb. He's, I mean, come on. Can he fit in a bag while driving? Probably fucking not. He can try. For real, I don't know. Out of just curiosity, do you boys watch anime? Oh yeah, I'm a little bit. What have you been starting with? I just recently started Cowboy Bebop. It's been cool so far. I'm like 15 episodes in maybe. Okay, okay. I haven't seen that one, but I've heard a lot about it. I actually just was gonna buy the manga today, but I didn't. Oh, really? Yeah, anybody else watch anime? I watch all of Tokyo Ghoul. I've watched all of One Punch Man. And then I'm barely starting Attack on Titan because I've heard- Why didn't I know that? It's like you've never talked about it. It's one thing I hide away. That's what I was kind of leading into. It's like today, I went to go, I left some manga and I just started reading manga. I don't wanna be like, I left the mass amounts of fucking hentai in my car and people fucking thought I was weird. I left like, it's My Hero Academia. I left that in my car and my coworker saw it. She was like, what the fuck? Like you're reading porn? It's like, chill the fuck out. And like you said, it's like I was hiding it. It's like, time to come out of the closet, guys. Anime is okay to watch. It is okay. I might eat my words on that because maybe 20 years from now, that shit might get canceled and then I'd be like, holy fuck, Y Care was totally down with that shit, fucking weirdo. But for right now in 2024, we thought it was fine. I mean, I get why people might like wanna hide it because I will preface, if anybody should be mad at anybody, they shouldn't be mad at the anime watchers. They should be mad at these fucking writers and illustrators that are fucking putting like absolute milk cannons on these bitches. Like, oh God, it's not even my fault. Like, okay, I tried putting my girl on anime and we watched a really good anime, but I had to tell her after like, we watched like three of them and we'd start at the beginning of them. Like, for example, I tried watching Chainsaw Man with her and she was like, you're telling me that this guy's entire existence, I don't know, have you guys seen Chainsaw Man? I wanna watch that. I've heard a lot of good things about it. I won't say too much, but there's just a lot of boobs. Like, and the dude's really pervy, but everybody likes it. They think it's really cool. And sometimes you have to kind of look past that kind of stuff because there might be some character development behind those triple G boobs. Maybe, you don't know. But they might. It's kind of like Game of Thrones. Oh my God, dude, you're hitting home with some of these things. I got another fucking story about Game of Thrones, dude. Okay, this weekend I sat my ass down on my girlfriend's couch. She has three roommates. And I don't know, after the whole anime debacle where every time her roommates would come downstairs and pass by the TV and be like, why the fuck are you guys watching a fucking flying 21 year old woman with G size fucking boobs in her fucking swim, or is she wearing a swimsuit? It was just my hero academia. But anyways, my ass was like, okay, we're going to watch Game of Thrones because I saw the South Park re-edition of Game of Thrones. And I was like, this was really funny. I bet you Game of Thrones was really funny. Have you guys seen the South Park episode about Game of Thrones? Yeah. Oh yeah. Well, it's nothing fucking like Game of Thrones. Yeah. Yeah. At all. Dude, it's a lot worse. Within like, we were just watching it and my fucking jaw dropped. I was like, you've got fucking siblings over here giving crazy back shots in a watchtower. I thought that was crazy. Dude, there was so much to unpack. And I could talk so much about the first episode. I watched nothing else of that. Cause I was like, this shit's just porn. This shit's just porn with a lot of porn filler. It's just porn. At this point, it's like any woman that, and on it, okay. Sorry, I almost went too far. Any woman that gets mad at a man for watching porn, which I will preface with saying, I don't watch porn. Personally, I think porn's bad, but I'm not gonna hank on anybody that does watch porn. But any woman specifically, that gets mad at a dude for watching porn, but later goes watches Game of Thrones, it's just the same shit. Except Game of Thrones has better porn acting. You got a point. Yeah. Any of those Pizza Man videos where the dude's like, ding dong, ha ha, I got a fucking sausage pizza for you. I bet you people would really fucking like that if there was some plot behind it. I don't know. Like if, maybe put some, maybe put, I don't know, Jason Statham as the pizza guy. And off the top of the dome, Jessica Alba as the girl answering the door. People might be like, holy fuck, this is an amazing fucking movie and the director is a fucking genius. I don't know, I don't know, just an idea. Oscar, really? But Game of Thrones, I don't think, I'm not gonna forgive all the parents that were like, what do you, like I can't tell you how many times that my friend's parents, when we were, we'd be eating dinner and they're like, okay, we're gonna go watch Game of Thrones. Fucking close the door. I don't know what kind of freak shit they were doing in there, but honestly, like, anybody that was doing any fucking weird Game of Thrones role play or like watching Game of Thrones and that was turning them on, I think they should really sit back and be like, we're fucking weirdos. I mean, I honestly like, I'm so slow. I'm so slow that later, my friends were like, cause you guys know about the scene that I'm talking about. Have you guys seen the Game of Thrones? Have you guys seen Game of Thrones? I haven't. Well, there's a scene where this little kid fucking climbs up this watchtower, right? Climbs up the watchtower and then he's like fucking, the subtitles were literally like aggressive moaning. And I was like, oh, fucking really? And they fucking go up there and the fucking prince and the queen are going at it. And I was like, okay, all right. And then it wasn't until later when somebody was like, oh, they were actually related. And I was like. Oh no. What the fuck? It's honestly, okay. Not to defend it or anything, cause it is pretty bad in the first couple of seasons. It does get better in terms of like sexual content. The story gets better. It gets better. Until season seven. Until season seven, okay. Until season seven, all right. Season seven is when it just kind of drops off again. But story-wise, it's good. There's a lot of like good shit behind all the scenes. But I can see what you mean. Cause I showed my fiance Game of Thrones for the first time. And even she was like, what the fuck is this? Like, what am I watching? I don't know, man. I mean, you were like, it gets better at season seven. But there's, okay. Each episode's an hour long. And I don't, like, you watch what? 240 hours of fucking like knights in fucking shining armor just going, just sword fighting with their dicks. I don't know how it gets any better. I maybe, well, I can't watch it. I can't watch it. I can't watch it with a straight face. It's like euphoria all over again, dude. I used to watch euphoria in my living room. And then at one point, I literally had to be like, well, what's the blonde girl's name in euphoria? I forget her name. Cassie. Well, what's her actress's name? Sydney Sweeney. You were quick to that. I thought that was my bad, man. I was like, what was her name? She said, Sydney Sweeney. It's Sydney Sweeney. I didn't finish the question. Somebody's got to check his phone. He's running a Sydney Sweeney fucking fan account on his side. Three of them, actually. Oh. Yeah, dude. Great show. I'm not going to hank on anybody that was in the show, but personally, I'd watch the show and her fucking boobs were on the fucking screen the entire time. And it was hard to explain where I was like, mom, it's got some good, they talk about drugs and stuff and not to do them. And at some point, I just had to be like, okay, I'm going to go watch this in my room, fucking in pitch dark with my phone two inches away from my face. So, I don't know. Have you guys seen Euphoria? I have. I've watched it all, too. Did you have a similar experience of being like, what the fuck am I watching right now? Especially because my fiance told me that, I mean, one of her favorite actresses is Zendaya. So I was like, yeah, let's watch it. I've heard a lot of good things about it. We put it on and I was not ready for the amount of shit that was going on. I mean, literally within the first couple episodes, I remember like, how far are you in? I don't want to like spoil it for you, just in case you keep watching it. Oh no, I've seen the whole thing. Trust me. I wasn't going to fucking see Sidney Sweeney jerk off on a fucking merry-go-round and not watch the rest of it. Yeah. No, but like within the first couple episodes, you see like one of the main, I'm not spoiling it for anybody, but one of the main characters' fathers is literally going down on like one of the main characters in general. And you're just like, what the fuck am I watching? Yeah, dude, there is like, also too like, and mind me if I fucking have gone too far and I'll leave it up to you guys. If you guys listen back to this thing, you're like, do me a favor and just be like, he probably doesn't want that on the internet. Just go ahead and chop that off. But I'm having a great time. But there's a scene in there where, and you probably have seen it, where the main character's dad, where he like meets the girl in the hotel room. And I thought shit was just going to go to pound town, but instead he fucking tries to stick his whole fucking like forearm down her throat. I was like, what the fuck? I was like, who's got this fetish where it's like, damn, she looks really fine. I bet she could fit my entire forearm down her throat and people are probably like, yeah, she probably could. And then he literally fucking tries to do it like with his arm. It was the weirdest thing. I can't get that out of my head. It's like, what the fuck? I don't know. I was saying those writers were on one. I mean, I haven't watched the show fully, but I would get like to talk and stuff like that about what's going on in the show, like Twitter. Every time I take a look at it, it's always like something really bad was going on or something very sexual was going on. And I was like, all right, so this is Game of Thrones all over again. I don't know guys. I think maybe real adults, I'm not a real adult, but I feel like adults might just like watching porn. I think there might be a large untapped market of that. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. You guys got me in a rant about the Game of Thrones thing. Cause like, imagine to my surprise where I was like, Game of Thrones is an amazing literary work that fucking J.R.R. Tolkien had the sprinkles of creativeness in. My friends' parents love watching this show and then fucking later it's just fucking medieval backshots. I think that's what it should be called. Medieval backshot. Yeah, I think so. Sounds like a Pornhub page, Jesus. Yeah, I also, I have intellectual property over medieval backshots. I will take that. And while we're here, I'm also going to steal sorority toes cause I'm working on that. I don't know. I feel like this might be like an ancient work of text that they might go back. And this is, this is where Y Care fucking founded sorority toes. Founded here, gotta be a part of it. Honestly, I think we might be on some ground. Yep, yep. Those, there'll be professors that talk about me. Oh, most definitely. To wrap things up, kinda. I always wanted us to go over. I think I'm gonna separate that into the back. I need to take a look at that. To simmer this therapy session down. There we go. I wanted to talk about the poll answers. Cause we have YK here, obviously. Song to sing in the shower. Cause you know, he obviously sings in the shower. The song I wanted to go with was sent in by my mom. Mom, if you're listening to this. She's, I don't know what to say. She sent in Baby by Justin Bieber. I grew up on that song. I know Jane Adam, they know I had like the Justin Bieber haircut for like four years straight. I sent you every song, like straight up, like back to back. I went to go watch the Never Say Never movie. I was in that shit. So like, I'm a straight believer since day one. I love that song. And I also sing in the shower so many times. So yeah, that's my song. Adam, what was yours? Yeah, that's a good one. The one I liked was by Diego Dickinson. He submitted I Want It That Way. Just a super fun song. I mean, if you hear it, you're gonna start singing it. If you hear somebody else singing it, you're gonna start singing it. It's just one of those songs you can't avoid. So, shit's in the shower and you're singing it. I mean, I'm sure you're belting it out. Man, I've heard Jaden. He's started that song so many times. He tries to get Joby on and then it's just a whole virus. Everybody's singing it all of a sudden. But that's just a fun one. So Diego, thank you for that one. Joby, what about you? Oh, you said yours already. Jake, what about you? Mine was sent in by Matt, which is Adam's brother. Smoking Out the Window by Silk Sonic. Silk Sonic is a timeless, timeless, timeless duo. And I'll always back them, because they're so good. Smoking Out the Window, especially that song. That one's a real hit right there for me. I sing it drunk at a party. I'll sing it in the shower. I'll always sing that song no matter what. It's non-skip for me. Why Care? What song did you choose? This one was sent in by Jordan Urban 27. He chose Bad Habit by Steve Lacey. Really great song. Steve Lacey's an amazing artist who definitely encapsulates doing what he could with what he had. I think I saw a small video of him saying that he recorded a decent amount of his songs on GarageBand. Thought that was really cool. And seeing him come from that to where he is now, it's really, really respectable. That's pretty cool. I didn't know that. I think he just had some headphones or something. He just went at it. But it's a really, I don't think he recorded that song with it, but he's recorded some of his songs with it. And it's really, really cool. I think I actually saw that on his TED Talk. Oh, shit. That's inspiring, for real. Yeah, it's really cool. Kind of to wrap things up, I want to say, Why Care, thank you for coming on. And we might take you up on that idea you said for us doing stuff more together. We'd love to have you on again. We had a great time with you. We also recently- I had a great time too. Thank you guys so much for choosing me to be here. It was really, really fun. To be honest with you, I knew that I was gonna do this podcast tonight, but as I was planning on my night later, I was like, hmm, what the fuck am I gonna do? I'm really glad that I got to share some laughs with you guys. You guys were great. Dude, of course, Juan. We loved having you on. Thank you, thank you. We'd love to have you back on again. We recently just started up a YouTube channel. So I mean, we can make something happen, do a little collab in May. I'll be back, officially back in Cali for a little bit. So maybe we can plan something going on right there. It'd be pretty fun. Yeah, dude, I'd love to. Don't be afraid to reach out, you know, any of you guys to do any creative things. Like I said, I love doing fucking dumb shit. I really love doing it. So if you guys have anything that, you know, rides along those lines, I would be more than happy to be involved. I'm sure we have plenty. Oh yeah. But to wrap this all up, like I said, thank you. And I'm gonna do a little outro right now. So I've been Jovi. I've been Adam. And I've been Jaden. I'm Wyker. Thank you again, Wyker, for joining us. And thank you everybody for listening. If this is your first time, go ahead and listen to the other videos. Shout out Wyker a little more. Go follow him on TikTok. Go follow him on Instagram. We'll definitely promote him and at him in all of our social media. But yeah, thank you again, bro. You were fucking amazing as one of our first guests, bro. Like, this is great. This is awesome. I'll never get over it. Thank you guys. Your words were inspiring. You're a very humble guy, super genuine. And we, like Jovi said, we would love to have you on again. But thank you so much. Yes, sir. All right. Good night, everybody. Good night, good night.